Man pages for toniprice/jute
Sundry Utility Functions

cat_json_strConcatenate stringified JSON
compute_stat_modeCompute statistical mode of sample data
fmt_intConvert integers into same-length strings
get_incremental_namesConstruct sequence of incremental names
get_max_int_lenCompute maximum length of formatted integers
get_random_seed_valGenerate random seed value
get_rc_fld_valsGet field values in an RC object (with optional replacement)
is_int_valTest if a number is integer value
is_invertibleCheck if a matrix is invertible
is_sym_pos_defCheck if a matrix is symmetric positive-definite
jute-packagejute: Sundry Utility Functions
logical_ORLogical 'OR' operator
logical_to_strConvert logical variable to string
match_col_classGet column indexes of a given class in a data frame
mk_lookup_utilsCreate lookup utility functions
mk_mtx_from_vecsCreate matrix from vectors
notinFind non-matching values
pad_cPad and join multiple strings within character vectors
plPluralise word
place_in_envPlace variables into an environment
set_init_seedSet RNG seed
simplify_lst_lstSimplify list of lists
stringify_vecStringify vector
titleize_firstMake first word title case
toniprice/jute documentation built on Jan. 11, 2023, 8:23 a.m.