Man pages for transmart/RInterface
R Client for accessing the tranSMART RESTful API

authenticateWithTransmartAuthenticate the R client to gain access to tranSMART...
connectToTransmartInitializes a new connection to the tranSMART database via...
getConceptsObtain a list of all the concepts for a certain study,...
getHighdimDataObtain a high dimensional dataset for a certain study
getObservationsObtain the observation values for the clinical data of a...
getPatientSetDownload a patient set by id.
getStudiesObtain a list of studies present in the tranSMART database
getSubjectsObtain a list of all subjects in a certain study.
getTransmartTokenRetrieve the authentication token that can be used to connect...
highdimInfoShow information on a high dimensional dataset
transmartRClient-packageR Client for accessing the tranSMART RESTful API
transmart/RInterface documentation built on May 31, 2019, 7:45 p.m.