title: r params$title

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = F, fig.height = 3, warning = F, message = F, results = 'asis')

Este documento fue generado por el paquete MPAtools, uno de los entregables del grupo TURFeffect. Los resultados presentados son una version preliminar del software que se esta desarrollando, y no recomendamos la toma de decisiones basado en la informacion aqui presentada

Acentos y caracteres especiales omitidos



peces = params$peces
invertebrados = params$invertebrados
pesca = params$pesca
comunidad = params$comunidad
reserva = params$reserva
control = params$control

Dp <- summary(turfeffect(density(peces, comunidad), reserva, control))
Sp <- summary(turfeffect(richness(peces, comunidad), reserva, control))
Bp <- summary(turfeffect(fish_biomass(peces, comunidad), reserva, control))
NT <- summary(turfeffect(trophic(peces, comunidad), reserva, control))

Di <- summary(turfeffect(density(invertebrados, comunidad), reserva, control))

lang <- filter(invertebrados, GeneroEspecie == "Panulirus argus")
Nlang <- summary(turfeffect(density(lang, comunidad), reserva, control))

car <- filter(invertebrados, GeneroEspecie == "Strombus gigas")
Ncar <- summary(turfeffect(density(car, comunidad), reserva, control))

lut <- filter(peces, Genero == "Lutjanus")
Nlut <- summary(turfeffect(density(lut, comunidad), reserva, control))
Blut <- summary(turfeffect(fish_biomass(lut, comunidad), reserva, control))

## Landings section

arribos <- landings(data = pesca, site = coop, type = 'kg')

arrG <- arribos %>%
  group_by(Ano) %>%
  summarize(Peso = sum(Peso)/1000)

modG <- lm(Peso ~ Ano, arrG)

arrM <- arribos %>%
  filter(NombreCientifico == "Epinephelus spp") %>%
  mutate(Peso = Peso/1000)

modM <- lm(Peso ~ Ano, arrM)

arrP <- arribos %>%
  filter(NombreCientifico == "Lutjanus aratus" |
           NombreCientifico == "Lutjanus cyanopterus" |
           NombreCientifico == "Lujanus griseus" |
           NombreCientifico == "Lutjanus spp." |
           NombreCientifico == "Lutjanus viridis" |
           NombreCientifico == "Lutjanus spp") %>%
  mutate(Peso = Peso /1000)

modP <- lm(Peso ~ Ano, arrP)

arrL <- arribos %>%
  filter(NombreCientifico == "Panulirus argus") %>%
  mutate(Peso = Peso /1000)

modL <- lm(Peso ~ Ano, arrL)

# Landings and price

ingresos <- landings(data = pesca, site =coop, type = 'price')

ingG <- ingresos %>%
  group_by(Ano) %>%
  summarize(Valor = sum(Precio)/1000)

modG2 <- lm(Valor ~ Ano, ingG)

ingM <- ingresos %>%
  filter(NombreCientifico == "Epinephelus spp")

modM2 <- lm(Precio ~ Ano, ingM)

ingP <- ingresos %>%
  filter(NombreCientifico == "Lutjanus aratus" |
           NombreCientifico == "Lutjanus cyanopterus" |
           NombreCientifico == "Lujanus griseus" |
           NombreCientifico == "Lutjanus spp." |
           NombreCientifico == "Lutjanus viridis" |
           NombreCientifico == "Lutjanus spp") %>%
  mutate(Precio = Precio /1000)

modP2 <- lm(Precio ~ Ano, ingP)

ingL <- ingresos %>%
  filter(NombreCientifico == "Panulirus argus") %>%
  mutate(Precio = Precio /1000)

modL2 <- lm(Precio ~ Ano, ingL)


summary <- list(Bio = list(P = list(Dp = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(Dp)[4],
                                                              p = coefficients(Dp)[16])),

                                    Sp = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(Sp)[4],
                                                              p = coefficients(Sp)[16])),

                                    Bp = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(Bp)[4],
                                                              p = coefficients(Bp)[16])),

                                    NT = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(NT)[4],
                                                              p = coefficients(NT)[16]))),

                           I = list(Di = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(Di)[4],
                                                              p = coefficients(Di)[16]))),

                           O = list(L = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(Nlang)[4],
                                                             p = coefficients(Nlang)[16])),

                                    C = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(Ncar)[4],
                                                             p = coefficients(Ncar)[16])),

                                    P = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(Nlut)[4],
                                                             p = coefficients(Nlut)[16])),

                                    Pb = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(Blut)[4],
                                                              p = coefficients(Blut)[16])))),

                Soc = list(L = list(Lg = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(summary(modG))[2],
                                                              p = coefficients(summary(modG))[8])),

                                    Lm = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(summary(modM))[2],
                                                              p = coefficients(summary(modM))[8])),

                                    Lp = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(summary(modL))[2],
                                                              p = coefficients(summary(modM))[8])),

                                    Ll = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(summary(modM))[2],
                                                              p = coefficients(summary(modM))[8]))),
                           V = list(Vg = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(summary(modG2))[2],
                                                              p = coefficients(summary(modG2))[8])),

                                    Vm = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(summary(modM2))[2],
                                                              p = coefficients(summary(modM2))[8])),

                                    Vp = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(summary(modL2))[2],
                                                              p = coefficients(summary(modM2))[8])),

                                    Vl = score(x = data.frame(est = coefficients(summary(modM2))[2],
                                                              p = coefficients(summary(modM2))[8])))),

                Gov = list(1))

Cat | Indicador | Valor |Cat | Indicador | Valor | -------|-------------------------|----------------------------------------------|-------|-------------------------|----------------------------------------------| Bio | Densidad Peces | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Bio$P$Dp)| Soc | Arribos totales | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Soc$L$Lg) Bio | Riqueza Peces | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Bio$P$Sp)| Soc | Arribos de mero | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Soc$L$Lm) Bio | Biomasa Peces | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Bio$P$Bp)| Soc | Arribos de pargos | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Soc$L$Lp) Bio | Nivel Trofico Peces | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Bio$P$NT)| Soc | Arribos de langosta | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Soc$L$Ll) Bio | Densidad Iinvertebrados | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Bio$I$Di)| Soc | Ingresos totales | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Soc$V$Vg) Bio | Densidad de langostas | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Bio$O$L) | Soc | Ingresos por mero | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Soc$V$Vm) Bio | Densidad de caracol rosa| r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Bio$O$C) | Soc | Ingresos por pargos | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Soc$V$Vp) Bio | Densidad de pargos | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Bio$O$P) | Soc | Ingresos por langosta | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Soc$V$Vl) Bio | Biomasa de pargos | r knitr::include_graphics(summary$Bio$O$Pb)| | |




Np <- density(data = peces, location = comunidad)

mpa_plot3(Np, reserve = reserva, control = control, y.lab = "Densidad (org / m^2)")
stargazer(turfeffect(Np, reserve = reserva, control = control), dep.var.labels = "Densidad (org / transecto)", type = "html", dep.var.caption = "", report = "vc*", single.row = T, omit.stat = c("adj.rsq", "n"), digits = 2, df = F, covariate.labels = c("Ano", "Zona", "**Ano:Zona**", "Constante"), notes = "+p < 0.1, ++p<0.05, +++p<0.001", notes.append = FALSE, star.char = "+")


Sp <- richness(data = peces, location = comunidad)
mpa_plot3(Sp, reserve = reserva, control = control, y.lab = "Riqueza (Sp. / transecto)")
stargazer(turfeffect(Sp, reserve = reserva, control = control), dep.var.labels = "Riqueza (Sp. / transecto)", type = "html", dep.var.caption = "", report = "vc*", single.row = T, omit.stat = c("adj.rsq", "n"), digits = 2, df = F, covariate.labels = c("Ano", "Zona", "**Ano:Zona**", "Constante"), notes = "+p < 0.1, ++p<0.05, +++p<0.001", notes.append = FALSE, star.char = "+")


Bp <- fish_biomass(data = peces, location = comunidad)
mpa_plot3(Bp, reserve = reserva, control = control, y.lab = "Biomasa (Kg / transecto)")
stargazer(turfeffect(Bp, reserve = reserva, control = control), dep.var.labels = "Biomasa (Kg / transecto)", type = "html", dep.var.caption = "", report = "vc*", single.row = T, omit.stat = c("adj.rsq", "n"), digits = 2, df = F, covariate.labels = c("Ano", "Zona", "**Ano:Zona**", "Constante"), notes = "+p < 0.1, ++p<0.05, +++p<0.001", notes.append = FALSE, star.char = "+")

Nivel trofico

NTp <- trophic(data = peces, location = comunidad)
mpa_plot3(NTp, reserve = reserva, control = control, y.lab = "Nivel trofico")
stargazer(turfeffect(NTp, reserve = reserva, control = control), dep.var.labels = "Nivel trofico", type = "html", dep.var.caption = "", report = "vc*", single.row = T, omit.stat = c("adj.rsq", "n"), digits = 2, df = F, covariate.labels = c("Ano", "Zona", "**Ano:Zona**", "Constante"), notes = "+p < 0.1, ++p<0.05, +++p<0.001", notes.append = FALSE, star.char = "+")



Ni <- density(data = invertebrados, location = comunidad) %>%
  filter(Sitio == reserva|
           Sitio == control)

mpa_plot3(Ni, reserve = reserva, control = control, y.lab = "Densidad (org / transecto)")
stargazer(turfeffect(Ni, reserve = reserva, control = control), dep.var.labels = "Densidad (org / transecto)", type = "html", dep.var.caption = "", report = "vc*", single.row = T, omit.stat = c("adj.rsq", "n"), digits = 2, df = F, covariate.labels = c("Ano", "Zona", "**Ano:Zona**", "Constante"), notes = "+p < 0.1, ++p<0.05, +++p<0.001", notes.append = FALSE, star.char = "+")

Especies de interes

Pargos (Lutjanus sp.)


lutjanus <- peces %>%
  filter(Genero == "Lutjanus")

Nlut <- density(lutjanus, location = comunidad)

mpa_plot3(Nlut, reserve = reserva, control = control, y.lab = "Densidad de pargos (org / transecto)")
stargazer(turfeffect(Nlut, reserve = reserva, control = control), dep.var.labels = "Densidad (org / transecto)", type = "html", dep.var.caption = "", report = "vc*", single.row = T, omit.stat = c("adj.rsq", "n"), digits = 2, df = F, covariate.labels = c("Ano", "Zona", "**Ano:Zona**", "Constante"), notes = "+p < 0.1, ++p<0.05, +++p<0.001", notes.append = FALSE, star.char = "+")


Blut <- fish_biomass(lutjanus, location = comunidad)

mpa_plot3(Blut, reserve = reserva, control = control, y.lab = "Biomasa de pargos (Kg / transecto)")
stargazer(turfeffect(Blut, reserve = reserva, control = control), dep.var.labels = "Biomasa (Kg / transecto)", type = "html", dep.var.caption = "", report = "vc*", single.row = T, omit.stat = c("adj.rsq", "n"), digits = 2, df = F, covariate.labels = c("Ano", "Zona", "**Ano:Zona**", "Constante"), notes = "+p < 0.1, ++p<0.05, +++p<0.001", notes.append = FALSE, star.char = "+")

Langosta (Panulirus argus)

lang <- filter(invertebrados, GeneroEspecie == "Panulirus argus")

Nlang <- density(lang, location = comunidad)

mpa_plot3(Nlang, reserve = reserva, control = control, y.lab = "Densidad (langostas / transecto)")
stargazer(turfeffect(Nlang, reserve = reserva, control = control), dep.var.labels = "Densidad (org / transecto)", type = "html", dep.var.caption = "", report = "vc*", single.row = T, omit.stat = c("adj.rsq", "n"), digits = 2, df = F, covariate.labels = c("Ano", "Zona", "**Ano:Zona**", "Constante"), notes = "+p < 0.1, ++p<0.05, +++p<0.001", notes.append = FALSE, star.char = "+")

Caracol rosa (Lobatus gigas)

car <- filter(invertebrados, GeneroEspecie == "Strombus gigas")

Ncar <- density(car, location = comunidad)

mpa_plot3(Ncar, reserve = reserva, control = control, y.lab = "Densidad (caracoles / transecto)")
stargazer(turfeffect(Ncar, reserve = reserva, control = control), dep.var.labels = "Densidad (org / transecto)", type = "html", dep.var.caption = "", report = "vc*", single.row = T, omit.stat = c("adj.rsq", "n"), digits = 2, df = F, covariate.labels = c("Ano", "Zona", "**Ano:Zona**", "Constante"), notes = "+p < 0.1, ++p<0.05, +++p<0.001", notes.append = FALSE, star.char = "+")



# Data and models for this section were calculated at the beggining of the document


ggplot(arrG, aes(x = Ano, y = Peso)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = coef(summary(modG))[1], slope = coef(summary(modG))[2]) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Ano", y = "Capturas (T)")

Especies Objetivo


ggplot(arrM, aes(x = Ano, y = Peso)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = coef(summary(modM))[1], slope = coef(summary(modM))[2]) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Ano", y = "Capturas (T)")


ggplot(arrP, aes(x = Ano, y = Peso)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = coef(summary(modP))[1], slope = coef(summary(modP))[2]) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Ano", y = "Capturas (T)")


ggplot(arrL, aes(x = Ano, y = Peso)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = coef(summary(modL))[1], slope = coef(summary(modL))[2]) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Ano", y = "Capturas (T)")


# Code for this section is at the begining of the document


ggplot(ingG, aes(x = Ano, y = Valor)) +
  geom_point()  +
  geom_abline(intercept = coef(summary(modG2))[1], slope = coef(summary(modG2))[2]) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Ano", y = "Ingresos (Miles de pesos)")

Especies Objetivo


ggplot(ingM, aes(x = Ano, y = Precio)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = coef(summary(modM2))[1], slope = coef(summary(modM2))[2]) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Ano", y = "Ingresos (Miles de pesos)")


ggplot(ingP, aes(x = Ano, y = Precio)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = coef(summary(modP2))[1], slope = coef(summary(modP2))[2]) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Ano", y = "Ingresos (Miles de pesos)")


ggplot(ingL, aes(x = Ano, y = Precio)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = coef(summary(modL2))[1], slope = coef(summary(modL2))[2]) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Ano", y = "Ingresos (Miles de pesos)")

Indice de conocimiento



La informacion de gobernanza se presenta con propositos de realizar el ejercicio; de ninguna manera representa una evaluacion que pueda utilizarse para recomendaciones.

Acceso a la pesqueria


Numero de pescadores


Reconocimiento legal de la reserva


Tipo de reserva


Grado de pesca ilegal



Plan de manejo



Procuracion de la reserva


Razonamiento para la ubicacion




Nivel inclusividad




turfeffect/MPAtools documentation built on June 1, 2019, 2:55 a.m.