Man pages for tsostarics/anrlab
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

add_from_demographicsAdd Demographics Information to Info Table
anrlab_instrumentsInstrument Lookup Table
dot-filter_non_repeatingFilter non repeating instruments
dot-get_nonrepeating_instsProcess non repeating instruments
dot-has_info_in_recordCheck if record contains any info variables
dot-has_instrumentCheck if instrument in report df
dot-pivot_instrumentPivot instrument
dot-postprocessPostprocess instrument data
dot-preprocessPreprocess data
dot-trim_instrumentTrim instrument
dot-verify_datatypesVerify datatypes before joining info
export_sqliteExport to SQLite Database
export_to_excelExport instruments to excel workbook
extract_completesExtract Completion Status
extract_infoExtract Info Variables from Instrument
generate_new_lookupGenerate Instrument Name-Prefix Lookup Table
get_repeatingGet Repeating Instruments
get_reportGet Redcap Report
load_redcap_csvLoad redcap csv data
pipePipe operator
prettify_instrumentPrettify instrument
process_cinderella_chatProcess Narrative Metrics from Raw CHAT Output
process_multi_cinderellaProcess Multiple Cinderella Narratives
query_subjectsQuery Subjects Across Instruments by External Dataframe
split_instrumentsSplit Instruments from Raw Report
summary_to_proportionsConvert Summary Scores to Proportions
test_dataTest dataset
tsostarics/anrlab documentation built on Nov. 6, 2022, 3:54 a.m.