When working with a large matrix $M$, we can distinguish between algorithms that require access to arbitrary elements of $M$ and algorithms that only require the ability to multiply by $M$. The latter are called matrix-free algorithms; they work with $M$ as a linear operator rather than with its representation as a matrix.

The advantage of matrix-free algorithms is that for specific $M$ there may be much faster ways to compute $Mx$ than by matrix multiplication. As one extreme example, consider the centering operator $x\mapsto x-\bar x$ on a length-$n$ vector, which can be computed in linear time from its definition but would take time quadratic in $n$ if the operator were represented as multiplication by an $n\times n$ matrix. As another, consider multiplying by a diagonal matrix: the matrix can be represented in linear space and the multiplication performed in linear time by just ignoring all the zero off-diagonal elements.

One important application of bigQF is the SKAT test. This involves the eigenvalues of a matrix that is the product of a sparse matrix and a projection matrix. Multiplying by the sparse component is fast for essentially the same reasons that multiplying by a diagonal matrix is fast. Multiplying by the projection component is fast for essentially the same reasons that centering is fast.

Both the stochastic SVD and Lanczos-type algorithms have matrix-free implementations, and the package provides an object-oriented mechanism to use these implementations to compute the distribution of a quadratic form. The ssvd function also accepts these objects.

An object of class matrix-free is a list with the following components

As a simple example, suppose M is a sparse matrix stored using the Matrix package. We can define (see sparse.matrixfree)

rval <- list(
           mult = function(X) M %*% X,
       tmult = function(X) crossprod(M,  X),
       trace = sum(M^2),
       ncol = ncol(M),
       nrow = nrow(M)
class(rval) <- "matrixfree"

The computations for trace, ncol, and nrow are done at the time the object is constructed. The mult and tmult functions will be efficient because they use the sparse-matrix algorithms in the Matrix package.

The SKAT.matrixfree objects have a more complicated implementation. The matrix is of the form $M=\Pi G W/\sqrt{2}$, where $W$ is a diagonal matrix of weights, $G$ is a sparse genotype matrix, and $\Pi$ is the projection matrix on to the residual space of a linear regression model. Since M is not sparse, it is not sufficient just to use the sparse-matrix code of the previous example. Instead we specify the multiplication function as

function(X) {
        base::qr.resid(qr, as.matrix(spG %*% X))/sqrt(2)

where spG is a sparse Matrix object containing $GW$ and qr is the QR decomposition of the design matrix from the linear model. The transpose multiplication function is

function(X) {
        crossprod(spG, qr.resid(qr, X))/sqrt(2)

Multiplying by the sparse component takes time proportional to the number of non-zero entries of $GW$ and the projection takes time proportional to $np^2$ where $n$ is the number of observations and $p$ is the number of predictors in the linear model. When the genotype matrix is sparse and $p^2\ll n$, the matrix-free algorithm will be fast.

tslumley/bigQF documentation built on Nov. 26, 2021, 4:38 a.m.