
#' External process
#' Managing external processes from R is not trivial, and this
#' class aims to help with this deficiency. It is essentially a small
#' wrapper around the \code{pipe} base R function, to return the process
#' id of the started process, and set its standard output and error
#' streams. The process id is then used to manage the process.
#' @section Usage:
#' \preformatted{p <- process$new(command = NULL, args, commandline = NULL,
#'                  stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
#' p$is_alive()
#' p$kill(grace = 0.1)
#' p$wait()
#' p$get_exit_status()
#' p$restart()
#' p$read_output_lines(...)
#' p$read_error_lines(...)
#' p$can_read_output()
#' p$can_read_error()
#' p$is_eof_output()
#' p$is_eof_error()
#' p$get_output_connection()
#' p$get_error_connection()
#' print(p)
#' }
#' @section Arguments:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{p}{A \code{process} object.}
#'   \item{command}{Character scalar, the command to run. It will be
#'     escaped via \code{\link[base]{shQuote}}.}
#'   \item{args}{Character vector, arguments to the command. The will be
#'     escaped via \code{\link[base]{shQuote}}.}
#'   \item{commandline}{A character scalar, a full command line.
#'     No escaping will be performed on it.}
#'   \item{stdout}{What to do with the standard output. Possible values:
#'     \code{FALSE}: discard it; a string, redirect it to this file,
#'     \code{TRUE}: redirect it to a temporary file.}
#'   \item{stdout}{What to do with the standard error. Possible values:
#'     \code{FALSE}: discard it; a string, redirect it to this file,
#'     \code{TRUE}: redirect it to a temporary file.}
#'   \item{grace}{Grace pediod between the TERM and KILL signals, in
#'     seconds.}
#'   \item{...}{Extra arguments are passed to the
#'     \code{\link[base]{readLines}} function.}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#' \code{$new()} starts a new process, it uses \code{\link[base]{pipe}}.
#' R does \emph{not} wait for the process to finish, but returns
#' immediately.
#' \code{$is_alive()} checks if the process is alive. Returns a logical
#' scalar.
#' \code{$kill()} kills the process. It also kills all of its child
#' processes. First it sends the child processes a \code{TERM} signal, and
#' then after a grace period a \code{KILL} signal. Then it does the same
#' for the process itself. A killed process can be restarted using the
#' \code{restart} method. It returns the process itself.
#' \code{$wait()} waits until the process finishes. Note that if the
#' process never finishes, then R will never regain control. It returns
#' the process itself.
#' \code{$get_exit_code} returns the exit code of the process if it has
#' finished and \code{wait} was called on it. Otherwise it will return
#' \code{NULL}.
#' \code{$restart()} restarts a process. It returns the process itself.
#' \code{$read_output_lines()} reads from standard output of the process.
#' If the standard output was not requested, then it returns an error.
#' It uses a non-blocking text connection.
#' \code{$read_error_lines()} is similar to \code{$read_output_lines}, but
#' it reads from the standard error stream.
#' \code{$can_read_output()} checks if there is any standard output
#' immediately available.
#' \code{$can_read_error()} checks if there is any standard error
#' immediately available.
#' \code{$is_eof_output()} checks if the standard output stream has
#' ended. This means that the process is finished and all output has
#' been processed.
#' \code{$is_eof_error()} checks if the standard error stream has
#' ended. This means that the process is finished and all output has
#' been processed.
#' \code{$get_output_connection()} returns a connection object, to the
#' standard output stream of the process.
#' \code{$get_error_conneciton()} returns a connection object, to the
#' standard error stream of the process.
#' \code{print(p)} or \code{p$print()} shows some information about the
#' process on the screen, whether it is running and it's process id, etc.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @name process
#' @examples
#' p <- process$new("sleep", "2")
#' p$is_alive()
#' p
#' p$kill()
#' p$is_alive()
#' p$restart()
#' p$is_alive()
#' Sys.sleep(3)
#' p$is_alive()
tpq/glitchr documentation built on Oct. 26, 2020, 2:24 a.m.