
Check Steps

  1. devtools::document()
  2. devtools::check()
  3. devtools::install()
  4. source("scripts/rhub.R")
  5. Copy urls and final outputs into cran comments
  6. source("scripts/revdepcheck.R")
  7. devtools::release(),
  8. (don't actually release in the last step)
  9. DON'T LIE!!

Release Steps

  1. Create a release branch for the next release.
  2. Bump the version # in DESCRIPTION to the next even number for release
  3. Bump the version # in to align with ^
  4. Run check steps above
  5. Submit to CRAN.
  6. devtools::release() (actually release)
  7. Do any revisions CRAN requests on the release branch
  8. Once accepted to CRAN, merge the release branch to main and tag the release.
  9. Bump the version # in DESCRIPTION to the next odd number on main for development of next release.

trestletech/plumber documentation built on May 6, 2024, 6:17 p.m.