disc_wrapper: Wrapper function performing a complete landscape...

View source: R/disc_wrapper.R

disc_wrapperR Documentation

Wrapper function performing a complete landscape discretisation


Wrapper function performing a complete landscape discretisation


disc_wrapper(dem = NULL, drain_points = NULL, river = NULL,
  flowaccum = NULL, drainage_dir = NULL, lcov = NULL, soil = NULL,
  watermask = NULL, imperviousmask = NULL, supp_quant = NULL,
  supp_qual = NULL, soil_depth = NULL, sdr = NULL, veg_path = NULL,
  soil_path = NULL, odbc_file = "~/.odbc.ini", dbname = NULL,
  db_driver = "SQLITE3",
  db_desc = "lumpR database automatically generated with lumpR::disc_wrapper()",
  db_server = "localhost", db_checks = NULL, db_option = NULL,
  subbas = NULL, stream = NULL, stream_eha = NULL,
  stream_horton = NULL, points_processed = NULL, eha = NULL,
  flowdir = NULL, flowacc = NULL, elevriv = NULL, distriv = NULL,
  svc = NULL, lu = NULL, output_dir = getwd(),
  svc_file = "svc.dat", catena_out = "catena.dat",
  catena_head_out = "catena_header.dat", luoutfile = "lu_pars.dat",
  tcoutfile = "tc_pars.dat", lucontainstcoutfile = "lu_tc.dat",
  tccontainssvcoutfile = "tc_svc.dat",
  terraincomponentsoutfile = "tc_db.dat", sub_ofile = "sub.dat",
  sub_lu = "sub_lu.dat", lupar_ofile = "lu_db.dat",
  recl_lu = "reclass_lu.dat", thresh_sub = NULL, eha_thres = NULL,
  no_LUs = NULL, no_TCs = NULL, disk_swap = FALSE,
  drainp_out_id = NULL, thresh_stream = NULL, snap_dist = NULL,
  rm_spurious = NULL, prep_things2do = c("eha", "river", "svc"),
  groundwater = TRUE, ridge_thresh = NULL, min_cell_in_slope = NULL,
  min_catena_length = NULL, max_riv_dist = NULL, grass_files = FALSE,
  plot_catena = TRUE, plot_profclass = TRUE, plot_silhouette = TRUE,
  keep_temp = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, db_overwrite = NULL,
  silent = FALSE, ncores = 1, addon_path = NULL)


This function is a wrapper function performing a complete landscape discretisation by calling the functions calc_subbas, lump_grass_prep, area2catena, prof_class, lump_grass_post, lump_grass_prep, db_create, db_fill, and db_check. See function's documentations for information about the arguments.


The function returns nothing. A number of plots, text files, and GRASS data are produced.


This function was created for automated landscape discretisation, e.g. within a Monte Carlo analysis. Use only if you are already familiar with the lumpR package and can be sure that the procedure works for your input data!


Tobias Pilz tpilz@uni-potsdam.de


lumpR paper
Pilz, T.; Francke, T.; Bronstert, A. (2017): lumpR 2.0.0: an R package facilitating landscape discretisation for hillslope-based hydrological models. Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3001-3023, doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-3001-2017

tpilz/LUMP documentation built on Aug. 5, 2023, 1:31 a.m.