Man pages for tonydoss/OpenSystemUThDating
Closed- and Open-System Uranium-Thorium Dating

ages_plotAges plot for closed-system analysis
dot-onAttachSet a custom message the the user appears when they attach...
Hobbit_1_1T_for_iDADData from transect 1 for Homo floresiensis ulna LB1/52
Hobbit_MH2T_for_iDADData transect 2 for modern human femur 132A/LB/27D/03
initial_234U_238U_plotInitial (^234^U/^238^U) plot
Pan2018Data from South Australian corals
th230_u238_ratio_plotCalculated (red) and observed (blue) (^230^Th/^238^U)...
T_sol_plotHistogram of the solution ages
u234_u238_ratio_plotCalculated (red) and observed (blue) (^234^U/^238^U) activity...
u_conc_profile_plotUranium concentration profile for transect
tonydoss/OpenSystemUThDating documentation built on Nov. 3, 2022, 4:40 p.m.