Man pages for topepo/probably
Tools for Post-Processing Predicted Values

append_class_predAdd a 'class_pred' column
as_class_predCoerce to a 'class_pred' object
boosting_predictionsBoosted regression trees predictions
bound_predictionTruncate a numeric prediction column
cal_applyApplies a calibration to a set of existing predictions
cal_binary_tablesProbability Calibration table
cal_estimate_betaUses a Beta calibration model to calculate new probabilities
cal_estimate_isotonicUses an Isotonic regression model to calibrate model...
cal_estimate_isotonic_bootUses a bootstrapped Isotonic regression model to calibrate...
cal_estimate_linearUses a linear regression model to calibrate numeric...
cal_estimate_logisticUses a logistic regression model to calibrate probabilities
cal_estimate_multinomialUses a Multinomial calibration model to calculate new...
cal_plot_breaksProbability calibration plots via binning
cal_plot_logisticProbability calibration plots via logistic regression
cal_plot_regressionRegression calibration plots
cal_plot_windowedProbability calibration plots via moving windows
cal_validate_betaMeasure performance with and without using Beta calibration
cal_validate_isotonicMeasure performance with and without using isotonic...
cal_validate_isotonic_bootMeasure performance with and without using bagged isotonic...
cal_validate_linearMeasure performance with and without using linear regression...
cal_validate_logisticMeasure performance with and without using logistic...
cal_validate_multinomialMeasure performance with and without using multinomial...
class_predCreate a class prediction object
collect_metrics.cal_rsetObtain and format metrics produced by calibration validation
collect_predictions.cal_rsetObtain and format predictions produced by calibration...
control_conformal_fullControlling the numeric details for conformal inference
int_conformal_cvPrediction intervals via conformal inference CV+
int_conformal_fullPrediction intervals via conformal inference
int_conformal_quantilePrediction intervals via conformal inference and quantile...
int_conformal_splitPrediction intervals via split conformal inference
is_class_predTest if an object inherits from 'class_pred'
levels.class_predExtract 'class_pred' levels
locate-equivocalLocate equivocal values
make_class_predCreate a 'class_pred' vector from class probabilities
predict.int_conformal_fullPrediction intervals from conformal methods
probably-packageprobably: Tools for Post-Processing Predicted Values
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reportable_rateCalculate the reportable rate
required_pkgs.cal_objectS3 methods to track which additional packages are needed for...
segment_naive_bayesImage segmentation predictions
species_probsPredictions on animal species
threshold_perfGenerate performance metrics across probability thresholds
topepo/probably documentation built on Oct. 21, 2024, 3:28 a.m.