knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

# load required libraries

# number of simulations
nsim <- 10000

# we use parallel computing
numcores <- detectCores()
registerDoParallel(numcores - 1)

Check shifted and studentized distributions

# Check if the shifted distribution is pivotal or symmetric - EXPONENTIAL CASE

lambdas <- c(0.25, 0.5, 1.00, 1.50)

# ---------------------------
n <- 5
boot_t_stats_5_shift <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), 
                                   sim4 = numeric(10000), n = "N = 5")
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:length(lambdas)){ # for each value of lambda

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_5_shift)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # calculate shifted statistic
    boot_t_stats_5_shift[j, i] <- (mean(rexp(n, rate = lambdas[i])) - (1/lambdas[i]))



# ---------------------------
n <- 10
boot_t_stats_10_shift <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), 
                                   sim4 = numeric(10000), n = "N = 10")
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:length(lambdas)){ # for each value of lambda

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_10_shift)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # calculate shifted statistic
    boot_t_stats_10_shift[j, i] <- (mean(rexp(n, rate = lambdas[i])) - (1/lambdas[i]))



# ---------------------------
n <- 20
boot_t_stats_20_shift <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), 
                                   sim4 = numeric(10000), n = "N = 20")
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:length(lambdas)){ # for each value of lambda

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_20_shift)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # calculate shifted statistic
    boot_t_stats_20_shift[j, i] <- (mean(rexp(n, rate = lambdas[i])) - (1/lambdas[i]))



# combine all data together
boot_t_stats_data_all_shift <- rbind(boot_t_stats_5_shift, boot_t_stats_10_shift, boot_t_stats_20_shift)
colnames(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift) <- c("Exponential(0.25)", "Exponential(0.5)", "Exponential(1)",
                                                "Exponential(1.5)", "N")

boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long <- gather(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift, key = "simnumber", value = "bootstat", 1:4)

# plot it
ggplot(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long) +
  geom_histogram(aes(bootstat, fill = simnumber, color = simnumber), alpha = 0.3, position = "dodge") +
  facet_grid(~ N)
# Check if the shifted distribution is pivotal or symmetric - NORMAL CASE

means <- c(0, 1, 2, 5)
sds <- sqrt(c(1, 1, 4, 0.25))

# ---------------------------
n <- 10
boot_t_stats_10_shift_norm <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), 
                                   sim4 = numeric(10000), n = "N = 10")
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:length(means)){ # for each population

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_10_shift_norm)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # calculate shifted statistic
    boot_t_stats_10_shift_norm[j, i] <- (mean(rnorm(n, mean = means[i], sd = sds[i])) - means[i])



# ---------------------------
n <- 40
boot_t_stats_40_shift_norm <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), 
                                   sim4 = numeric(10000), n = "N = 40")
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:length(means)){ # for each population

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_40_shift_norm)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # calculate shifted statistic
    boot_t_stats_40_shift_norm[j, i] <- (mean(rnorm(n, mean = means[i], sd = sds[i])) - means[i])



# ---------------------------
n <- 100
boot_t_stats_100_shift_norm <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), 
                                   sim4 = numeric(10000), n = "N = 100")
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:length(means)){ # for each population

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_100_shift_norm)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # calculate shifted statistic
    boot_t_stats_100_shift_norm[j, i] <- (mean(rnorm(n, mean = means[i], sd = sds[i])) - means[i])



# combine all data together
boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_norm <- rbind(boot_t_stats_10_shift_norm, boot_t_stats_40_shift_norm,
colnames(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_norm) <- c("Normal(0,1)", "Normal(1,1)", "Normal(2,4)", "Normal(5,0.25)", "N")

boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long_norm <- gather(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_norm, key = "simnumber", 
                                                value = "bootstat", 1:4)

# plot it
ggplot(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long_norm) +
  geom_histogram(aes(bootstat, fill = simnumber, color = simnumber), alpha = 0.3, position = "dodge") +
  facet_grid(~ N)
ps <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5)
# sample sizes are 5, 20, 50, and 150

# ---------------------------
n <- 5
boot_t_stats_5_shift_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), 
                                        n = "N = 5")
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:length(ps)){ # for each population

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_5_shift_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # calculate shifted statistic
    boot_t_stats_5_shift_bern[j, i] <- (mean(rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])) - ps[i])



# ---------------------------
n <- 20
boot_t_stats_20_shift_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000),
                                         n = "N = 20")
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:length(ps)){ # for each population

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_20_shift_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # calculate shifted statistic
    boot_t_stats_20_shift_bern[j, i] <- (mean(rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])) - ps[i])



# ---------------------------
n <- 50
boot_t_stats_50_shift_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), 
                                         n = "N = 50")
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:length(ps)){ # for each population

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_50_shift_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # calculate shifted statistic
    boot_t_stats_50_shift_bern[j, i] <- (mean(rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])) - ps[i])



# ---------------------------
n <- 150
boot_t_stats_150_shift_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), 
                                          n = "N = 150")
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:length(ps)){ # for each population

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_150_shift_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # calculate shifted statistic
    boot_t_stats_150_shift_bern[j, i] <- (mean(rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])) - ps[i])



# combine all data together
boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_bern <- rbind(boot_t_stats_5_shift_bern, boot_t_stats_20_shift_bern,
                                          boot_t_stats_50_shift_bern, boot_t_stats_150_shift_bern)
colnames(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_bern) <- c("Bernoulli(0.1)", "Bernoulli(0.25)", "Bernoulli(0.5)", "N")

boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long_bern <- gather(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_bern, key = "simnumber", 
                                                value = "bootstat", 1:3)

# plot it
ggplot(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long_bern) +
  geom_histogram(aes(bootstat, fill = simnumber, color = simnumber), alpha = 0.3, position = "dodge") +
  facet_grid(~ N)
# re-leveling for plots
boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long_norm$N <- factor(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long_norm$N, 
                                                  levels = c("N = 10", "N = 40", "N = 100"))
boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long$N <- factor(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long$N, 
                                                  levels = c("N = 5", "N = 10", "N = 20"))
boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long_bern$N <- factor(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long_bern$N, 
                                                  levels = c("N = 5", "N = 20", "N = 50", "N = 150"))

# plot it
ggplot(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long_norm) +
  geom_histogram(aes(bootstat), color = "gray50") +
  facet_grid(N ~ simnumber) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(y = "Frequency", x = "Shifted sample means") +
  theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        strip.text = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 12, face = "bold"),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))

# plot it
ggplot(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long) +
  geom_histogram(aes(bootstat), color = "gray50") +
  facet_grid(N ~ simnumber) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(y = "Frequency", x = "Shifted sample means") +
  theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        strip.text = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 12, face = "bold"),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))

# plot it
ggplot(boot_t_stats_data_all_shift_long_bern) +
  geom_histogram(aes(bootstat), color = "gray50") +
  facet_grid(N ~ simnumber) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(y = "Frequency", x = "Shifted sample proportions") +
  theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        strip.text = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 12, face = "bold"),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))
# Check if the studentized distribution is pivotal

lambdas <- c(0.25, 0.5, 1.00, 1.50)

# ---------------------------
n <- 5
B <- 99
boot_t_stats_5_99 <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 99, n = 5)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_5_99)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rexp(n, rate = lambdas[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_5_99[j, i] <- (meansamp - (1/lambdas[i]))/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 5
B <- 999
boot_t_stats_5_999 <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 999, 
                                 n = 5)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column (repeat 5 times)

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_5_999)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rexp(n, rate = lambdas[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_5_999[j, i] <- (meansamp - (1/lambdas[i]))/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 10
B <- 99
boot_t_stats_10_99 <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 99, 
                                 n = 10)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column (repeat 5 times)

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_10_99)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rexp(n, rate = lambdas[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_10_99[j, i] <- (meansamp - (1/lambdas[i]))/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 10
B <- 999
boot_t_stats_10_999 <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 999, 
                                  n = 10)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column (repeat 5 times)

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_10_999)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rexp(n, rate = lambdas[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_10_999[j, i] <- (meansamp - (1/lambdas[i]))/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 20
B <- 99
boot_t_stats_20_99 <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 99, 
                                 n = 20)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column (repeat 5 times)

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_20_99)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rexp(n, rate = lambdas[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_20_99[j, i] <- (meansamp - (1/lambdas[i]))/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 20
B <- 999
boot_t_stats_20_999 <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 999, 
                                  n = 20)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column (repeat 5 times)

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_20_999)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rexp(n, rate = lambdas[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_20_999[j, i] <- (meansamp - (1/lambdas[i]))/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 100
B <- 99
boot_t_stats_100_99 <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 99, 
                                  n = 100)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column (repeat 5 times)

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_100_99)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rexp(n, rate = lambdas[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_100_99[j, i] <- (meansamp - (1/lambdas[i]))/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 100
B <- 999
boot_t_stats_100_999 <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 999, 
                                   n = 100)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column (repeat 5 times)

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_100_999)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rexp(n, rate = lambdas[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_100_999[j, i] <- (meansamp - (1/lambdas[i]))/se_boot



# combine all data together
boot_t_stats_data_all <- rbind(boot_t_stats_5_99, boot_t_stats_5_999, boot_t_stats_10_99, boot_t_stats_10_999, boot_t_stats_20_99, 

boot_t_stats_data_all_long <- gather(boot_t_stats_data_all, key = "simnumber", value = "bootstat", 1:4)

# what if we put different values of B in the same cell and make one of the facets the population
plotexp <- ggplot(boot_t_stats_data_all_long) +
  geom_histogram(aes(bootstat, fill = as.factor(B)), position = "dodge", alpha = 0.8) +
  facet_grid(n ~ simnumber, labeller = as_labeller(c("5" = "N = 5", "10" = "N = 10", "20" = "N = 20", 
                                                     "sim1" = "Exponential(0.25)", "sim2" = "Exponential(0.5)",
                                                     "sim3" = "Exponential(1)", "sim4" = "Exponential(1.5)"))) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(y = "Frequency", x = "Studentized sample means") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey5", "grey70")) + # dark grey for B = 99 and light gray for B = 999
  theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        strip.text = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 12, face = "bold"),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))
# Check if the studentized distribution is pivotal - NORMAL CASE

means <- c(0, 1, 2, 5)
sds <- sqrt(c(1, 1, 4, 0.25))

# ---------------------------
n <- 10
B <- 99
boot_t_stats_10_99_norm <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 99, 
                                 n = 10)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_10_99_norm)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rnorm(n, mean = means[i], sd = sds[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_10_99_norm[j, i] <- (meansamp - means[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 10
B <- 999
boot_t_stats_10_999_norm <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 999, 
                                  n = 10)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_10_999_norm)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rnorm(n, mean = means[i], sd = sds[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_10_999_norm[j, i] <- (meansamp - means[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 40
B <- 99
boot_t_stats_40_99_norm <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 99, 
                                 n = 40)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_40_99_norm)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rnorm(n, mean = means[i], sd = sds[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_40_99_norm[j, i] <- (meansamp - means[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 40
B <- 999
boot_t_stats_40_999_norm <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 999, 
                                  n = 40)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_40_999_norm)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rnorm(n, mean = means[i], sd = sds[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_40_999_norm[j, i] <- (meansamp - means[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 100
B <- 99
boot_t_stats_100_99_norm <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 99, 
                                  n = 100)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_100_99_norm)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rnorm(n, mean = means[i], sd = sds[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_100_99_norm[j, i] <- (meansamp - means[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 100
B <- 999
boot_t_stats_100_999_norm <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), sim4 = numeric(10000), B = 999, 
                                   n = 100)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:4){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_100_999_norm)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rnorm(n, mean = means[i], sd = sds[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_100_999_norm[j, i] <- (meansamp - means[i])/se_boot



# combine all data together
boot_t_stats_data_all_norm <- rbind(boot_t_stats_10_99_norm, 

boot_t_stats_data_all_long_norm <- gather(boot_t_stats_data_all_norm, key = "simnumber", value = "bootstat", 1:4)

# what if we put different values of B in the same cell and make one of the facets the population
plotnorm <- ggplot(boot_t_stats_data_all_long_norm) +
  geom_histogram(aes(bootstat, fill = as.factor(B)), position = "dodge", alpha = 0.8) +
  facet_grid(n ~ simnumber, labeller = as_labeller(c("10" = "N = 10", "40" = "N = 40", "100" = "N = 100", 
                                                     "sim1" = "Normal(0,1)", "sim2" = "Normal(1,1)",
                                                     "sim3" = "Normal(2,4)", "sim4" = "Normal(5, 0.25)"))) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(y = "Frequency", x = "Studentized sample means") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey5", "grey70")) + # dark grey for B = 99 and light gray for B = 999
  theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        strip.text = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 12, face = "bold"),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))
# Check if the studentized distribution is pivotal - BERNOULLI CASE

ps <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5)
# sample sizes are 5, 20, 50, and 150

# ---------------------------
n <- 5
B <- 99
boot_t_stats_5_99_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), B = 99, n = 5)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:3){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_5_99_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_5_99_bern[j, i] <- (meansamp - ps[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 5
B <- 999
boot_t_stats_5_999_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), B = 999, n = 5)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:3){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_5_999_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_5_999_bern[j, i] <- (meansamp - ps[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 20
B <- 99
boot_t_stats_20_99_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), B = 99, n = 20)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:3){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_20_99_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_20_99_bern[j, i] <- (meansamp - ps[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 20
B <- 999
boot_t_stats_20_999_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), B = 999, 
                                       n = 20)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:3){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_20_999_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_20_999_bern[j, i] <- (meansamp - ps[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 50
B <- 99
boot_t_stats_50_99_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), B = 99, n = 50)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:3){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_50_99_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_50_99_bern[j, i] <- (meansamp - ps[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 50
B <- 999
boot_t_stats_50_999_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), B = 999, 
                                       n = 50)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:3){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_50_999_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_50_999_bern[j, i] <- (meansamp - ps[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 150
B <- 99
boot_t_stats_150_99_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), B = 99, 
                                       n = 150)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:3){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_150_99_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_150_99_bern[j, i] <- (meansamp - ps[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------
n <- 150
B <- 999
boot_t_stats_150_999_bern <- data.frame(sim1 = numeric(10000), sim2 = numeric(10000), sim3 = numeric(10000), B = 999, 
                                       n = 150)
# ---------------------------

for(i in 1:3){ # for each sim column

  for(j in 1:nrow(boot_t_stats_150_999_bern)){ # for each row (repeat 10000 times) 

    # take initial sample
    samp <- rbernoulli(n, p = ps[i])
    # calculate sample statistic
    meansamp <- mean(samp)
    # calculate bootstrap sample statistics (B bootstraps of size n)
    mean_boot_samps <- colMeans(matrix(sample(samp, n*B, replace = TRUE), ncol = B))
    # calculate bootstrap estimate of standard error
    se_boot <- sd(mean_boot_samps)
    # calculate bootstrap t-statistics
    boot_t_stats_150_999_bern[j, i] <- (meansamp - ps[i])/se_boot



# ---------------------------

# combine all data together
boot_t_stats_data_all_bern <- rbind(boot_t_stats_5_99_bern, 

boot_t_stats_data_all_long_bern <- gather(boot_t_stats_data_all_bern, key = "simnumber", value = "bootstat", 1:3)

# what if we put different values of B in the same cell and make one of the facets the population
plotbern <- ggplot(boot_t_stats_data_all_long_bern) +
  geom_histogram(aes(bootstat, fill = as.factor(B)), position = "dodge", alpha = 0.8) +
  facet_grid(n ~ simnumber, labeller = as_labeller(c("5" = "N = 5", "20" = "N = 20", "50" = "N = 50", "150" = "N = 150", 
                                                     "sim1" = "Bernoulli(0.1)", "sim2" = "Bernoulli(0.25)",
                                                     "sim3" = "Bernoulli(0.5)"))) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(y = "Frequency", x = "Studentized sample proportions") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey5", "grey70")) + # dark grey for B = 99 and light gray for B = 999
  theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        strip.text = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 12, face = "bold"),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))
gridExtra::grid.arrange(plotnorm, plotexp, plotbern, nrow = 2)

  grobs = list(plotnorm, plotexp, plotbern),
  widths = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  layout_matrix = rbind(c(1, 1, 2, 2),
                        c(NA, 3, 3, NA))

coverage proportions of z- and t-interval for the mean



n <- 10
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)

# z-interval
z_ints_norm_10 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((1/sqrt(n))*qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975)))))

# t-interval
t_ints_norm_10 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((sd(x)/sqrt(n))*qt(c(0.025, 0.975), df = n-1))))

# check for containment
mean(z_ints_norm_10[,1] <= 1 & z_ints_norm_10[,2] >= 1)
mean(t_ints_norm_10[,1] <= 1 & t_ints_norm_10[,2] >= 1)

n <- 40
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)

# z-interval
z_ints_norm_40 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((1/sqrt(n))*qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975)))))

# t-interval
t_ints_norm_40 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((sd(x)/sqrt(n))*qt(c(0.025, 0.975), df = n-1))))

# check for containment
mean(z_ints_norm_40[,1] <= 1 & z_ints_norm_40[,2] >= 1)
mean(t_ints_norm_40[,1] <= 1 & t_ints_norm_40[,2] >= 1)

n <- 100
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)

# z-interval
z_ints_norm_100 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((1/sqrt(n))*qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975)))))

# t-interval
t_ints_norm_100 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((sd(x)/sqrt(n))*qt(c(0.025, 0.975), df = n-1))))

# check for containment
mean(z_ints_norm_100[,1] <= 1 & z_ints_norm_100[,2] >= 1)
mean(t_ints_norm_100[,1] <= 1 & t_ints_norm_100[,2] >= 1)


n <- 5
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n), ncol = nsim)

# z-interval
z_ints_exp_5 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((1/sqrt(n))*qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975)))))

# t-interval
t_ints_exp_5 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((sd(x)/sqrt(n))*qt(c(0.025, 0.975), df = n-1))))

# check for containment
mean(z_ints_exp_5[,1] <= 1 & z_ints_exp_5[,2] >= 1)
mean(t_ints_exp_5[,1] <= 1 & t_ints_exp_5[,2] >= 1)

n <- 10
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n), ncol = nsim)

# z-interval
z_ints_exp_10 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((1/sqrt(n))*qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975)))))

# t-interval
t_ints_exp_10 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((sd(x)/sqrt(n))*qt(c(0.025, 0.975), df = n-1))))

# check for containment
mean(z_ints_exp_10[,1] <= 1 & z_ints_exp_10[,2] >= 1)
mean(t_ints_exp_10[,1] <= 1 & t_ints_exp_10[,2] >= 1)

n <- 20
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n), ncol = nsim)

# z-interval
z_ints_exp_20 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((1/sqrt(n))*qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975)))))

# t-interval
t_ints_exp_20 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + ((sd(x)/sqrt(n))*qt(c(0.025, 0.975), df = n-1))))

# check for containment
mean(z_ints_exp_20[,1] <= 1 & z_ints_exp_20[,2] >= 1)
mean(t_ints_exp_20[,1] <= 1 & t_ints_exp_20[,2] >= 1)

coverage proportions of bootstrap intervals for the mean



n <- 10
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_norm_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_norm_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_norm_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_norm_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_norm_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_norm_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_norm_10_99[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_norm_10_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(perc_ints_norm_10_999[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_norm_10_999[,2] >= 1)

mean(basic_ints_norm_10_99[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_norm_10_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(basic_ints_norm_10_999[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_norm_10_999[,2] >= 1)

mean(student_ints_norm_10_99[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_norm_10_99[,2] >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)
sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_norm_10_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_norm_10_99[,2]) == Inf)

mean(student_ints_norm_10_999[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_norm_10_999[,2] >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)
sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_norm_10_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_norm_10_999[,2]) == Inf)

n <- 40
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_norm_40_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_norm_40_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_norm_40_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_norm_40_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_norm_40_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_norm_40_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_norm_40_99[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_norm_40_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(perc_ints_norm_40_999[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_norm_40_999[,2] >= 1)

mean(basic_ints_norm_40_99[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_norm_40_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(basic_ints_norm_40_999[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_norm_40_999[,2] >= 1)

mean(student_ints_norm_40_99[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_norm_40_99[,2] >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)
sum([,1]) |[,2]))
mean(student_ints_norm_40_999[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_norm_40_999[,2] >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)
sum([,1]) |[,2]))

n <- 100
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_norm_100_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_norm_100_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_norm_100_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_norm_100_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_norm_100_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_norm_100_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_norm_100_99[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_norm_100_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(perc_ints_norm_100_999[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_norm_100_999[,2] >= 1)

mean(basic_ints_norm_100_99[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_norm_100_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(basic_ints_norm_100_999[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_norm_100_999[,2] >= 1)

mean(student_ints_norm_100_99[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_norm_100_99[,2] >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)
sum([,1]) |[,2]))
mean(student_ints_norm_100_999[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_norm_100_999[,2] >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)
sum([,1]) |[,2]))


n <- 5
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_exp_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_exp_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_exp_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_exp_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar%
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_exp_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_exp_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_exp_5_99[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_exp_5_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(perc_ints_exp_5_999[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_exp_5_999[,2] >= 1)

mean(basic_ints_exp_5_99[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_exp_5_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(basic_ints_exp_5_999[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_exp_5_999[,2] >= 1)

## for studentized interval remove NA's and infinite valued intervals before checking - note how many there are
sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_exp_5_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_exp_5_99[,2]) == Inf)

(sum(student_ints_exp_5_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_5_99[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_exp_5_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_exp_5_99[,2] >= 1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_exp_5_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_5_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_exp_5_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_exp_5_999[,2]) == Inf)

(sum(student_ints_exp_5_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_5_999[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_exp_5_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_exp_5_999[,2] >= 1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_exp_5_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_5_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 10
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_exp_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_exp_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_exp_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_exp_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_exp_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_exp_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_exp_10_99[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_exp_10_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(perc_ints_exp_10_999[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_exp_10_999[,2] >= 1)

mean(basic_ints_exp_10_99[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_exp_10_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(basic_ints_exp_10_999[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_exp_10_999[,2] >= 1)

## for studentized interval remove NA's and infinite valued intervals before checking - note how many there are
mean(student_ints_exp_10_99[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_exp_10_99[,2] >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)
sum([,1]) |[,2])) 

(sum(student_ints_exp_10_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_10_99[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_exp_10_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_exp_10_99[,2] >= 1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_exp_10_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_10_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

mean(student_ints_exp_10_999[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_exp_10_999[,2] >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)
sum([,1]) |[,2]))

(sum(student_ints_exp_10_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_10_999[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_exp_10_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_exp_10_999[,2] >= 1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_exp_10_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_10_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 20
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_exp_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_exp_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_exp_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_exp_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_exp_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_exp_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_exp_20_99[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_exp_20_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(perc_ints_exp_20_999[,1] <= 1 & perc_ints_exp_20_999[,2] >= 1)

mean(basic_ints_exp_20_99[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_exp_20_99[,2] >= 1)
mean(basic_ints_exp_20_999[,1] <= 1 & basic_ints_exp_20_999[,2] >= 1)

## for studentized interval remove NA's and infinite valued intervals before checking - note how many there are
mean(student_ints_exp_20_99[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_exp_20_99[,2] >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)
sum([,1]) |[,2]))

(sum(student_ints_exp_20_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_20_99[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_exp_20_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_exp_20_99[,2] >= 1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_exp_20_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_20_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

mean(student_ints_exp_20_999[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_exp_20_999[,2] >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)
sum([,1]) |[,2]))

(sum(student_ints_exp_20_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_20_999[,1] <= 1 & student_ints_exp_20_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_exp_20_999[,2] >= 1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_exp_20_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_exp_20_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

compare widths of t-intervals and studentized intervals for the mean when Exponential(1) is underlying population

# place all intervals of interest in one dataset
allints_dat <-, t_ints_exp_5,
                     z_ints_exp_10, t_ints_exp_10,
                     z_ints_exp_20, t_ints_exp_20,
                     student_ints_exp_5_99, student_ints_exp_5_999,
                     student_ints_exp_10_99, student_ints_exp_10_999,
                     student_ints_exp_20_99, student_ints_exp_20_999))

# calculate widths
allints_dat$width <- round(allints_dat$V2 - allints_dat$V1, 10)

# tack on the simulation characterstics
allints_dat$samplesize <- rep(rep(c(5, 5, 10, 10, 20, 20), rep(10000, 6)), 2)
allints_dat$intervaltype <- c(rep(rep(c("z", "t"), c(10000, 10000)), 3), rep(rep(c("student99", "student999"), c(10000, 10000)), 3))
allints_dat$intervaltype <- as.factor(allints_dat$intervaltype)

# plot interval widths
ggplot(filter(allints_dat, intervaltype != "z")) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(log(width), intervaltype)) +
  facet_wrap(~samplesize, labeller = as_labeller(c("5" = "N = 5", "10" = "N = 10", "20" = "N = 20"))) +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(y = "", x = "Log(interval width)") +
  scale_y_discrete(labels = c("Studentized \n(B = 99)", "Studentized \n(B = 999)", "t-interval")) +
  geom_vline(data = filter(allints_dat, intervaltype == "z"), mapping = aes(xintercept = log(width)), linetype = "dashed") +
  theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        strip.text = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 12, face = "bold"),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))

coverage proportions of z-interval for the proportion (also check for bad behavior)


n <- 5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.5), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point5_5 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_5[,1] <= 0.5 & approx_z_ints_point5_5[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_5[,1] == approx_z_ints_point5_5[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_5[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point5_5[,2] > 1)

n <- 20
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.5), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point5_20 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_20[,1] <= 0.5 & approx_z_ints_point5_20[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_20[,1] == approx_z_ints_point5_20[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_20[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point5_20[,2] > 1)

n <- 50
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.5), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point5_50 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_50[,1] <= 0.5 & approx_z_ints_point5_50[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_50[,1] == approx_z_ints_point5_50[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_50[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point5_50[,2] > 1)

n <- 150
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.5), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point5_150 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_150[,1] <= 0.5 & approx_z_ints_point5_150[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_150[,1] == approx_z_ints_point5_150[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point5_150[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point5_150[,2] > 1)

n <- 5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.25), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point25_5 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_5[,1] <= 0.25 & approx_z_ints_point25_5[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_5[,1] == approx_z_ints_point25_5[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_5[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point25_5[,2] > 1)

n <- 20
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.25), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point25_20 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_20[,1] <= 0.25 & approx_z_ints_point25_20[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_20[,1] == approx_z_ints_point25_20[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_20[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point25_20[,2] > 1)

n <- 50
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.25), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point25_50 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_50[,1] <= 0.25 & approx_z_ints_point25_50[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_50[,1] == approx_z_ints_point25_50[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_50[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point25_50[,2] > 1)

n <- 150
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.25), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point25_150 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_150[,1] <= 0.25 & approx_z_ints_point25_150[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_150[,1] == approx_z_ints_point25_150[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point25_150[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point25_150[,2] > 1)

n <- 5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.1), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point1_5 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_5[,1] <= 0.1 & approx_z_ints_point1_5[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_5[,1] == approx_z_ints_point1_5[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_5[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point1_5[,2] > 1)

n <- 20
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.1), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point1_20 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_20[,1] <= 0.1 & approx_z_ints_point1_20[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_20[,1] == approx_z_ints_point1_20[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_20[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point1_20[,2] > 1)

n <- 50
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.1), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point1_50 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_50[,1] <= 0.1 & approx_z_ints_point1_50[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_50[,1] == approx_z_ints_point1_50[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_50[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point1_50[,2] > 1)

n <- 150
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.1), ncol = nsim)
# z-interval for proportions
approx_z_ints_point1_150 <- t(apply(sampmat, 2, function(x) mean(x) + (qnorm(c(0.025,

# coverage proportion
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_150[,1] <= 0.1 & approx_z_ints_point1_150[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_150[,1] == approx_z_ints_point1_150[,2])
mean(approx_z_ints_point1_150[,1] < 0 | approx_z_ints_point1_150[,2] > 1)

coverage proportions of bootstrap intervals for the proportion (also check for bad behavior)


n <- 5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.5), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point5_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point5_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point5_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point5_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point5_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point5_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point5_5_99[,1] <= 0.5 & perc_ints_point5_5_99[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(perc_ints_point5_5_999[,1] <= 0.5 & perc_ints_point5_5_999[,2] >= 0.5)

mean(basic_ints_point5_5_99[,1] <= 0.5 & basic_ints_point5_5_99[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(basic_ints_point5_5_999[,1] <= 0.5 & basic_ints_point5_5_999[,2] >= 0.5)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point5_5_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point5_5_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point5_5_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_5_99[,1] <= 0.5 & student_ints_point5_5_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point5_5_99[,2] >= 0.5 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point5_5_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_5_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point5_5_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point5_5_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point5_5_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_5_999[,1] <= 0.5 & student_ints_point5_5_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point5_5_999[,2] >= 0.5 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point5_5_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_5_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 20
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.5), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point5_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point5_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point5_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point5_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point5_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point5_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point5_20_99[,1] <= 0.5 & perc_ints_point5_20_99[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(perc_ints_point5_20_999[,1] <= 0.5 & perc_ints_point5_20_999[,2] >= 0.5)

mean(basic_ints_point5_20_99[,1] <= 0.5 & basic_ints_point5_20_99[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(basic_ints_point5_20_999[,1] <= 0.5 & basic_ints_point5_20_999[,2] >= 0.5)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point5_20_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point5_20_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point5_20_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_20_99[,1] <= 0.5 & student_ints_point5_20_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point5_20_99[,2] >= 0.5 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point5_20_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_20_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point5_20_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point5_20_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point5_20_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_20_999[,1] <= 0.5 & student_ints_point5_20_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point5_20_999[,2] >= 0.5 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point5_20_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_20_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 50
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.5), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point5_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point5_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point5_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point5_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point5_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point5_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point5_50_99[,1] <= 0.5 & perc_ints_point5_50_99[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(perc_ints_point5_50_999[,1] <= 0.5 & perc_ints_point5_50_999[,2] >= 0.5)

mean(basic_ints_point5_50_99[,1] <= 0.5 & basic_ints_point5_50_99[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(basic_ints_point5_50_999[,1] <= 0.5 & basic_ints_point5_50_999[,2] >= 0.5)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point5_50_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point5_50_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point5_50_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_50_99[,1] <= 0.5 & student_ints_point5_50_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point5_50_99[,2] >= 0.5 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point5_50_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_50_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point5_50_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point5_50_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point5_50_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_50_999[,1] <= 0.5 & student_ints_point5_50_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point5_50_999[,2] >= 0.5 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point5_50_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_50_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 150
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.5), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point5_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point5_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point5_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point5_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point5_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point5_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point5_150_99[,1] <= 0.5 & perc_ints_point5_150_99[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(perc_ints_point5_150_999[,1] <= 0.5 & perc_ints_point5_150_999[,2] >= 0.5)

mean(basic_ints_point5_150_99[,1] <= 0.5 & basic_ints_point5_150_99[,2] >= 0.5)
mean(basic_ints_point5_150_999[,1] <= 0.5 & basic_ints_point5_150_999[,2] >= 0.5)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point5_150_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point5_150_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point5_150_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_150_99[,1] <= 0.5 & student_ints_point5_150_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point5_150_99[,2] >= 0.5 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point5_150_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_150_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point5_150_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point5_150_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point5_150_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_150_999[,1] <= 0.5 & student_ints_point5_150_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point5_150_999[,2] >= 0.5 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point5_150_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point5_150_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.25), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point25_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point25_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point25_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point25_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point25_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point25_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point25_5_99[,1] <= 0.25 & perc_ints_point25_5_99[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(perc_ints_point25_5_999[,1] <= 0.25 & perc_ints_point25_5_999[,2] >= 0.25)

mean(basic_ints_point25_5_99[,1] <= 0.25 & basic_ints_point25_5_99[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(basic_ints_point25_5_999[,1] <= 0.25 & basic_ints_point25_5_999[,2] >= 0.25)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point25_5_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point25_5_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point25_5_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_5_99[,1] <= 0.25 & student_ints_point25_5_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point25_5_99[,2] >= 0.25 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point25_5_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_5_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point25_5_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point25_5_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point25_5_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_5_999[,1] <= 0.25 & student_ints_point25_5_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point25_5_999[,2] >= 0.25 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point25_5_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_5_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 20
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.25), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point25_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point25_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point25_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point25_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point25_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point25_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point25_20_99[,1] <= 0.25 & perc_ints_point25_20_99[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(perc_ints_point25_20_999[,1] <= 0.25 & perc_ints_point25_20_999[,2] >= 0.25)

mean(basic_ints_point25_20_99[,1] <= 0.25 & basic_ints_point25_20_99[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(basic_ints_point25_20_999[,1] <= 0.25 & basic_ints_point25_20_999[,2] >= 0.25)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point25_20_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point25_20_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point25_20_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_20_99[,1] <= 0.25 & student_ints_point25_20_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point25_20_99[,2] >= 0.25 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point25_20_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_20_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point25_20_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point25_20_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point25_20_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_20_999[,1] <= 0.25 & student_ints_point25_20_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point25_20_999[,2] >= 0.25 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point25_20_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_20_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 50
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.25), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point25_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point25_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point25_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point25_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point25_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point25_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point25_50_99[,1] <= 0.25 & perc_ints_point25_50_99[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(perc_ints_point25_50_999[,1] <= 0.25 & perc_ints_point25_50_999[,2] >= 0.25)

mean(basic_ints_point25_50_99[,1] <= 0.25 & basic_ints_point25_50_99[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(basic_ints_point25_50_999[,1] <= 0.25 & basic_ints_point25_50_999[,2] >= 0.25)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point25_50_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point25_50_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point25_50_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_50_99[,1] <= 0.25 & student_ints_point25_50_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point25_50_99[,2] >= 0.25 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point25_50_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_50_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point25_50_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point25_50_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point25_50_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_50_999[,1] <= 0.25 & student_ints_point25_50_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point25_50_999[,2] >= 0.25 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point25_50_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_50_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 150
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.25), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point25_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point25_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point25_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point25_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point25_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point25_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point25_150_99[,1] <= 0.25 & perc_ints_point25_150_99[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(perc_ints_point25_150_999[,1] <= 0.25 & perc_ints_point25_150_999[,2] >= 0.25)

mean(basic_ints_point25_150_99[,1] <= 0.25 & basic_ints_point25_150_99[,2] >= 0.25)
mean(basic_ints_point25_150_999[,1] <= 0.25 & basic_ints_point25_150_999[,2] >= 0.25)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point25_150_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point25_150_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point25_150_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_150_99[,1] <= 0.25 & student_ints_point25_150_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point25_150_99[,2] >= 0.25 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point25_150_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_150_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point25_150_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point25_150_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point25_150_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_150_999[,1] <= 0.25 & student_ints_point25_150_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point25_150_999[,2] >= 0.25 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point25_150_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point25_150_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.1), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point1_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point1_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point1_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point1_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point1_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point1_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point1_5_99[,1] <= 0.1 & perc_ints_point1_5_99[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(perc_ints_point1_5_999[,1] <= 0.1 & perc_ints_point1_5_999[,2] >= 0.1)

mean(basic_ints_point1_5_99[,1] <= 0.1 & basic_ints_point1_5_99[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(basic_ints_point1_5_999[,1] <= 0.1 & basic_ints_point1_5_999[,2] >= 0.1)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point1_5_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point1_5_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point1_5_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_5_99[,1] <= 0.1 & student_ints_point1_5_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point1_5_99[,2] >= 0.1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point1_5_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_5_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point1_5_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point1_5_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point1_5_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_5_999[,1] <= 0.1 & student_ints_point1_5_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point1_5_999[,2] >= 0.1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point1_5_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_5_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 20
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.1), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point1_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point1_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point1_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point1_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point1_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point1_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point1_20_99[,1] <= 0.1 & perc_ints_point1_20_99[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(perc_ints_point1_20_999[,1] <= 0.1 & perc_ints_point1_20_999[,2] >= 0.1)

mean(basic_ints_point1_20_99[,1] <= 0.1 & basic_ints_point1_20_99[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(basic_ints_point1_20_999[,1] <= 0.1 & basic_ints_point1_20_999[,2] >= 0.1)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point1_20_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point1_20_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point1_20_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_20_99[,1] <= 0.1 & student_ints_point1_20_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point1_20_99[,2] >= 0.1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point1_20_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_20_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point1_20_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point1_20_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point1_20_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_20_999[,1] <= 0.1 & student_ints_point1_20_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point1_20_999[,2] >= 0.1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point1_20_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_20_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 50
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.1), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point1_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point1_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point1_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point1_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point1_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point1_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point1_50_99[,1] <= 0.1 & perc_ints_point1_50_99[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(perc_ints_point1_50_999[,1] <= 0.1 & perc_ints_point1_50_999[,2] >= 0.1)

mean(basic_ints_point1_50_99[,1] <= 0.1 & basic_ints_point1_50_99[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(basic_ints_point1_50_999[,1] <= 0.1 & basic_ints_point1_50_999[,2] >= 0.1)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point1_50_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point1_50_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point1_50_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_50_99[,1] <= 0.1 & student_ints_point1_50_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point1_50_99[,2] >= 0.1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point1_50_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_50_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point1_50_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point1_50_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point1_50_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_50_999[,1] <= 0.1 & student_ints_point1_50_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point1_50_999[,2] >= 0.1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point1_50_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_50_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

n <- 150
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = 0.1), ncol = nsim)

# percentile interval
perc_ints_point1_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
perc_ints_point1_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {percentile(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# basic interval
basic_ints_point1_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
basic_ints_point1_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {basic(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# studentized interval
student_ints_point1_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 99, onlyint = TRUE)}
student_ints_point1_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(sampmat), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {studentized(sampmat[,i], parameter = "mean", B = 999, onlyint = TRUE)}

# check for containment
mean(perc_ints_point1_150_99[,1] <= 0.1 & perc_ints_point1_150_99[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(perc_ints_point1_150_999[,1] <= 0.1 & perc_ints_point1_150_999[,2] >= 0.1)

mean(basic_ints_point1_150_99[,1] <= 0.1 & basic_ints_point1_150_99[,2] >= 0.1)
mean(basic_ints_point1_150_999[,1] <= 0.1 & basic_ints_point1_150_999[,2] >= 0.1)

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point1_150_99[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point1_150_99[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point1_150_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_150_99[,1] <= 0.1 & student_ints_point1_150_99[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point1_150_99[,2] >= 0.1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point1_150_99[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_150_99[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))

sum([,1]) |[,2]))
sum(abs(student_ints_point1_150_999[,1]) == Inf | abs(student_ints_point1_150_999[,2]) == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)

(sum(student_ints_point1_150_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_150_999[,1] <= 0.1 & student_ints_point1_150_999[,2] < Inf & student_ints_point1_150_999[,2] >= 0.1 & ![,1]) & ![,2])) / sum(student_ints_point1_150_999[,1] > -Inf & student_ints_point1_150_999[,2] < Inf & ![,1]) & ![,2])))


# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point5_5_99[,1] == perc_ints_point5_5_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point5_5_999[,1] == perc_ints_point5_5_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point5_5_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point5_5_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_5_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_5_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point5_5_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point5_5_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_5_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_5_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point5_5_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point5_5_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point5_5_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point5_5_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point5_5_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point5_5_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point5_5_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point5_5_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)

# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point5_20_99[,1] == perc_ints_point5_20_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point5_20_999[,1] == perc_ints_point5_20_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point5_20_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point5_20_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_20_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_20_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point5_20_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point5_20_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_20_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_20_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point5_20_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point5_20_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point5_20_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point5_20_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point5_20_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point5_20_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point5_20_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point5_20_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)

# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point5_50_99[,1] == perc_ints_point5_50_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point5_50_999[,1] == perc_ints_point5_50_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point5_50_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point5_50_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_50_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_50_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point5_50_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point5_50_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_50_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_50_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point5_50_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point5_50_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point5_50_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point5_50_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point5_50_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point5_50_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point5_50_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point5_50_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)

# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point5_150_99[,1] == perc_ints_point5_150_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point5_150_999[,1] == perc_ints_point5_150_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point5_150_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point5_150_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_150_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_150_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point5_150_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point5_150_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_150_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point5_150_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point5_150_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point5_150_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point5_150_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point5_150_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point5_150_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point5_150_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point5_150_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point5_150_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)


# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point25_5_99[,1] == perc_ints_point25_5_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point25_5_999[,1] == perc_ints_point25_5_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point25_5_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point25_5_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_5_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_5_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point25_5_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point25_5_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_5_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_5_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point25_5_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point25_5_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point25_5_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point25_5_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point25_5_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point25_5_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point25_5_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point25_5_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)

# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point25_20_99[,1] == perc_ints_point25_20_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point25_20_999[,1] == perc_ints_point25_20_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point25_20_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point25_20_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_20_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_20_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point25_20_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point25_20_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_20_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_20_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point25_20_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point25_20_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point25_20_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point25_20_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point25_20_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point25_20_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point25_20_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point25_20_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)

# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point25_50_99[,1] == perc_ints_point25_50_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point25_50_999[,1] == perc_ints_point25_50_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point25_50_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point25_50_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_50_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_50_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point25_50_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point25_50_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_50_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_50_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point25_50_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point25_50_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point25_50_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point25_50_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point25_50_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point25_50_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point25_50_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point25_50_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)

# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point25_150_99[,1] == perc_ints_point25_150_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point25_150_999[,1] == perc_ints_point25_150_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point25_150_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point25_150_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_150_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_150_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point25_150_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point25_150_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_150_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point25_150_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point25_150_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point25_150_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point25_150_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point25_150_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point25_150_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point25_150_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point25_150_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point25_150_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)


# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point1_5_99[,1] == perc_ints_point1_5_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point1_5_999[,1]  == perc_ints_point1_5_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point1_5_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point1_5_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_5_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_5_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point1_5_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point1_5_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_5_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_5_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point1_5_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point1_5_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point1_5_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point1_5_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point1_5_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point1_5_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point1_5_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point1_5_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)

# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point1_20_99[,1] == perc_ints_point1_20_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point1_20_999[,1] == perc_ints_point1_20_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point1_20_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point1_20_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_20_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_20_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point1_20_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point1_20_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_20_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_20_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point1_20_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point1_20_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point1_20_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point1_20_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point1_20_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point1_20_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point1_20_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point1_20_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)

# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point1_50_99[,1] == perc_ints_point1_50_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point1_50_999[,1] == perc_ints_point1_50_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point1_50_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point1_50_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_50_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_50_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point1_50_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point1_50_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_50_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_50_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point1_50_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point1_50_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point1_50_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point1_50_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point1_50_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point1_50_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point1_50_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point1_50_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)

# check for invalid values
mean(perc_ints_point1_150_99[,1] == perc_ints_point1_150_99[,2])
mean(perc_ints_point1_150_999[,1] == perc_ints_point1_150_999[,2])

mean(basic_ints_point1_150_99[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point1_150_99[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_150_99[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_150_99[,2] < 0)
mean(basic_ints_point1_150_999[,1] < 0 | basic_ints_point1_150_999[,1] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_150_999[,2] > 1 | basic_ints_point1_150_999[,2] < 0)

mean(student_ints_point1_150_99[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point1_150_99[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point1_150_99[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point1_150_99[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(student_ints_point1_150_999[,1] < 0 | student_ints_point1_150_999[,1] > 1 | student_ints_point1_150_999[,2] > 1 | student_ints_point1_150_999[,2] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)

evaluate significance levels of z-test and t-test for the mean in varying scenarios


n <- 10
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_rej_normal_10 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - 1)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_rej_normal_10 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
{t.test(sampmat[,i], mu = 1)$p.value < 0.05}


n <- 40
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_rej_normal_40 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - 1)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_rej_normal_40 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
{t.test(sampmat[,i], mu = 1)$p.value < 0.05}


n <- 100
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_rej_normal_100 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - 1)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_rej_normal_100 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
{t.test(sampmat[,i], mu = 1)$p.value < 0.05}


n <- 5
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n, rate = 1), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_rej_exp_5 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - 1)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_rej_exp_5 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
{t.test(sampmat[,i], mu = 1)$p.value < 0.05}


n <- 10
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n, rate = 1), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_rej_exp_10 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - 1)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_rej_exp_10 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
{t.test(sampmat[,i], mu = 1)$p.value < 0.05}


n <- 20
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n, rate = 1), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_rej_exp_20 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - 1)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_rej_exp_20 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
{t.test(sampmat[,i], mu = 1)$p.value < 0.05}


evaluate significance levels of the z-test for proportions


n <- 5
p0 <- 0.1
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.1_5 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

n <- 20
p0 <- 0.1
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.1_20 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

n <- 50
p0 <- 0.1
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.1_50 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

n <- 100
p0 <- 0.1
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.1_100 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}


n <- 5
p0 <- 0.25
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.25_5 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

n <- 20
p0 <- 0.25
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.25_20 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

n <- 50
p0 <- 0.25
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.25_50 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

n <- 100
p0 <- 0.25
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.25_100 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}


n <- 5
p0 <- 0.5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.5_5 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

n <- 20
p0 <- 0.5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.5_20 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

n <- 50
p0 <- 0.5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.5_50 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

n <- 100
p0 <- 0.5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = p0), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_rej_0.5_100 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = c) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0)/sqrt((p0*(1-p0))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}





evaluating power of z-test, t-test, and bootstrap hypothesis tests for the mean



n <- 10
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)
mu0s <- seq(-2, 4, 0.5)

# save TRUE if we reject a value (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent which value of mu0)
ztest_power_normal_10 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_power_normal_10 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
{abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(sd(sampmat[,i])/sqrt(n))) > qt(0.975, df = n-1)}

# if NOT contained we reject - save TRUE if NOT contained (i.e. rejected) 
# (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent the value of mu0 - colmeans gives the rejection proportion)
perc_power_normal_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_norm_10_99[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_norm_10_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
perc_power_normal_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_norm_10_999[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_norm_10_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

basic_power_normal_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_norm_10_99[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_norm_10_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
basic_power_normal_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_norm_10_999[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_norm_10_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

students_power_normal_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_norm_10_99[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_norm_10_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
students_power_normal_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_norm_10_999[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_norm_10_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

normal_10_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_power_normal_10), colMeans(ttest_power_normal_10), colMeans(perc_power_normal_10_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_normal_10_999), colMeans(basic_power_normal_10_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_normal_10_999), colMeans(students_power_normal_10_99),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(mu0s)), rep("t-test", length(mu0s)), rep("perc99", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(mu0s)), rep("basic99", length(mu0s)), rep("basic999", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(mu0s)), rep("student999", length(mu0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(mu0s, 8),
                                 pop = rep("Normal", length(mu0s)*8), sampsize = 10)
n <- 40
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)
mu0s <- seq(-2, 4, 0.5)

# save TRUE if we reject a value (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent which value of mu0)
ztest_power_normal_40 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_power_normal_40 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
{abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(sd(sampmat[,i])/sqrt(n))) > qt(0.975, df = n-1)}

# if NOT contained we reject - save TRUE if NOT contained (i.e. rejected) 
# (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent the value of mu0 - colmeans gives the rejection proportion)
perc_power_normal_40_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_norm_40_99[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_norm_40_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
perc_power_normal_40_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_norm_40_999[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_norm_40_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

basic_power_normal_40_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_norm_40_99[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_norm_40_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
basic_power_normal_40_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_norm_40_999[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_norm_40_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

students_power_normal_40_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_norm_40_99[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_norm_40_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
students_power_normal_40_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_norm_40_999[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_norm_40_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

normal_40_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_power_normal_40), colMeans(ttest_power_normal_40), colMeans(perc_power_normal_40_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_normal_40_999), colMeans(basic_power_normal_40_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_normal_40_999), colMeans(students_power_normal_40_99),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(mu0s)), rep("t-test", length(mu0s)), rep("perc99", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(mu0s)), rep("basic99", length(mu0s)), rep("basic999", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(mu0s)), rep("student999", length(mu0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(mu0s, 8),
                                 pop = rep("Normal", length(mu0s)*8), sampsize = 40)

n <- 100
sampmat <- matrix(rnorm(nsim*n, mean = 1, sd = 1), ncol = nsim)
mu0s <- seq(-2, 4, 0.5)

# save TRUE if we reject a value (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent which value of mu0)
ztest_power_normal_100 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_power_normal_100 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
{abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(sd(sampmat[,i])/sqrt(n))) > qt(0.975, df = n-1)}

# if NOT contained we reject - save TRUE if NOT contained (i.e. rejected) 
# (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent the value of mu0 - colmeans gives the rejection proportion)
perc_power_normal_100_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_norm_100_99[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_norm_100_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
perc_power_normal_100_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_norm_100_999[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_norm_100_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

basic_power_normal_100_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_norm_100_99[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_norm_100_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
basic_power_normal_100_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_norm_100_999[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_norm_100_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

students_power_normal_100_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_norm_100_99[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_norm_100_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
students_power_normal_100_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_norm_100_999[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_norm_100_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

normal_100_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_power_normal_100), colMeans(ttest_power_normal_100),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_normal_100_999), colMeans(basic_power_normal_100_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_normal_100_999), colMeans(students_power_normal_100_99),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(mu0s)), rep("t-test", length(mu0s)), rep("perc99", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(mu0s)), rep("basic99", length(mu0s)), rep("basic999", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(mu0s)), rep("student999", length(mu0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(mu0s, 8),
                                 pop = rep("Normal", length(mu0s)*8), sampsize = 100)

n <- 5
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n, rate = 1), ncol = nsim)
mu0s <- seq(-2, 4, 0.5)

# save TRUE if we reject a value (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent which value of mu0)
ztest_power_exp_5 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_power_exp_5 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
{abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(sd(sampmat[,i])/sqrt(n))) > qt(0.975, df = n-1)}

# if NOT contained we reject - save TRUE if NOT contained (i.e. rejected) 
# (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent the value of mu0 - colmeans gives the rejection proportion)
perc_power_exp_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_exp_5_99[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_exp_5_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
perc_power_exp_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_exp_5_999[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_exp_5_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

basic_power_exp_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_exp_5_99[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_exp_5_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
basic_power_exp_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_exp_5_999[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_exp_5_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

# convert any infinite bounds to NA and then drop those rows with NA for bounds
student_ints_exp_5_99_withna <- apply(student_ints_exp_5_99, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_exp_5_99_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_exp_5_99_withna)
students_power_exp_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_exp_5_99_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_exp_5_99_nona[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_exp_5_99_nona[i,2] >= mu0s)}

student_ints_exp_5_999_withna <- apply(student_ints_exp_5_999, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_exp_5_999_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_exp_5_999_withna)
students_power_exp_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_exp_5_999_nona[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_exp_5_999_nona[i,2] >= mu0s)}

exp_5_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_power_exp_5), colMeans(ttest_power_exp_5),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_exp_5_999), colMeans(basic_power_exp_5_99),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(mu0s)), rep("t-test", length(mu0s)), rep("perc99", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(mu0s)), rep("basic99", length(mu0s)), rep("basic999", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(mu0s)), rep("student999", length(mu0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(mu0s, 8),
                                 pop = rep("Exponential", length(mu0s)*8), sampsize = 5)

n <- 10
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n, rate = 1), ncol = nsim)
mu0s <- seq(-2, 4, 0.5)

# save TRUE if we reject a value (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent which value of mu0)
ztest_power_exp_10 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_power_exp_10 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
{abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(sd(sampmat[,i])/sqrt(n))) > qt(0.975, df = n-1)}

# if NOT contained we reject - save TRUE if NOT contained (i.e. rejected) 
# (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent the value of mu0 - colmeans gives the rejection proportion)
perc_power_exp_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_exp_10_99[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_exp_10_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
perc_power_exp_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_exp_10_999[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_exp_10_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

basic_power_exp_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_exp_10_99[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_exp_10_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
basic_power_exp_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_exp_10_999[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_exp_10_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

students_power_exp_10_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_exp_10_99[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_exp_10_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
students_power_exp_10_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_exp_10_999[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_exp_10_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

exp_10_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_power_exp_10), colMeans(ttest_power_exp_10),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_exp_10_999), colMeans(basic_power_exp_10_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_exp_10_999), colMeans(students_power_exp_10_99),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(mu0s)), rep("t-test", length(mu0s)), rep("perc99", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(mu0s)), rep("basic99", length(mu0s)), rep("basic999", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(mu0s)), rep("student999", length(mu0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(mu0s, 8),
                                 pop = rep("Exponential", length(mu0s)*8), sampsize = 10)

n <- 20
sampmat <- matrix(rexp(nsim*n, rate = 1), ncol = nsim)
mu0s <- seq(-2, 4, 0.5)

# save TRUE if we reject a value (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent which value of mu0)
ztest_power_exp_20 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(1/sqrt(n))) > qnorm(0.975)}

ttest_power_exp_20 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
{abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - mu0s)/(sd(sampmat[,i])/sqrt(n))) > qt(0.975, df = n-1)}

# if NOT contained we reject - save TRUE if NOT contained (i.e. rejected) 
# (each row will be the test results for one sample; the columns represent the value of mu0 - colmeans gives the rejection proportion)
perc_power_exp_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_exp_20_99[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_exp_20_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
perc_power_exp_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_exp_20_999[i,1] <= mu0s & perc_ints_exp_20_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

basic_power_exp_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_exp_20_99[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_exp_20_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
basic_power_exp_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_exp_20_999[i,1] <= mu0s & basic_ints_exp_20_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

students_power_exp_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_exp_20_99[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_exp_20_99[i,2] >= mu0s)}
students_power_exp_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_exp_20_999[i,1] <= mu0s & student_ints_exp_20_999[i,2] >= mu0s)}

exp_20_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_power_exp_20), colMeans(ttest_power_exp_20),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_exp_20_999), colMeans(basic_power_exp_20_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_exp_20_999), colMeans(students_power_exp_20_99),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(mu0s)), rep("t-test", length(mu0s)), rep("perc99", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(mu0s)), rep("basic99", length(mu0s)), rep("basic999", length(mu0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(mu0s)), rep("student999", length(mu0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(mu0s, 8),
                                 pop = rep("Exponential", length(mu0s)*8), sampsize = 20)

evaluating power of z-test and bootstrap tests for the proportion

n <- 5
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.1
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject (when p0 = 0 this will be NA but leaving in sequence of null values for sake of other intervals)
ztest_prop_power_point1_5 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point1_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point1_5_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point1_5_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point1_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point1_5_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point1_5_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point1_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point1_5_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point1_5_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point1_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point1_5_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point1_5_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point1_5_99_withna <- apply(student_ints_point1_5_99, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point1_5_99_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point1_5_99_withna)
student_power_point1_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point1_5_99_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point1_5_99_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point1_5_99_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point1_5_999_withna <- apply(student_ints_point1_5_999, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point1_5_999_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point1_5_999_withna)
student_power_point1_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point1_5_999_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point1_5_999_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point1_5_999_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

bernoulli_5_point1_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point1_5), colMeans(perc_power_point1_5_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point1_5_999), colMeans(basic_power_point1_5_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point1_5_999), as.numeric(student_power_point1_5_99),
                                             rep(NA, length(p0s))),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.1)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 5, truep = 0.1)

n <- 20
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.1
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_power_point1_20 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point1_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point1_20_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point1_20_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point1_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point1_20_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point1_20_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point1_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point1_20_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point1_20_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point1_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point1_20_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point1_20_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point1_20_99_withna <- apply(student_ints_point1_20_99, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point1_20_99_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point1_20_99_withna)
student_power_point1_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point1_20_99_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point1_20_99_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point1_20_99_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point1_20_999_withna <- apply(student_ints_point1_20_999, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point1_20_999_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point1_20_999_withna)
student_power_point1_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point1_20_999_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point1_20_999_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point1_20_999_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

bernoulli_20_point1_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point1_20), colMeans(perc_power_point1_20_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point1_20_999), colMeans(basic_power_point1_20_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point1_20_999), colSums(student_power_point1_20_99, na.rm = TRUE)/10000,
                                             colSums(student_power_point1_20_999, na.rm = TRUE)/10000),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.1)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 20, truep = 0.1)

n <- 50
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.1
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_power_point1_50 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point1_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point1_50_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point1_50_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point1_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point1_50_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point1_50_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point1_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point1_50_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point1_50_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point1_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point1_50_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point1_50_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point1_50_99_withna <- apply(student_ints_point1_50_99, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point1_50_99_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point1_50_99_withna)
student_power_point1_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point1_50_99_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point1_50_99_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point1_50_99_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point1_50_999_withna <- apply(student_ints_point1_50_999, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point1_50_999_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point1_50_999_withna)
student_power_point1_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point1_50_999_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point1_50_999_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point1_50_999_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

bernoulli_50_point1_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point1_50), colMeans(perc_power_point1_50_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point1_50_999), colMeans(basic_power_point1_50_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point1_50_999), colMeans(student_power_point1_50_99),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.1)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 50, truep = 0.1)

n <- 150
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.1
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_power_point1_150 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point1_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point1_150_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point1_150_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point1_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point1_150_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point1_150_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point1_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point1_150_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point1_150_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point1_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point1_150_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point1_150_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point1_150_99_withna <- apply(student_ints_point1_150_99, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point1_150_99_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point1_150_99_withna)
student_power_point1_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point1_150_99_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point1_150_99_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point1_150_99_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point1_150_999_withna <- apply(student_ints_point1_150_999, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point1_150_999_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point1_150_999_withna)
student_power_point1_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point1_150_999_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point1_150_999_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point1_150_999_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

bernoulli_150_point1_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point1_150), colMeans(perc_power_point1_150_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point1_150_999), colMeans(basic_power_point1_150_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point1_150_999), colMeans(student_power_point1_150_99),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.1)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 150, truep = 0.1)
n <- 5
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.25
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_power_point25_5 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point25_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point25_5_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point25_5_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point25_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point25_5_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point25_5_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point25_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point25_5_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point25_5_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point25_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point25_5_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point25_5_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point25_5_99_withna <- apply(student_ints_point25_5_99, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point25_5_99_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point25_5_99_withna)
student_power_point25_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point25_5_99_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point25_5_99_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point25_5_99_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point25_5_999_withna <- apply(student_ints_point25_5_999, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point25_5_999_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point25_5_999_withna)
student_power_point25_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point25_5_999_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point25_5_999_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point25_5_999_nona[i,2] >= p0s)} # all NA since no intervals were well defined

bernoulli_5_point25_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point25_5), colMeans(perc_power_point25_5_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point25_5_999), colMeans(basic_power_point25_5_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point25_5_999), colMeans(student_power_point25_5_99),
                                             rep(NA, length(p0s))),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.25)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 5, truep = 0.25)

n <- 20
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.25
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_power_point25_20 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point25_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point25_20_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point25_20_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point25_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point25_20_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point25_20_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point25_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point25_20_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point25_20_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point25_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point25_20_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point25_20_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point25_20_99_withna <- apply(student_ints_point25_20_99, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point25_20_99_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point25_20_99_withna)
student_power_point25_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point25_20_99_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point25_20_99_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point25_20_99_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point25_20_999_withna <- apply(student_ints_point25_20_999, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point25_20_999_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point25_20_999_withna)
student_power_point25_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point25_20_999_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point25_20_999_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point25_20_999_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

bernoulli_20_point25_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point25_20), colMeans(perc_power_point25_20_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point25_20_999), colMeans(basic_power_point25_20_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point25_20_999), colMeans(student_power_point25_20_99),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.25)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 20, truep = 0.25)

n <- 50
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.25
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_power_point25_50 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point25_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point25_50_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point25_50_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point25_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point25_50_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point25_50_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point25_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point25_50_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point25_50_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point25_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point25_50_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point25_50_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point25_50_99_withna <- apply(student_ints_point25_50_99, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point25_50_99_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point25_50_99_withna)
student_power_point25_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point25_50_99_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point25_50_99_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point25_50_99_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point25_50_999_withna <- apply(student_ints_point25_50_999, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point25_50_999_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point25_50_999_withna)
student_power_point25_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point25_50_999_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point25_50_999_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point25_50_999_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

bernoulli_50_point25_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point25_50), colMeans(perc_power_point25_50_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point25_50_999), colMeans(basic_power_point25_50_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point25_50_999), colMeans(student_power_point25_50_99),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.25)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 50, truep = 0.25)

n <- 150
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.25
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_power_point25_150 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point25_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point25_150_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point25_150_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point25_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point25_150_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point25_150_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point25_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point25_150_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point25_150_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point25_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point25_150_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point25_150_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_power_point25_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point25_150_99[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point25_150_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
student_power_point25_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point25_150_999[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point25_150_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

bernoulli_150_point25_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point25_150), colMeans(perc_power_point25_150_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point25_150_999), colMeans(basic_power_point25_150_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point25_150_999), colSums(student_power_point25_150_99, na.rm = TRUE)/10000,
                                             colSums(student_power_point25_150_999, na.rm = TRUE)/10000),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.25)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 150, truep = 0.25)
n <- 5
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_power_point5_5 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point5_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point5_5_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point5_5_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point5_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point5_5_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point5_5_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point5_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point5_5_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point5_5_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point5_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point5_5_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point5_5_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point5_5_99_withna <- apply(student_ints_point5_5_99, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point5_5_99_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point5_5_99_withna)
students_power_point5_5_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point5_5_99_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point5_5_99_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point5_5_99_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point5_5_999_withna <- apply(student_ints_point5_5_999, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point5_5_999_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point5_5_999_withna)
students_power_point5_5_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point5_5_999_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point5_5_999_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point5_5_999_nona[i,2] >= p0s)} # set to NA since no intervals were truly defined

bernoulli_5_point5_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point5_5), colMeans(perc_power_point5_5_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point5_5_999), colMeans(basic_power_point5_5_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point5_5_999), colMeans(students_power_point5_5_99),
                                             rep(NA, length(p0s))),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.5)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 5, truep = 0.50)

n <- 20
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_power_point5_20 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point5_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point5_20_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point5_20_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point5_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point5_20_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point5_20_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point5_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point5_20_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point5_20_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point5_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point5_20_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point5_20_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point5_20_99_withna <- apply(student_ints_point5_20_99, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point5_20_99_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point5_20_99_withna)
students_power_point5_20_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point5_20_99_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point5_20_99_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point5_20_99_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_ints_point5_20_999_withna <- apply(student_ints_point5_20_999, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(abs(x) == Inf, NA, x))
student_ints_point5_20_999_nona <- na.omit(student_ints_point5_20_999_withna)
students_power_point5_20_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(student_ints_point5_20_999_nona), .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point5_20_999_nona[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point5_20_999_nona[i,2] >= p0s)}

bernoulli_20_point5_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point5_20), colMeans(perc_power_point5_20_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point5_20_999), colMeans(basic_power_point5_20_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point5_20_999), colMeans(students_power_point5_20_99),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.5)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 20, truep = 0.50)

n <- 50
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_power_point5_50 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point5_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point5_50_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point5_50_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point5_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point5_50_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point5_50_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point5_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point5_50_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point5_50_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point5_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point5_50_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point5_50_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_power_point5_50_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point5_50_99[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point5_50_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
student_power_point5_50_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point5_50_999[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point5_50_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

bernoulli_50_point5_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point5_50), colMeans(perc_power_point5_50_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point5_50_999), colMeans(basic_power_point5_50_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point5_50_999), colSums(student_power_point5_50_99, na.rm = TRUE)/10000,
                                             colSums(student_power_point5_50_999, na.rm = TRUE)/10000),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.5)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 50, truep = 0.50)

n <- 150
p0s <- seq(0, 1, 0.02)
ptrue <- 0.5
sampmat <- matrix(rbernoulli(nsim*n, p = ptrue), ncol = nsim)

# save TRUE if we reject 
ztest_prop_power_point5_150 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {abs((mean(sampmat[,i]) - p0s)/sqrt((p0s*(1-p0s))/n)) > qnorm(0.975)}

perc_power_point5_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point5_150_99[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point5_150_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
perc_power_point5_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(perc_ints_point5_150_999[i,1] <= p0s & perc_ints_point5_150_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

basic_power_point5_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point5_150_99[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point5_150_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
basic_power_point5_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(basic_ints_point5_150_999[i,1] <= p0s & basic_ints_point5_150_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

student_power_point5_150_99 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point5_150_99[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point5_150_99[i,2] >= p0s)}
student_power_point5_150_999 <- foreach(i = 1:nsim, .combine = rbind) %dopar% 
  {!(student_ints_point5_150_999[i,1] <= p0s & student_ints_point5_150_999[i,2] >= p0s)}

bernoulli_150_point5_plot_dat <- data.frame(rejprop = c(colMeans(ztest_prop_power_point5_150), colMeans(perc_power_point5_150_99),
                                             colMeans(perc_power_point5_150_999), colMeans(basic_power_point5_150_99),
                                             colMeans(basic_power_point5_150_999), colSums(student_power_point5_150_99, na.rm = TRUE)/10000,
                                             colSums(student_power_point5_150_999, na.rm = TRUE)/10000),
                                 test = c(rep("z-test", length(p0s)), rep("perc99", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("perc999", length(p0s)), rep("basic99", length(p0s)), rep("basic999", length(p0s)),
                                   rep("student99", length(p0s)), rep("student999", length(p0s))),
                                 mu0 = rep(p0s, 7),
                                 pop = rep("Bernoulli(0.5)", length(p0s)*7), sampsize = 150, truep = 0.50)

organize results and plot

mean_plotdat_normal <- rbind(normal_10_plot_dat, normal_40_plot_dat, normal_100_plot_dat)
mean_plotdat_normal$test <- factor(mean_plotdat_normal$test, levels = c("z-test", "t-test", "basic99", "basic999", "perc99", "perc999",
                                                                        "student99", "student999"))

mean_plotdat_exp <- rbind(exp_5_plot_dat, exp_10_plot_dat, exp_20_plot_dat)
mean_plotdat_exp$test <- factor(mean_plotdat_exp$test, levels = c("z-test", "t-test", "basic99", "basic999", "perc99", "perc999",
                                                                        "student99", "student999"))

prop_plotdat_point1 <- rbind(bernoulli_5_point1_plot_dat, bernoulli_20_point1_plot_dat, bernoulli_50_point1_plot_dat,
prop_plotdat_point1$test <- factor(prop_plotdat_point1$test, levels = c("z-test", "basic99", "basic999", "perc99", "perc999",
                                                                        "student99", "student999"))

prop_plotdat_point25 <- rbind(bernoulli_5_point25_plot_dat, bernoulli_20_point25_plot_dat, bernoulli_50_point25_plot_dat,
prop_plotdat_point25$test <- factor(prop_plotdat_point25$test, levels = c("z-test", "basic99", "basic999", "perc99", "perc999",
                                                                        "student99", "student999"))

prop_plotdat_point5 <- rbind(bernoulli_5_point5_plot_dat, bernoulli_20_point5_plot_dat, bernoulli_50_point5_plot_dat,
prop_plotdat_point5$test <- factor(prop_plotdat_point5$test, levels = c("z-test", "basic99", "basic999", "perc99", "perc999",
                                                                        "student99", "student999"))
ggplot(mean_plotdat_normal) +
  geom_line(aes(mu0, rejprop, linetype = as.factor(sampsize))) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 1), linetype = "F1") + # long-dashed line at true parameter value
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0.05), linetype = "F1") +
  facet_wrap(~ test, nrow = 2, labeller = as_labeller(c("z-test" = "z-test", "t-test" = "t-test", "basic99" = "Basic (B = 99)", 
                                                        "basic999" = "Basic (B = 999)", "perc99" = "Percentile (B = 99)", 
                                                        "perc999" = "Percentile (B = 999)", "student99" = "Studentized (B = 99)", 
                                                        "student999" = "Studentized (B = 999)"))) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Hypothesized mean", y = "Rejection rate") +
  scale_linetype_manual(values = c("solid", "dashed", "dotted")) + # solid = 10, dashed = 40, dotted = 100
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(mean_plotdat_normal$mu0)[seq(1, 13, 2)]) +
  theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        strip.text = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 12, face = "bold"),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))

ggplot(mean_plotdat_exp) +
  geom_line(aes(mu0, rejprop, linetype = as.factor(sampsize))) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 1), linetype = "F1") + # long-dashed line at true parameter value
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0.05), linetype = "F1") +
  facet_wrap(~ test, nrow = 2, labeller = as_labeller(c("z-test" = "z-test", "t-test" = "t-test", "basic99" = "Basic (B = 99)", 
                                                        "basic999" = "Basic (B = 999)", "perc99" = "Percentile (B = 99)", 
                                                        "perc999" = "Percentile (B = 999)", "student99" = "Studentized (B = 99)", 
                                                        "student999" = "Studentized (B = 999)"))) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Hypothesized mean", y = "Rejection rate") +
  scale_linetype_manual(values = c("solid", "dashed", "dotted")) + # solid = 5, dashed = 10, dotted = 20
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(mean_plotdat_exp$mu0)[seq(1, 13, 2)]) +
  theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        strip.text = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 12, face = "bold"),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))

  geom_line(aes(mu0, rejprop, linetype = as.factor(sampsize))) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = truep), linetype = "F1") + # long-dashed line at true parameter values
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0.05), linetype = "F1") +
  facet_grid(pop ~ test, labeller = as_labeller(c("z-test" = "z-test", "basic99" = "Basic (B = 99)", 
                                                        "basic999" = "Basic (B = 999)", "perc99" = "Percentile (B = 99)", 
                                                        "perc999" = "Percentile (B = 999)", "student99" = "Studentized (B = 99)", 
                                                        "student999" = "Studentized (B = 999)", 
                                                        "Bernoulli(0.1)" = "Bernoulli(0.1)",
                                                        "Bernoulli(0.25)" = "Bernoulli(0.25)",
                                                        "Bernoulli(0.5)" = "Bernoulli(0.5)"))) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Hypothesized proportion", y = "Rejection rate") +
  scale_linetype_manual(values = c("solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash")) + # solid = 5, dashed = 20, dotted = 50, dotdash = 150
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"),
        strip.text = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 12, face = "bold"),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))

tottyn/bootEd documentation built on Feb. 10, 2022, 2:48 a.m.