Man pages for tvganesh/yorkr
Analyze Cricket Performances Based on Data from Cricsheet

batsmanCumulativeAverageRunsBatsman's cumulative average runs
batsmanCumulativeStrikeRateBatsman's cumulative average strike rate
batsmanDismissalsDismissal type of batsmen
batsmanFoursSixesBatsman's total runs, fours and sixes
batsmanMovingAverageMoving average of batsman
batsmanRunsAgainstOppositionBatsman runs against different oppositions
batsmanRunsPredictPredict deliveries to runs scored
batsmanRunsVenueBatsman runs at different venues
batsmanRunsVsDeliveriesRuns versus deliveries faced
batsmanRunsVsStrikeRateBatsman runs versus strike rate
batsmanVsBowlerPerfPerformance of batsman vs bowler
batsmanWinProbDLPlot the batsman win probability contribution using Deep...
batsmanWinProbLRPlot the batsman win probability using Logistic Regression...
bowlerCumulativeAvgEconRateBowler's cumulative average economy rate
bowlerCumulativeAvgWicketsBowler's cumulative average wickets
bowlerDeliveryWicketsNumber of deliveries to wickets
bowlerMeanEconomyRateMean economy rate versus number of overs
bowlerMeanRunsConcededMean runs conceded versus overs
bowlerMovingAverageBowler's moving average of wickets
bowlerVsBatsmanPerfPerformance of bowler vs batsman
bowlerWicketsAgainstOppositionBowler wickets versus different teams
bowlerWicketsVenueBowler performance at different venues
bowlerWinProbDLPlot the Bowler win probability contribution using Deep...
bowlerWinProbLRPlot the bowler win probability using Logistic Regression...
bowlerWktsPredictPredict the deliveries required to wickets
convertAllYaml2RDataframesConvert and save all Yaml files to dataframes
convertAllYaml2RDataframesT20Convert and save all T20 Yaml files to dataframes
convertYaml2RDataframeConverts and save yaml files to dataframes
convertYaml2RDataframeT20Converts and save T20 yaml files to dataframes
getAllMatchesAllOppositionGet data on all matches against all opposition
getAllMatchesBetweenTeamsGet data on all matches between 2 opposing teams
getBatsmanDetailsGet batting details of batsman from match
getBBLBattingDetailsGets the BBL batting details
getBBLBowlingDetailsGets the BBL bowling details
getBowlerWicketDetailsGet the bowling details of a bowler
getCPLBattingDetailsGets the CPL batting details
getCPLBowlingDetailsGets the CPL bowling details
getDeliveryWicketsGet datframe of deliveries bowled and wickets taken
getIPLBattingDetailsGets the IPL batting details
getIPLBowlingDetailsGets the IPL bowling details
getMatchDetailsGet match details of 2 countries
getNTBBattingDetailsGets the NTB batting details
getNTBBowlingDetailsGets the NTB bowling details
getODIBattingDetailsGets the ODI batting details
getODIBowlingDetailsGets the ODI bowling details
getPSLBattingDetailsGets the PSL batting details
getPSLBowlingDetailsGets the PSL bowling details
getSSMBattingDetailsGets the SSM batting details
getSSMBowlingDetailsGets the SSM bowling details
getT20BattingDetailsGets the T20 batting details
getT20BowlingDetailsGets the T20 bowling details
getTeamBattingDetailsGet team batting details
getTeamBowlingDetailsGet the team bowling details
getWBBBattingDetailsGets the WBB batting details
getWBBBowlingDetailsGets the WBB bowling details
helperGets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframe
helper1Gets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframe from...
helper2Gets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframe
helper3Gets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframe for...
matchWormGraphPlot the match worm graph
matchWormWicketGraphPlot the match worm wicket graph
overallRunsSRDeathOversPlotT20Plot the Runs vs SR in death overs of Intl. T20 batsmen
overallRunsSRMiddleOversPlotT20Plot the Runs vs SR in middle overs of Intl. T20 batsmen
overallRunsSRPlotT20Plot the Runs vs SR of Intl. T20 batsmen
overallRunsSRPPowerplayPlotT20Plot the Runs vs SR in power play of T20 batsmen
overallWicketsERDeathOversPlotT20Plot the Wickets vs ER in death overs of Intl. T20 batsmen
overallWicketsERMiddleOversPlotT20Plot the Wickets vs ER in middle overs of Intl. T20 batsmen
overallWicketsERPlotT20Ranks the T20 bowlers
overallWicketsERPowerPlayPlotT20Plot the Wickets vs ER in power play of Intl. T20 batsmen
parseYamlOverParse yaml file and convert to dataframe
plotWinLossBetweenTeamsPlot wins for each team
plotWinLossTeamVsAllTeamsPlot wins for each team
rankODIBatsmenRanks the ODI batsmen
rankODIBowlersRanks the ODI bowlers
rankT20BatsmenRanks the T20 batsmen
rankT20BowlersRanks the T20 bowlers
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionSaves matches of all opposition as dataframe
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionBBLT20Saves matches against all BBL teams as dataframe for an BBL...
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionCPLT20Saves matches against all CPL teams as dataframe for an CPL...
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionIPLT20Saves matches against all IPL teams as dataframe for an IPL...
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionNTBT20Saves matches against all NTB teams as dataframe for an NTB...
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionPSLT20Saves matches against all PSL teams as dataframe for an PSL...
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionSSMT20Saves matches against all SSM teams as dataframe for an SSM...
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionWBBT20Saves matches against all WBB teams as dataframe for an WBB...
saveAllMatchesBetween2BBLTeamsSaves all matches between 2 BBL teams as dataframe
saveAllMatchesBetween2CPLTeamsSaves all matches between 2 CPL teams as dataframe
saveAllMatchesBetween2IPLTeamsSaves all matches between 2 IPL teams as dataframe
saveAllMatchesBetween2NTBTeamsSaves all matches between 2 NTB teams as dataframe
saveAllMatchesBetween2PSLTeamsSaves all matches between 2 PSL teams as dataframe
saveAllMatchesBetween2SSMTeamsSaves all matches between 2 SSM teams as dataframe
saveAllMatchesBetween2WBBTeamsSaves all matches between 2 WBB teams as dataframe
saveAllMatchesBetweenTeamsSaves all matches between 2 teams as dataframe
saveAllT20BattingDetailsSave all T20 batting details
saveAllT20BowlingDetailsSave all T20 batting details
saveAllT20MatchesAsDFOverall picture Ranks the T20 batsmen
specialProcUsed to parse yaml file
teamBatsmenPartnershiOppnAllMatchesTeam batting partnership against a opposition all matches
teamBatsmenPartnershipAllOppnAllMatchesTeam batting partnership in all matches all oppositions
teamBatsmenPartnershipAllOppnAllMatchesPlotPlots team batting partnership all matches all oppositions
teamBatsmenPartnershipMatchTeam batting partnerships of batsmen in a match
teamBatsmenPartnershipOppnAllMatchesChartPlot of team partnership all matches against an opposition
teamBatsmenVsBowlersAllOppnAllMatchesPlotPlot of Team batsmen vs bowlers against all opposition all...
teamBatsmenVsBowlersAllOppnAllMatchesReptReport of team batsmen vs bowlers in all matches all...
teamBatsmenVsBowlersMatchTeam batsmen against bowlers in a match
teamBatsmenVsBowlersOppnAllMatchesTeam batsmen vs bowlers all matches of an opposition
teamBattingPerfDetailsGets the team batting details.
teamBattingScorecardAllOppnAllMatchesTeam batting scorecard against all oppositions in all matches
teamBattingScorecardMatchTeam batting scorecard of a team in a match
teamBattingScorecardOppnAllMatchesTeam batting scorecard of a team in all matches against an...
teamBowlersVsBatsmenAllOppnAllMatchesMainCompute team bowlers vs batsmen all opposition all matches
teamBowlersVsBatsmenAllOppnAllMatchesPlotPlot bowlers vs batsmen against all opposition all matches
teamBowlersVsBatsmenAllOppnAllMatchesReptreport of Team bowlers vs batsmen against all opposition all...
teamBowlersVsBatsmenMatchTeam bowlers vs batsmen in a match
teamBowlersVsBatsmenOppnAllMatchesTeam bowlers vs batsmen against an opposition in all matches
teamBowlersWicketKindOppnAllMatchesTeam bowlers wicket kind against an opposition in all matches
teamBowlersWicketRunsOppnAllMatchesTeam bowlers wicket runs against an opposition in all matches
teamBowlersWicketsOppnAllMatchesTeam bowlers wickets against an opposition in all matches
teamBowlingPerfDetailsget team bowling performance details
teamBowlingPerfOppnAllMatchesteam bowling performance all matches against an opposition
teamBowlingScorecardAllOppnAllMatchesTeam bowling scorecard all opposition all matches
teamBowlingScoreCardAllOppnAllMatchesMainTeam bowling scorecard all opposition all matches Main
teamBowlingScorecardMatchCompute and return the bowling scorecard of a team in a match
teamBowlingWicketKindAllOppnAllMatchesteam bowling wicket kind against all opposition all matches
teamBowlingWicketKindMatchCompute and plot the wicket kinds by bowlers in match
teamBowlingWicketMatchCompute and plot wickets by bowlers in match
teamBowlingWicketRunsAllOppnAllMatchesTeam bowling wicket runs all matches against all oppositions
teamBowlingWicketRunsMatchTeam bowling wickets runs conceded in match
teamERAcrossOversCompute the ER in powerplay, middle and death overs
teamERAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatchesCompute the ER by team against all team in powerplay, middle...
teamERAcrossOversOppnAllMatchesCompute the ER by team against team in powerplay, middle and...
teamRunsAcrossOversCompute the runs in powerplay, middle and death overs
teamRunsAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatchesCompute the runs by team against all team in powerplay,...
teamRunsAcrossOversOppnAllMatchesCompute the runs by team against team in powerplay, middle...
teamRunSRDeathOversPlotAllOppnAllMatchesTeam batting plots runs vs SR in death overs for team against...
teamRunSRDeathOversPlotMatchTeam batting plots runs vs SR in death overs for team in...
teamRunSRDeathOversPlotOppnAllMatchesTeam batting plots runs vs SR in death overs for team against...
teamRunsSRMiddleOversPlotAllOppnAllMatchesTeam batting plots runs vs SR in middle overs for team...
teamRunsSRPlotAllOppnAllMatchesTeam batting plots runs vs SR for team against all...
teamRunsSRPlotMatchTeam Runs vs SR in match
teamRunsSRPlotOppnAllMatchesTeam batting Runs vs SR against oppositions in all matches
teamRunsSRPMiddleOversPlotMatchTeam batting plots runs vs SR in middle overs for team in...
teamRunsSRPMiddleOversPlotOppnAllMatchesTeam batting plots runs vs SR in middle overs for team...
teamRunsSRPowerPlayPlotAllOppnAllMatchesTeam batting plots runs vs SR in powerplay for team against...
teamRunsSRPowerPlayPlotMatchTeam batting plots runs vs SR in powerplay for team in match
teamRunsSRPowerPlayPlotOppnAllMatchesTeam batting plots runs vs SR in powerplay for team against...
teamSRAcrossOversCompute the Strike Rate in powerplay, middle and death overs
teamSRAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatchesCompute the strike rate by team against all team in...
teamSRAcrossOversOppnAllMatchesCompute the strike rate by team against team in powerplay,...
teamWicketERDeathOversPlotOppnAllMatchesTeam wickets vs ER in death overs against opposition all...
teamWicketERMiddleOversPlotAllOppnAllMatchesTeam wickets vs ER in middle overs against all opposition all...
teamWicketERMiddleOversPlotOppnAllMatchesTeam wickets vs ER in middle overs against a pposition all...
teamWicketERPowerPlayPlotOppnAllMatchesTeam wickets vs ER in powewrplay against opposition all...
teamWicketsAcrossOversCompute the wickets in powerplay, middle and death overs
teamWicketsAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatchesCompute the wickets by team against all team in powerplay,...
teamWicketsAcrossOversOppnAllMatchesCompute the wickets by team against team in powerplay, middle...
teamWicketsERDeathOversPlotAllOppnAllMatchesTeam wickets vs ER in death overs against all opposition all...
teamWicketsERDeathOversPlotMatchTeam wickets vs ER in death overs against opposition in match
teamWicketsERMiddleOversPlotMatchTeam wickets vs ER in middle overs against opposition in...
teamWicketsERPlotAllOppnAllMatchesTeam wickets vs ER against all opposition all matches
teamWicketsERPlotMatchTeam wickets vs ER against in match
teamWicketsERPlotOppnAllMatchesTeam wickets vs ER against all opposition all matches
teamWicketsERPowerPlayPlotAllOppnAllMatchesTeam wickets vs ER in powewrplay against all opposition all...
teamWicketsERPowerPlayPlotMatchTeam wickets vs ER in powewrplay against opposition in match
topERBowlerAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatchesCompute the best ER by bowlers against all team in powerplay,...
topERBowlerAcrossOversOppnAllMatchesCompute the best ER by bowlers against team in powerplay,...
topRunsBatsmenAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatchesCompute the most runs scored by batsmen against all team in...
topRunsBatsmenAcrossOversOppnAllMatchesCompute the most runs scored by batsmen against team in...
topSRBatsmenAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatchesCompute the highest SR by batsmen against all team in...
topSRBatsmenAcrossOversOppnAllMatchesCompute the highest SR by batsmen against team in powerplay,...
topWicketsBowlerAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatchesCompute the most wickets by bowlers against all team in...
topWicketsBowlerAcrossOversOppnAllMatchesCompute the best ER by bowlers against team in powerplay,...
winProbabilityDLPlot the win probability using Deep Learning model
winProbabilityGANPlot the win probability using GAN model
winProbabilityLRPlot the win probability using Logistic Regression model
winProbabilityRFPlot the win probability using Random Forest model
tvganesh/yorkr documentation built on May 13, 2023, 12:19 p.m.