API for ulrichriegel/Pareto
The Pareto, Piecewise Pareto and Generalized Pareto Distribution

Global functions
Calculate_alphas Source code
Calculate_taus Source code
Example1_AP Man page
Example1_EL Man page
Excess_Frequency Man page Source code
Excess_Frequency.PGP_Model Man page Source code
Excess_Frequency.PPP_Model Man page Source code
Fit_PML_Curve Man page Source code
Fit_PP Source code
Fit_References Man page Source code
GenPareto_Layer_Mean Man page Source code
GenPareto_Layer_Mean_s Source code
GenPareto_Layer_SM Man page Source code
GenPareto_Layer_SM_s Source code
GenPareto_Layer_Var Man page Source code
GenPareto_Layer_Var_s Source code
GenPareto_ML_Estimator_Alpha Man page Source code
Layer_Mean Man page Source code
Layer_Mean.PGP_Model Man page Source code
Layer_Mean.PPP_Model Man page Source code
Layer_Sd Man page Source code
Layer_Sd.PGP_Model Man page Source code
Layer_Sd.PPP_Model Man page Source code
Layer_Var Man page Source code
Layer_Var.PGP_Model Man page Source code
Layer_Var.PPP_Model Man page Source code
Local_Pareto_Alpha Man page Source code
PGP_Model Man page Source code
PGP_Model_Excess_Frequency_s Source code
PGP_Model_Excess_Frequency_v Source code
PGP_Model_Exp_Layer_Loss_s Source code
PGP_Model_Exp_Layer_Loss_v Source code
PGP_Model_Layer_Sd_s Source code
PGP_Model_Layer_Sd_v Source code
PGP_Model_Layer_Var_s Source code
PGP_Model_Layer_Var_v Source code
PPP_Model Man page Source code
PPP_Model_Excess_Frequency Man page Source code
PPP_Model_Excess_Frequency_s Source code
PPP_Model_Excess_Frequency_v Source code
PPP_Model_Exp_Layer_Loss Man page Source code
PPP_Model_Exp_Layer_Loss_s Source code
PPP_Model_Exp_Layer_Loss_v Source code
PPP_Model_Layer_Sd Man page Source code
PPP_Model_Layer_Sd_s Source code
PPP_Model_Layer_Sd_v Source code
PPP_Model_Layer_Var Man page Source code
PPP_Model_Layer_Var_s Source code
PPP_Model_Layer_Var_v Source code
PPP_Model_Simulate Man page Source code
Pareto_CDF Man page Source code
Pareto_Extrapolation Man page Source code
Pareto_Extrapolation_s Source code
Pareto_Find_Alpha_btw_FQ_Layer Man page Source code
Pareto_Find_Alpha_btw_FQ_Layer_s Source code
Pareto_Find_Alpha_btw_FQs Man page Source code
Pareto_Find_Alpha_btw_FQs_s Source code
Pareto_Find_Alpha_btw_Layers Man page Source code
Pareto_Find_Alpha_btw_Layers_s Source code
Pareto_Layer_Mean Man page Source code
Pareto_Layer_Mean_s Source code
Pareto_Layer_SM Man page Source code
Pareto_Layer_SM_s Source code
Pareto_Layer_Second_Moment_simple Source code
Pareto_Layer_Var Man page Source code
Pareto_Layer_Var_s Source code
Pareto_ML_Estimator_Alpha Man page Source code
Pareto_PDF Man page Source code
PiecewisePareto_CDF Man page Source code
PiecewisePareto_Layer_Mean Man page Source code
PiecewisePareto_Layer_Mean_s Source code
PiecewisePareto_Layer_SM Man page Source code
PiecewisePareto_Layer_SM_s Source code
PiecewisePareto_Layer_Var Man page Source code
PiecewisePareto_Layer_Var_s Source code
PiecewisePareto_ML_Estimator_Alpha Man page Source code
PiecewisePareto_Match_Layer_Losses Man page Source code
PiecewisePareto_PDF Man page Source code
Simulate_Losses Man page Source code
Simulate_Losses.PGP_Model Man page Source code
Simulate_Losses.PPP_Model Man page Source code
calculate_layer_losses Source code
dGenPareto Man page Source code
dGenPareto_s Source code
dPanjer Source code
dPareto Man page Source code
dPareto_s Source code
dPiecewisePareto Man page Source code
dPiecewisePareto_s Source code
is.NA.vector Source code
is.PGP_Model Man page Source code
is.PPP_Model Man page Source code
is.TRUEorFALSE Source code
is.TRUEorFALSE.vector Source code
is.nonnegative.finite.number Source code
is.nonnegative.finite.vector Source code
is.nonnegative.number Source code
is.nonnegative.vector Source code
is.nonnegative_or_NA.finite.vector Source code
is.number Source code
is.positive.finite.number Source code
is.positive.finite.vector Source code
is.positive.number Source code
is.positive.vector Source code
is.positive_or_NA.finite.vector Source code
is.string Source code
is.valid.PGP_Model Man page Source code
is.valid.PPP_Model Man page Source code
pGenPareto Man page Source code
pGenPareto_s Source code
pPareto Man page Source code
pPareto_s Source code
pPiecewisePareto Man page Source code
pPiecewisePareto_s Source code
print.PGP_Model Man page Source code
print.PPP_Model Man page Source code
qGenPareto Man page Source code
qGenPareto_s Source code
qPareto Man page Source code
qPareto_s Source code
qPiecewisePareto Man page Source code
qPiecewisePareto_s Source code
rGenPareto Man page Source code
rPanjer Source code
rPareto Man page Source code
rPiecewisePareto Man page Source code
solve_lp Source code
valid.parameters.GenPareto Source code
valid.parameters.Pareto Source code
valid.parameters.PiecewisePareto Source code
ulrichriegel/Pareto documentation built on April 21, 2023, 8:39 p.m.