Man pages for troyhill/coreCT
Programmatic Analysis of Sediment Cores Using Computed Tomography Imaging

convConvert a matrix of semi-processed DICOM images to mass and...
convDirConvert a directory of raw DICOM images to material classes
convertConvert a matrix of semi-processed DICOM images to mass and...
convertDirConvert a directory of raw DICOM images to material classes
core_426Three computed tomography scans from a Spartina alterniflora...
coreHistWhole-core frequency distribution of Hounsfield units
getRootsConvert a matrix of semi-processed DICOM images to root...
getRootsDirConvert a directory of raw DICOM images to root particle...
getSurfaceRemove artificial surface layers from processed CT data
rootSizeConvert a matrix of semi-processed DICOM images to root...
rootSizeDirConvert a directory of raw DICOM images to root particle...
voxDimsExtract voxel dimensions from DICOM image
troyhill/coreCT documentation built on Feb. 6, 2021, 7:16 p.m.