gbsrGDS2CSV: Write a CSV file based on data in a GDS file

gbsrGDS2CSVR Documentation

Write a CSV file based on data in a GDS file


Write out a CSV file with raw, filtered, corrected genotype data or estimated haplotype data stored in a GDS file.


  node = "raw",
  incl_parents = TRUE,
  bp2cm = NULL,
  format = "",
  read = FALSE,

## S4 method for signature 'GbsrGenotypeData'
gbsrGDS2CSV(object, out_fn, node, incl_parents, bp2cm, format, read)



A GbsrGenotypeData object.


A string to specify the path to an output VCF file.


Either one of "raw", "filt", "cor", and "hap" to output raw genotype data, filtered genotype data, corrected genotype data, estimated haplotype data, respectively.


A logical value to specify whether parental samples should be included in an output VCF file or not.


A numeric value to convert positions in basepairs (bp) to centiMorgan (cm). The specified here is used to multiply position values. The default is NULL and then internally sets bp2cm = 4e-06 when ⁠format = "qtl⁠. If not ⁠format = "qtl⁠, 1 is set to bp2cm as default.


A string to indicate the output format. See details.


A logical value to indicate whether read counts should be output with genotype data or not. See details.




Create a CSV file at location specified by out_fn. The current implementation only changes the behavior when format = "qtl" to export the data in the r/qtl format that can be loaded using read.cross as ⁠format = "csvs⁠ with a phenotype data. Any other values are ignored and output a CSV file with the rows indicating chromosome ID and positions of markers followed by the rows indicating genotype or haplotype data of samples. If read = TRUE, the output of each genotype call would be in the form of ⁠GT:ADR,ADA⁠ where GT, ADR, and ADA represent genotype, referenece read count, and alternative read count, respectively. If format = "qtl", read = TRUE will be ignored.


The path to the CSV file.


# Load data in the GDS file and instantiate a [GbsrGenotypeData] object.
gds_fn <- system.file("extdata", "sample.gds", package = "GBScleanR")
gds <- loadGDS(gds_fn)

# Create a CSV file with data from the GDS file
#  connected to the [GbsrGenotypeData] oobject.
out_fn <- tempfile("sample_out", fileext = ".csv")
gbsrGDS2CSV(gds, out_fn)

# Close the connection to the GDS file.

tomoyukif/GBScleanR documentation built on March 12, 2024, 6:27 a.m.