desc <- suppressWarnings(readLines("DESCRIPTION"))
regex <- "(^Version:\\s+)(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)"
loc <- grep(regex, desc)
ver <- gsub(regex, "\\2", desc[loc])
verbadge <- sprintf('<a href=""><img src="" alt="Version"/></a></p>', ver, ver)
#verbadge <- ""
[![Project Status: Inactive – The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows.](](
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`r verbadge`

knit_hooks$set(htmlcap = function(before, options, envir) {
  if(!before) {
    paste('<p class="caption"><b><em>',options$htmlcap,"</em></b></p>",sep="")
knitr::opts_knit$set(self.contained = TRUE, cache = FALSE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.path = "tools/figure/")

stansent wraps Stanford's coreNLP sentiment tagger in a way that makes the process easier to get set up. The output is designed to look and behave like the objects from the sentimentr package. Plotting and the sentimentr::highlight functionality will work similar to the sentiment/sentiment_by objects from sentimentr. This requires less learning to work between the two packages.

In addition to sentimentr and stansent, Matthew Jocker's has created the syuzhet package that utilizes dictionary lookups for the Bing, NRC, and Afinn methods. Similarly, Subhasree Bose has contributed RSentiment which utilizes dictionary lookup that atempts to address negation and sarcasm. Click here for a comparison between stansent, sentimentr, syuzhet, and RSentiment. Note the accuracy and run times of the packages.


To download the development version of stansent:

Download the zip ball or tar ball, decompress and run R CMD INSTALL on it, or use the pacman package to install the development version:

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load_gh("trinker/coreNLPsetup", "trinker/stansent")

After installing use the following to ensure Java and coreNLP are installed correctly:


to make sure your Java version is of the right version and coreNLP is set up in the right location.


There are two main functions in sentimentr with a few helper functions. The main functions, task category, & descriptions are summarized in the table below:

| Function | Function | Description | |-------------------------|------------|-----------------------------------------| | sentiment_stanford | sentiment | Sentiment at the sentence level | | sentiment_stanford_by | sentiment | Aggregated sentiment by group(s) | | uncombine | reshaping | Extract sentence level sentiment from sentiment_by | | get_sentences | reshaping | Regex based string to sentence parser (or get sentences from sentiment/sentiment_by)| | highlight | Highlight positive/negative sentences as an HTML document | | check_setup | initial set-up |Make sure Java and coreNLP are set up correctly |


You are welcome to: submit suggestions and bug-reports at: send a pull request on: * compose a friendly e-mail to:


Load the Packages/Data

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load_gh(c("trinker/stansent", "trinker/sentimentr"))

mytext <- c(
    'do you like it?  But I hate really bad dogs',
    'I am the best friend.',
    'Do you really like it?  I\'m not a fan'

data(presidential_debates_2012, cannon_reviews)
dat <- presidential_debates_2012[sample(1:nrow(presidential_debates_2012), 100), ]


out1 <- sentiment_stanford(mytext) 
out1[["text"]] <- unlist(get_sentences(out1))

sentiment_stanford_by: Aggregation

To aggregate by element (column cell or vector element) use sentiment_stanford_by with by = NULL.

out2 <- sentiment_stanford_by(mytext) 
out2[["text"]] <- mytext

To aggregate by grouping variables use sentiment_by using the by argument.

tic <- Sys.time()
out3 <- with(dat, sentiment_stanford_by(dialogue, list(person, time)))
toc <-  round(as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), tic, units = 'secs')), 1)
(out3 <- with(dat, sentiment_stanford_by(dialogue, list(person, time))))


Note that the Stanford coreNLP functionality takes considerable time to compute (~r toc seconds to compute out above). The output from sentiment_stanford/sentiment_stanford_by can be recycled inside of sentiment_stanford_by, reusing the raw scoring to save the new call to Java.

with(dat, sentiment_stanford_by(out3, list(role, time)))


Plotting at Aggregated Sentiment

The possible sentiment values in the output are {r paste(seq(-1, 1, by = .5), collapse = ", ")}. The raw number of occurrences as each sentiment level are plotted as a bubble version of Cleveland's dot plot. The red cross represents the mean sentiment score (grouping variables are ordered by this by default).


Plotting at the Sentence Level

The plot method for the class sentiment uses syuzhet's get_transformed_values combined with ggplot2 to make a reasonable, smoothed plot for the duration of the text based on percentage, allowing for comparison between plots of different texts. This plot gives the overall shape of the text's sentiment. The user can see syuzhet::get_transformed_values for more details.


Text Highlighting

The user may wish to see the output from sentiment_stanford_by line by line with positive/negative sentences highlighted. The sentimentr::highlight function wraps a sentiment_by output to produces a highlighted HTML file (positive = green; negative = pink). Here we look at three random reviews from Hu and Liu's (2004) Cannon G3 Camera Amazon product reviews.

highlight(with(subset(cannon_reviews, number %in% sample(unique(number), 3)), sentiment_stanford_by(review, number)))

trinker/stansent documentation built on Oct. 12, 2021, 11:19 a.m.