#' The data from the study of Polish upper-secondary schools students.
#' It was conducted firstly in the same time as PISA 2009 study, with use of the
#' same cognitive tests and questionnaires as in PISA 2009, but on a different
#' group of students: first grade students of upper-secondary schools (in Poland
#' most of the students in a regular PISA sample attends lower-secondary
#' schools). The students who participated in the first wave of the study were
#' followed in the 2nd grade of upper-secondary school within the research
#' program \emph{Our further study and work} (\emph{Nasza Dalsza Nauka i Praca}).
#' Both studies were conducted by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
#' Polish Academy of Sciences.
#' \strong{The original data was changed a little, to better fit the purpose of
#' the game.}
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name FSW
#' @format data frame: 3796 obs. of 54 variables
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