Man pages for trestletech/shinyTree
jsTree Bindings for Shiny

depthCheck depth of a list
dfrapplyRecursively apply function to all data.frames in a nested...
dfToTreeConverts a data.frame to a data.tree format
get_checkedGet the checked nodes from a tree
get_selectedGet the selected nodes from a tree
renderEmptyTreeRender an empty ShinyTree
renderTreeRender a ShinyTree
renderTreeAsyncRender an asynchronous ShinyTree
set_node_attrsTree traversal
shinyTreeCreate a Shiny Tree
treeToDfConvert tree into data.frame
treeToJSONConverts a data.tree to a JSON format
updateTreeUpdate the tree with new data
trestletech/shinyTree documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 9:10 p.m.