uniquity2: Estimating biotic uniqueness of biological samples

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) Examples


This algorithm uniquity estimates the uniqueness of a set of communities


uniquity2(sstable, classes = NULL, weights = NULL, presabs = TRUE,
  background_sites = 50, rep = 50, non_correspondence = TRUE,
  total_coverage = 0)



a data.frame with with a species/site matrix (or an OTU table) that has sites/samples as columns and species/OTUs as rows, and observations as presence/absence data or abundance data.


a list (dataframe) assigning samples to a set of unique classes (e.g. habitat-types). Each class represents an exclusive proportion af the investigated total area). (data.frame should contain these column names: site, class). If no classes are supplied, each samples is assigned to a unique class, and these will receive equal weights.


a list (dataframe) with the weight (proportion of total) of each class. (data.frame should contain these column names: class, weight). If no weights are supplied, classes are assigned equal weights.


TRUE/FALSE. reduce species/site matrix to presence absence (0/1). Default is TRUE


any positive number. The number of background sites to construct for counting the number of unique species/OTUs of the sample/site in focus (i.e the uniquity of the site/sample). each each compare. If background_sites < 1, the algorithm uses that proportion of the sites investigated as the number of background sites. If background_sites =>1, that absolute number of background sites wll be constructed. Default is 0.66 (=66% of samples/sites)


any positive integer. The number of replicates pr site evaluation. (i.e. the number of times to construct a pool of background sites for evaluating each site/sample). Default is 100.


TRUE/FALSE. If set to TRUE non-matching entries (classes, weights, sites) will be removed from the dataet. If set to FALSE, non non-matching entries will throw an error. Can be usefull for subsetting data, as subsetting will only be necessary in one part of the data (species-site table)


any number from 0 to 1. The fraction of total area investigated. If set to 0 the supplied weights will be used, unless the total weight exceeds 1, in wich case weights are scaled for a total of 1. If set to any number above 0 (including 1), weights are scaled for a total weight of total_coverage.


Function uniquity returns a list of results based on the input table and parameters.

  1. simple_site_score the sum of inverse species weights, as a fast approximation of the estimated uniquity.

  2. uniquity_score the simulated uniquity contribution of each site, relative to species richness.

  3. adjusted_uniquity - number of curated (parent) OTUs

  4. uniquity_table the final table with number of unique observations pr species per site

  5. uniquity_species_scores sum of contribution per species.

  6. Unique_species_avg average of contribution per species for sites where it occurs.

  7. Summed_species_weights sum of weight pr species (used for drawing species for background sites).

  8. Average_species_weight_pr_site average species weight pr site (with a weight).

  9. Top20_unique_sites top 20 unique sites.

  10. Top20_unique_species top 20 species with highest uniquity impact.

  11. Accumulated_uniqueness uniquity uniquity metric per replicate.

  12. site_richness species richness per site.

  13. replicates The number of replicates used for each site uniquity estimation.

  14. background_sites The number of background sites sampled.

  15. Removed_classes classes removed due to non correspondence.

  16. Removed_sites sites removed due to non correspondence.

  17. total_coverage sum of site weights used in weighting of species.


Tobias Guldberg Frøslev


uniquity(my_table, my_classes, my_weights, presabs = FALSE, rep = 50, size = 100, non_correspondence = TRUE, total_coverage = 0.5)

tobiasgf/uniquity documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:44 a.m.