Man pages for torfason/zulutils
Miscellaneous utility functions that the author found useful

asciifyConvert non-ASCII characters to their ASCII equivalents
bgrepBoolean grep function
cattyConstruct a catty vector
cb_apply_col_specApply a col_spec to a data.frame
cb_as_col_spec_factorsConstruct code to use as 'col_spec' for factors
check_tiesCheck voting ties for errors
dhondtAllocate discrete seats given continuous votes
exposition_pipeExposition pipe operator
get_drake_target_sizeReturn the size of a drake target
get_drake_target_sizesReturn the size of all targets in a drake plan
get_labels_enframedGet the variable labels of a labelled tibble in an enframed...
gg_applyApply a function to each label and character/factor variable...
gg_apply_labsApply a string function to each label present in the plot...
gg_integer_breaksApply integer breaks to a graph.
identity_ellipsisReturn argument unchanged
lappendAppend individual values to a list
mutate_condMutate only rows of data.frame/tibble that satisfy condition
na_if_inReplace values in x that are contained in y with NA.
na_replaceReplace missing values
nth_primeCalculate and return the nth prime number
paddingPad string with space or other characters
pipePipe operator
print.zmisc_cattyPrint a catty vector
rename_enframedRename 'tibble' columns according to values in another...
sample_stringsSample a set of strings, each string of a given length
seCalculate standard error (of the mean estimate) of a vector
sieve_primesFind all primes up to a given positive integer
strhA modified version of the str() function that limits the...
suppress_warningsSuppress warnings that match specific regular expressions
tibbleLoad the tibble package to ensure awareness of tibbles.
type_convert_with_labelsConvert column types according to a col_spec
validate.zmisc_cattyInternal validation function for catty objects
yencodeYet (another urlencode compatible) encoding scheme
zulu_lettersA lookup table for the phonetic alphabet
zulutilszulutils: Miscellaneous utility functions that the author...
zulutils-defunctDefunct functions in package 'zulutils'.
zulutils-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'zulutils'.
torfason/zulutils documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 5:46 p.m.