Man pages for tlcaputi/tlcPack
Functions for Theodore Caputi

abbTake abbreviation - translates a string into its abbreviation
abbvExtract abbreviations from parentheses in a string
acanAs numeric, then as character
anAs numeric
avsapplyMake sapply into a vector
basicCleanBasic clean - specific for track project (see code)
bind_dataBind data from all school-meets in CSV. This was necessary to...
c0Make it acceptable for the c() function to end in a comma
c2fCSV to Feather (if necessary) - this is an omnibus...
cdChange Directory
cleanDataComprehensively clean/standardize data - run the function to...
data.frame0Make it acceptable for the data.frame() function to end in a...
dichNADichotomize with NAs
fnFinderFind the first name. Split up all the words by spaces. If...
grepl0Advanced grepl - this was an attempt to make grepl a bit more...
grepl_allWordsgrepl for all words - one function to look for all words in a...
hypFinderFind the hyphen. Look for a hyphenated name. If a hyphenated...
isidIs ID? Equivalent to Stata function isid()
is.na0Is NA or NULL? If so, TRUE. Otherwise, FALSE. Helpful because...
letters_onlyDoes string contain letters only? If so, it returns TRUE....
list0Make it acceptable for the list() function to end in a comma
lnFinderFind the last name. Split up all words by spaces. If there is...
load_packagesLoad Packages - this just makes it easy to load all the...
meetNavigate to meet in using meetID
more.than.1.leagueThere is more than one unique value in the vector
more.than.two.diff.leagueThere are more than two elements different from the most...
most.common.leagueMost common league - the most common vector in a list
na_omitThis function removes all NAs from a vector.
na_omit0Advanced NA omit - removes "NA", "NULL" and, if...
numbers_onlyDoes string contain numbers only? If so, it returns TRUE....
numWordsHow many words in this string? (Based upon a split of " ")
ok.commaMake it acceptable for a function to end in a comma
over.80.percentOver 80 percent of the elements in a vector are the same
predict_expandPredict and Expand
print0Custom print with systime - prints whatever you'd like, but...
read_feather0This is a wrapper for the read_feather function. It returns a...
read.pipeRead Pipe Delimited Files
read.spss0Read SPSS File
remove_articlesRemove articles and other small words (and/of/for/in/the)...
select0select0 - this is a wrapper for dplyr::select that returns a...
separate0Separate a single column into many columns by a delimiter. If...
sort_ncharSort a vector of strings by number of characters
ssThis function creates a table of summary statistics.
strcountCount the number of times the pattern appears
teText exists: Is this text in this vector? For example, is "A"...
testInsideTest what's in the list
testOutsideTest what's not in the list
track_abbTrack abbreviations - this adds a few suffixes to league...
tx_league_abbvTexas T&F league abbreviations - takes abbreviations of Texas...
uUnique - exactly unique(), just shorter
unique00Unique with na.omit and as.numeric option. This is just an...
wnTake only numbers before the decimal. "43890.478943" turns to...
wordExistsIs this pattern in the string (Logical) - just like grepl
xvarsSelect variables of a dataset if they exist. Basically, this...
yrFunFix years: Some years are pretty obviously incorrect. If the...
tlcaputi/tlcPack documentation built on March 25, 2020, 12:55 p.m.