Man pages for tmcd82070/EoAR
Evidence of Absence Regression (EoAR)

agrestiCoullPhatAgresti-Coull adjustment to binomial proportion
avgPersistCompute average carcass persistence
bayesPhatBaysian estimation to binomial proportion using a conjugate...
bayesPiVectorBaysian estimation of a multinomial proportion vector...
calcGwithKcalcGwithK - Calculate eoa's g value
checkIsAutocorrelatedcheckIsAutocorrelated - Check whether MCMC chains are...
checkIsConvergedcheckConvergence - Check the convergence of a mcmc.list...
coef.eoarcoef.eoar - Coefficient extractor for EoAR models.
compVagueSdcompVagueSd - Compute sD's of vague priors
eoareoar - Evidence of Absence Regression model estimation.
estimateL.EoAestimateL.EoA - Estimate rate parameter Lambda for a...
estimateM.EoAestimateM.EoA - Estimate mortalities using a classic EoA...
getFleetGgetFleetG - Compute all-site (fleetwide) Evidence of Absence...
labels.eoarlabels.eoar - Extract parameter labels from 'eoar' objects.
mixtureBetaCalculate parameters of a composite beta distribution arising...
plot.eoarplot.eoar - Plot rate estimates from an 'eoar' model
plot.MestPlot M posterior distribution
print.eoaprint.eoar - Print a Evidence of Absence Regression model
summary.eoarsummary.eoar - summary method for EoAR objects
update.eoarupdate.eoar - Update method for EoAR objects
tmcd82070/EoAR documentation built on July 13, 2021, 5:52 p.m.