Man pages for tnaake/apoptosisQuantification
Assessment of apoptosis and necroptosus unsing proteomics

apoptosisQuantification-packageAssessment of apoptosis and necroptosus unsing proteomics
calculateProportionOfMitochondrialProteinsCalculate contribution of mitochondrial proteins
combineLoadingsCombine the loadings/calculate the length of loading vectors
createLoadingsTblCreate a tibble containing the loading values for marker and...
decoupleFeaturesCalculate score values using decoupleR/run_wmean
getLoadingsOfMarkersGet PCA loadings of marker features
performWilcoxonTestPerform the Wilcoxon rank sum and signed rank tests on...
permuteFeaturesCalculate score values by calculating difference between...
plotECDFPlot empirical cumulative distribution function of loading...
plotHistogramPlot the histogram (distribution) of loading values
plotPCAandLoadingsPlot PCA and loadings of markers and non-markers
plotProportionOfMitochondrialProteinsPlot proportion of mitochondrial proteins
plotSampleScoresPlot the contamination scores of samples
plotViolinPlot the distribution of loading values via a violin plot
prepareTblHelper function to create the output of createLoadingsTbl
readMarkersLoad a file with known markers linked to apoptosis or...
splitNamesSplit the names when separated by ;
tnaake/apoptosisQuantification documentation built on Feb. 20, 2022, 5:37 p.m.