knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = F, error = F, warning = F, echo = FALSE)

# Set months you're working with. 
checkMonth <- max(mts$month)
checkMonthText <- format(checkMonth, "%B %Y")
predMonth  <- max(mts$month) + months(1)
predMonthText <- format(predMonth, "%B %Y")


This is an html document which summarises the scaleExports function, and automatically produces a report.

It should be produced once a month, after the new ICO export data is available.

It also summarises the findings from last month, and compares them to the actual data which is now available.

This report will check the results for r checkMonthText, and offer a prediction for r predMonthText.

Monthly Trade Statistics

# Recreate last month's scaleExports.
exports2 <- full_join(
    x = mts %>% filter(month != checkMonth),
    y = readr::read_csv(file.path(coffeestats, "cropyears.csv")) %>% 
        rename(cyGroup = cropYear)
) %>% 
    na.omit() %>% 
    arrange(country, month) %>% 
    mutate(cropYear = ifelse([lubridate::month(month)] == cyGroup,
                             NA)) %>% 
    tidyr::fill(cropYear) %>% 
    filter(cropYear <= lubridate::year(month)) %>% 
exportsAv2 <- exports2 %>% 
    group_by(country, cropYear) %>% 
    filter(n() == 12) %>% 
    arrange(country, month) %>% 
    mutate(totalExports = sum(value),
           share = value/totalExports) %>% 
    group_by(country, lubridate::month(month)) %>% 
    mutate(avShare = mean(share)) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    select(country, month = `lubridate::month(month)`, avShare) %>% 
    distinct() %>% 
    group_by(country) %>% 
    mutate(cumSum = cumsum(avShare))
checkPrediction <- full_join(
    x = exports2 %>% 
        group_by(country, cropYear) %>% 
        summarise(total = sum(value, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
        filter(cropYear == max(cropYear)),
    y = exportsAv2 %>% filter(month == lubridate::month(checkMonth - months(1))),
    by = "country"
) %>% 
    mutate(scaleExports = total/cumSum) %>% 
    select(country, cropYear, scaleExports) %>% 
        x = .,
        y = filter(exportsAv2, month == month(checkMonth))
    ) %>% 
    mutate(predExports = scaleExports * avShare, month = checkMonth) %>% 
    select(country, cropYear, predMonth = month, scaleExports, predExports) %>% 

    checkPrediction %>% 
        select(country, cropYear, oldScale = scaleExports),
    scaleExports %>% 
        select(country, cropYear, newScale = scaleExports)
) %>% 
    mutate(diff = newScale - oldScale) %>% 
    readr::write_csv(file.path(coffeestats, paste0(lubridate::today(), "-checkScale.csv")))

Summary of what happened in r checkMonthText

Total exports in r checkMonthText came to r mts %>% filter(month == checkMonth, country == "TOTAL") %>% magrittr::extract2('value') %>% format(., big.mark = ",") bags, compared to r mts %>% filter(month == checkMonth - months(1), country == "TOTAL") %>% magrittr::extract2('value') %>% format(., big.mark = ",") in r format(checkMonth - months(1), "%B %Y").

# Get a comparison of prediction against actual 
comparison <- full_join(
    x = mts %>% filter(month == checkMonth, country != "TOTAL", !grepl("Arabica|Robusta", country)),
    y = checkPrediction %>% select(country, month = predMonth, prediction = predExports)
) %>% 
    mutate(diff = value - prediction) %>% 

Compared to the prediction, there were major differences in r paste0(head(comparison$country, 5), collapse = ", "), see the graph below.

compPlot <- comparison %>% 
    slice(1:20) %>% 
    mutate(country = ordered(country, levels = country))
p1 <- plot_ly(compPlot,
        x = ~diff, y = ~country, type = "bar", orientation = "h", name = "Difference",
        marker = list(color = "#619fb5"),
        text = ~paste0(country, ": ", round(diff, 1)), hoverinfo = "text"
    ) %>% 
        title = paste("Actual vs. predicted exports for", checkMonthText),
        xaxis = list(tickangle = 325, title = "", zeroline = FALSE),
        yaxis = list(title = "", separatethousands = TRUE, autorange = "reversed", side = "right")
p2 <- plot_ly(compPlot, x = ~country) %>% 
        y = ~prediction, name = "Prediction",
        marker = list(color = "#ef8066"),
        text = ~paste(country, "prediction:", round(prediction, 1)), hoverinfo = "text") %>% 
        y = ~value, name = "Actual",
        marker = list(color = "#ffcb90"),
        text = ~paste(country, "actual:", round(value, 1)), hoverinfo = "text") %>% 
    layout(xaxis = list(title = "", tickangle = 325),
           yaxis = list(title = "", zeroline = FALSE),
           barmode = "group")
subplot(p2, p1) %>% 
        legend = list(orientation = "h", xanchor = "center", yanchor = "top", y = -0.15, x = 0.6),
        margin = list(r = 120)


Again, this is a prediction for r predMonthText

Total exports for r predMonthText are estimated at r format(round(sum(scaleExports$predExports, na.rm = TRUE), 1), big.mark = ",") bags, compared to r format(round(sum((scaleExportsRaw %>% filter(month == predMonth - years(1)))$value, na.rm = TRUE), 1), big.mark = ",") for r format(predMonth - years(1), "%B %Y").

# Like predCountry graph, but for everyone
# Going to just use Oct-Sep for everyone, rather than crop years
coffeeYear <- ordered(c(10:12, 1:9),
                      levels = c(10:12, 1:9))
globalExports <- scaleExportsRaw %>% 
    group_by(month) %>% 
    summarise(totValue = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
    mutate(cropYear = ifelse(month(month) == 10, year(month), NA)) %>% 
    mutate(cropYear = zoo::na.locf(cropYear, na.rm = FALSE)) %>% 
globalExportsAv <- globalExports %>% 
    group_by(cropYear) %>% 
    mutate(n = n()) %>% 
    filter(n == 12) %>% 
    arrange(month) %>% 
    mutate(totalExports = sum(totValue),
           share = totValue/totalExports) %>% 
    group_by(month(month)) %>% 
    mutate(avShare = mean(share)) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    select(month = `month(month)`, avShare) %>% 
    distinct() %>% 
    mutate(cumSum = cumsum(avShare))
globalExportsPred <- full_join(
    x = globalExports %>%
        top_n(n = 1, wt = cropYear) %>% 
        mutate(month = month(month),
               totalYear = sum(totValue)),
    y = globalExportsAv
) %>% 
    mutate(scaleExports = totalYear/cumSum,
           scaleExports = min(scaleExports, na.rm = TRUE),
           predExports = scaleExports * avShare) %>%
    select(month, actual = totValue, prediction = predExports, scaleExports) %>% 
        x = .,
        y = globalExports %>% 
            group_by(month(month)) %>%
            summarise(min = min(totValue, na.rm = TRUE),
                      max = max(totValue, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
            rename(month = `month(month)`)
    ) %>% 
    mutate(month = ordered(month, 
                           labels =[c(10:12, 1:9)],
                           levels = month))
p1 <- plot_ly(globalExportsPred, x = ~month) %>% 
    add_lines(name = "Prediction", y = ~prediction,
              line = list(color = "#cc593d", dash = "dash"),
              text = ~paste0(month, " prediction: ", format(round(prediction, 0), big.mark = ",")),
              hoverinfo = "text") %>% 
    add_lines(name = "Actual", y = ~actual, 
              line = list(color = "#cc593d"),
              text = ~paste0(month, " actual: ", format(round(actual, 0), big.mark = ",")),
              hoverinfo = "text") %>% 
    add_ribbons(name = "Min/max", line = list(width = 0), 
                ymin = ~min, ymax = ~max, hoverinfo = "none",
                fillcolor = "#ffe090", opacity = 0.4) %>% 
    layout(title = "Export prediction function for current coffee year",
           xaxis = list(title = "", tickangle = 270),
           yaxis = list(title = "", separatethousands = TRUE, ticklen = 20, tickcolor = "#FFF"),
           margin = list(r = 40))
p2 <- bind_rows(
    globalExports %>% 
        group_by(cropYear) %>% 
        mutate(n = n()) %>% 
        filter(n == 12) %>% 
        summarise(total = sum(totValue)),
    data_frame(cropYear = max(globalExports$cropYear),
               total = max(globalExportsPred$scaleExports))
) %>% 
    plot_ly(., x = ~cropYear, y = ~total, type = "bar", 
            marker = list(color = "#6a9eb5"),
            text = ~paste0(cropYear, ": ", format(round(total, 0), big.mark = ",")), name = "Total",
            hoverinfo = "text") %>% 
    layout(xaxis = list(title = ""),
           yaxis = list(title = "", zeroline = FALSE))
subplot(p1, p2, widths = c(0.6, 0.4), nrows = 1, margin = 0.05) %>% 
    layout(legend = list(orientation = "h", xanchor = "center", yanchor = "top", y = -0.2, x = 0.5))


Full scaleExports table for r predMonthText.

knitr::kable(scaleExports %>% 
                 na.omit() %>% 
                 mutate(cropYear = as.character(cropYear)) %>% 
                 filter(predExports >= 1, scaleExports >= 0) %>% 
                 select(country, cropYear, predExports, scaleExports), 
             digits = 0,
             col.names = c("Country", "Crop year", predMonthText, "Full year"),
             align = c("lcrr"),
             caption = "",
             format.args = list(big.mark = ","))

tomcopple/coffeestats documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:48 a.m.