
Excel-R Input-Output

excelRio is an R package providing rudimentary input/output capability between Microsoft Excel and R via:

In contraposition to RExcel, excelRio assumes the user "lives" within the R environment and sometimes uses Excel as a source of data or to store results, either for printing reports or performing subsequent analysis.


Currently this package is under development and only exists on github.

To install the current development version from github you need the devtools package and the other packages on which excelRio depends:

install.packages(c("tools", "mondate"))

Those two packages are sufficient to exchange data via the clipboard and csv files. To exchange data directly with workbooks it is recommended to also install the XLConnect package and its dependencies. Other packages are supported. See the help for readFromExcel and writeToExcel. Note! XLConnect uses java and the rJava package, which can sometimes be troublesome to manage. Please consult your IT department.

To install excelRio run:




Refer to the help files. Examples are somewhat limited at this time.

trinostics/excelRio documentation built on June 18, 2020, 4:41 p.m.