
Defines functions utf8_to_html get_field .get_payload

# Utils

#' URL Encoder.
#' @description Encode a character string URI that has
#' declared marked encodings to a URL.
#' @param string any string
#' @return the input encoded as a URL.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
utf8_to_html <- function(string) {
    out <- stringi::stri_enc_toutf8(string) %>%
      urltools::url_encode() %>%

#' Field Object Check.
#' @description Check that the input is not NULL.
#' If so, return NaN, otherwise return the input 'as is'.
#' In other words, this just converts NULLs to NaNs, otherwise
#' the input is returned unaltered.
#' @param field the attribute from the yield of \code{.get_payload()}.
#' @return NaN if the input is NULL, otherwise the input.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
get_field <- function(field) {
    if (is.null(field)){

#' Get a data payload from the Genius API.
#' @description get the contents of a request to the
#' genius API using a given url and access_token.
#' @param url a formated request for the Genius API.
#' @param access_token the user's (your) access token to the Genius API.
#' For more detail about how to get it, see section Details
#' @return the cotents of the request.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.get_payload <- function(url, access_token){
    r <- httr::GET(
        "Accept" = "application/json",
        "Host" = "api.genius.com",
        "Authorization" = glue::glue("Bearer {access_token}")
    out <- httr::content(r, "parsed")
tylercroberts/rGenius documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:46 p.m.