Man pages for ttrodrigz/iterake
Tools for iterative raking

add_categoryAppend universe with existing category
autoplot.universeVisualize 'universe()'.
categoryCreate a weighting category.
control_iterakeAlgorithm control settings for 'iterake()'.
extract_weightsExtract weights
HairEyeColor2Dummy data
iterakeIterative raking
new_categoryAppend universe with new category
print.categoryPrint method for category objects.
print.iterakePrint method for iterake objects.
print.universePrint method for universe objects.
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
sample_sizeSample size calculations.
universeCreate universe
weight_factorsGet weighting factors for categories used in weighting scheme
weighting_efficiencyWeighting efficiency.
weight_statsWeight summary statistics
weight_stats.iterakeWeight summary statistics for an 'iterake' object
weight_stats.numericWeight summary statistics for a numeric vector
ttrodrigz/iterake documentation built on March 27, 2024, 12:48 a.m.