Man pages for tommasorigon/PhDPack
Useful script to survive PhD

Bart.probit.rinterceptEstimates a Bart model with random intercept
Bart.rinterceptEstimates a Bart model with random intercept
BayeslmEstimates a Bayesian linear
Bayeslm.rinterceptEstimates a Bayesian linear model with random intercept
BayesRidgeEstimates a Bayesian linear model with ridge penalization
clusterdistDistance matrix for a MCMC output
dpmsliceBayesian nonparametric density estimation
HMMEstimation of a HMM model
initHMMDefinition of a HMM model
knnK-nearest neighbour with arbitrary distance
tommasorigon/PhDPack documentation built on May 31, 2019, 6:19 p.m.