Man pages for trinker/acc.roxygen2
Fuctions to Extend roxygen2

combo_statdocCombine Function Icons
dat4roxroxygen2 Format Data Sets
doc_checkGenerate Text of Roxygen Documentation
examplesGenerate File of Package Examples
exbutton_statdocAdd Extra staticdocs Icons
expand_statdocExpand staticdocs index.html File
funbodyGrab Function and Body
funs4roxroxygen2 Format Functions
is.methodTest for Generic Methods
OROpen a Repo
package_templateroxygen2 Oriented Package Skeleton
pack_funGenerate a Basic roxygen2 .R File
readme_statdocChange File
removeDRRemove the dontrun Pieces of Documentation
rmdMake .Rd files
roxfunGenerate roxygen2 Documentation
roxparsroxygen2 Parameters
search_repoSearch a Repo for Terms
seeFunction Links
timerCrude Timing
urUroxann Code
trinker/acc.roxygen2 documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:41 p.m.