Man pages for tommasorigon/DLSBP
Tractable Bayesian density regression via logit stick-breaking priors

control_ECMControl parameters for the ECM algorithm
control_GibbsControl parameters for the Gibbs sampling algorithm
control_VBControl parameters for the VB algorithm
LSBP_densityConditional density of a LSBP model
LSBP_ECMECM algorithm for the LSBP model
LSBP_GibbsGibbs sampling algorithm for the LSBP model
LSBP_VBVariational Bayes algorithm for the LSBP model
predict.LSBP_ECMPredict method for the LSBP
predict.LSBP_GibbsPredict method for the LSBP
predict.LSBP_VBPredict method for the LSBP
prior_LSBPPrior specification for the LSBP model
tommasorigon/DLSBP documentation built on Feb. 28, 2023, 8:50 a.m.