Man pages for treysp/coolit
Identify water cooling towers from aerial orthoimagery

calc_slice_cornersCalculate the tile corner XY values in source raster/image...
make_jp2_file_dfCreate data frame of jp2 and jp2 aux files from directory...
make_raster_overlaymake overlay of towers on image
make_split_indexcreate integer sequence for splitting vectors into a list
pipePipe operator
rgb2greyConvert RGB to greyscale using 'average' or 'gleam' methods
score_jp2_imageScore a jp2 image with a Keras model
score_jp2_image_dirScore a directory of jp2 images with a Keras model
score_slice_dataScore a data frame of image slices with a Keras model
score_slice_data_dirScore a directory of tile data files with a Keras model
score_test_imagesScore training test-set images
slice_imageSlice an image into tiles for scoring with a Keras model
slice_jp2_imageSlice a jp2 image into tiles for scoring with a Keras model
slice_raster_brickSplit a raster brick into tiles with user-specified pixel...
train_tower_modelTrain tower model with keras
treysp/coolit documentation built on June 5, 2019, 5:16 p.m.