Man pages for trahelyk/trahelyk_pkg
A collection of tools, mostly for formatting output for dynamic documents

apply_labelApply an Hmisc-brand label to a single variable in a...
apply_labelsApply Hmisc-brand labels to one or more variables in a...
apply_label_vectorApply a character vector as labels for a data frame
ci_fmtCalculate a CI and return it as a formatted string
clear_labelsRemove all Hmisc labels from a data frame
cntCount observations and number of unique identifiers
fact0rnyReturn a 2-level factor with labels "No" and "Yes"
ft.tbl1Present a tableone table as a flextable
ft.tbl1wPresent a one-way table as a flextable
ft.tblnwPresent an n-way table as a flextable
is_uniqueDetermine whether a column in a data frame is unique across...
lookDisplay a summary and SD of a numeric vector
md.tbl1Display a tableone table in RMarkdown
md.tblnwDisplay an N-way tabulation in RMarkdown
plot_rocPlot a ROC curve based on a roc_obj object
present_mdlGeneric function to format and present a LaTeX table that...
present_mdl.glmFormat and present a LaTeX table that summarizes a glm model...
present_mdl.lmFormat and present a LaTeX table that summarizes a linear...
roc_objGenerate roc_obj object that is handy for summarizing...
semCalculate a standard error
tablenwayTabulate a set of variables by an N-dimensional grouping...
tableoneProduces a tbl1 object, which contains a two-way table...
tableonewayProduces a tbl1w object, which contains summary statistics...
tocaseChange case of a character vector
tx.glmPresent a glm model object in a LaTeX table
tx.lmePresent an nlme-produced lme model object in a LaTeX table
tx_mdl.coxphPresent a coxph-produced model object in a LaTeX table
tx_mdl.glmPresent a glm-produced model object in a LaTeX table
tx_mdl.lmPresent a lm-produced model object in a LaTeX table
tx_mdl.lmePresent an nlme-produced lme model object in a LaTeX table
tx.tableone_stratifiedPresent two tableone objects in a stratified LaTeX table
tx.tableonewayPresent a tableoneway object in a LaTeX table
tx.trahbleDisplay a trahble-based tabulation in LaTeX
trahelyk/trahelyk_pkg documentation built on June 14, 2021, 9:25 p.m.