
Defines functions tooltip

Documented in tooltip

#' Create a bootstrap tooltip
#' Create bootstrap tooltips for any HTML element to be used in shiny applications. 
#' @param refId [`character`] (**required**): 
#' id of the element the tooltip is to be attached to.
#' @param text [`character`] (**required**): 
#' Text to be displayed in the tooltip.
#' @param attr [`character`] (*optional*): 
#' Attach tooltip to all elements with attribute `attr='refId'`.
#' @param animation [`logical`] (*with default*): 
#' Apply a CSS fade transition to the tooltip.
#' @param delay [`numeric`] (*with default*): 
#' Delay showing and hiding the tooltip (ms).
#' @param html [`logical`] (*with default*): 
#' Insert HTML into the tooltip.
#' @param placement [`character`] (*with default*): 
#' How to position the tooltip - `top` | `bottom` | `left` | `right` | `auto`. 
#' When 'auto' is specified, it will dynamically reorient the tooltip. 
#' For example, if placement is 'auto left', the tooltip will display to the 
#' left when possible, otherwise it will display right.
#' @param trigger [`character`] (*with default*): 
#' How tooltip is triggered - `click` | `hover` | `focus` | `manual`. 
#' You may pass multiple triggers; separate them with a space.
#' @examples 
#' # javascript code
#' tt <- tooltip("elementId", "This is a tooltip.")
#' str(tt)
#' # example app
#' \dontrun{
#' shinyApp(
#' ui = fluidPage(
#'   jscolorInput(inputId = "col", label = "JSColor Picker", 
#'                value = "21BF6B", position = "right", 
#'                mode = "HVS", close = TRUE),
#'   tooltip("col", "This is a JScolor widget"),
#'   checkboxInput("cbox", "Checkbox", FALSE),
#'   tooltip("cbox", "This is a checkbox"),
#'   checkboxGroupInput("cboxg", "Checkbox group", selected = "a", 
#'                      choices = c("a" = "a",
#'                                  "b" = "b",
#'                                  "c" = "c")),
#'   tooltip("cboxg", "This is a <b>checkbox group</b>", html = TRUE),
#'   selectInput("select", "Selectinput", selected = "a", choices = c("a"="a", "b"="b")),
#'   tooltip("select", "This is a text input field", attr = "for", placement = "right"),
#'   passwordInput("pwIn", "Passwordinput"),
#'   tooltip("pwIn", "This is a password input field"),
#'   plotOutput("plot")
#' ),
#' server = function(input, output) {
#'   output$plot <- renderPlot({
#'     plot(cars, col = input$col, cex = 2, pch = 16)
#'  })
#' })
#' }
#' @import shiny
#' @md
#' @export
tooltip <- function(
  attr = NULL, 
  animation = TRUE, 
  delay = 100, 
  html = TRUE, 
  placement = 'auto', 
  trigger = 'hover') {
  if (is.null(attr))
    el <- sprintf("'#%s'", refId)
    el <- sprintf("\"[%s='%s']\"", attr, refId)
          sprintf("$(window).load(function(){ $(%s).tooltip({ html: %s, 
                  trigger: '%s', title: '%s', animation: %s, delay: 
                  {'show': %i, 'hide': %i}, placement: '%s' }); })",
                  el, tolower(html), trigger, text, tolower(animation), delay, delay, placement)
tzerk/RLumShiny documentation built on Feb. 4, 2022, 1:54 p.m.