fixAge: Turn 'epigenetic clock' into actual age

View source: R/fixAge.R

fixAgeR Documentation

Turn 'epigenetic clock' into actual age


Uses Horvath-type 'epigenetic clock' raw output to project into actual ages


fixAge(x, adult = 21)



Untransformed or raw prediction(s)


Age of adulthood (DEFAULT: 21)


The 'Epigenetic Clock' (Horvath 2012) and similar schemes use a number of CpG loci (or regions, or perhaps CpH loci – it doesn't really matter what) to estimate the chronological/biological age of samples from DNA methylation with pre-trained feature weights (coefficients) for each region/locus.

All of these type of clocks use a nonlinear output transformation which switches from an exponential growth model for children into a linear model for adults, where adult is an arbitrary number (by default and custom, that number is 21; elsewhere it can sometimes be seen as 20, but all known epi-age transformation functions quietly add 1 to the constant internally).

This function implements the above standard output transformation step.


  Transformed prediction(s)


  clock <- getClock(genome="hg38")
  score <- clock$gr$score

  age <- fixAge(score)

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