Man pages for townleym/mSpatial
Some Convenience Functions building on the rGeos library

bottomrightRetrieve bottomright of 'sp' object
col2hexConvert R color strings to hex
gBoundingPointsSelect points within bounding box
gBoundingPolybounding box polygon function
gBoundingPolyClipbounding box clip function
gEnclosedAreaReturn polygons enclosed by a container -based on a percent...
gEnclosedCentroidReturn polygons whose centroids are enclosed
gPolyByCentroidReturn polygons enclosed within a container (deprecated)
gPolyByIntersectReturn polygons intersecting with a container
gWhichPointsReturn indices of points within a box
is.errorError Trap
mBoxReturn a spatial polygon from a point
mGetIntersectingReturn polygons enclosed within a container (Deprecated)
mSummarizersummarize attributes over a containing geometry
mWKTPointToXYExtract X, Y coordinates from a WKT points object
osmGetPlot OSM basemap (deprecated)
topleftRetrieve topleft of 'sp' object
yoverxHeight / width ratio
townleym/mSpatial documentation built on May 31, 2019, 6:46 p.m.