

R package for running a TnSeq essentiality analysis pipeline. Designed for use with raw TnSeq results from Tradis and Transit (Gumbel) to produce a list of essential genes. Allows the specification of stringency threshold in relation to the number of replicates (e.g. for Tradis, a gene is essential if it has 0 counts in at least 2 of 3 replicates).


The only dependency is the tidyverse set of packages.

Workflow & Functions


The simplest way to intsall the package is through the devtools::install_github() function. One can simply copy and paste the code below into the RStudio console to install and load the package:

devtools::install_github("travis-m-blimkie/TbTnseq") library(TbTnseq)

travis-m-blimkie/TbTnseq documentation built on July 22, 2019, 7:39 a.m.