Man pages for umatter/pvsR
Interact with the Project Vote Smart API for Scientific Research

CandidateBio.getAddlBioGet a candidate's additional biographical information
CandidateBio.getBioGet a candidate's main biographical information
CandidateBio.getDetailedBioGet a candidate's detailed biographical information
Candidates.getByDistrictGet a list of candidates according to the district they...
Candidates.getByElectionGet a list of candidates according to the election they are...
Candidates.getByLastnameGet a list of candidates according to their lastname A...
Candidates.getByLevenshteinGet a list of candidates according to an approximate lastname...
Candidates.getByOfficeStateGet a list of candidates according to office and state...
Candidates.getByOfficeTypeStateGet a list of candidates according to office type and state...
Candidates.getByZipGet a list of candidates according to ZIP code
Committee.getCommitteeGet detailed committee (contact) information
Committee.getCommitteeMembersGet a list of members of a committee
Committee.getCommitteesByTypeStateGet a list of committees according to type and state
Committee.getTypesGet the committee types (house, senate, joint, etc.)
District.getByOfficeStateGet district IDs according to the office and state
District.getByZipGet district IDs according to the zip code
Election.getElectionGet district basic election data
Election.getElectionByYearStateGet district basic election data according to year and state...
Election.getElectionByZipGet district basic election data according to the ZIP code
Election.getStageCandidatesGet district basic election data according to election ID and...
getAllBiosGet several candidates' biographical information
getAllCitiesGet basic data on all cities
getAllCountiesGet basic data on all counties
getAllDetailedBiosGet several candidates' detailed biographical information
getAllDistrictsGet basic data on all districts
getAllLocalOfficialsFetch data on all local (city- or county-) officials
getAllVotesGet several votes
getOfficesGet basic data on all offices
getPVS_keyGet user's Project Vote Smart API key.
Leadership.getOfficialsGet officials that hold the leadership role in certain states
Leadership.getPositionsGet leadership positions by state and office
Local.getCitiesGet cities in a state
Local.getCountiesGet counties in a state
Local.getOfficialsGet officials for a locality
Measure.getMeasureGet details of a ballot measure
Measure.getMeasuresByYearStateGet a list of state ballot measures in a given year
Npat.getNpatGet a candidate's most recently filled out NPAT/PCT...
Office.getBranchesGet a list of branches of government and their IDs
Office.getLevelsGet a list of levels of government and their IDs
Office.getOfficesByBranchLevelGet offices tracked according to branch and level
Office.getOfficesByLevelGet offices tracked according to level
Office.getOfficesByTypeGet offices tracked according to type
Office.getTypesGet all office types tracked
Officials.getByDistrictGet a list of officials according to the district they are...
Officials.getByLastnameGet a list of officials according to a last name match
Officials.getByLevenshteinGet a list of officials according to an approximate last name...
Officials.getByOfficeStateGet a list of officials according to office
Officials.getByOfficeTypeStateGet a list of officials according to office type and state
Officials.getByZipGet a list of officials according to the ZIP code
Officials.getStatewideGet a list of officials according to state representation
Rating.getCandidateRatingGet a candidate's rating by special interest groups
Rating.getCategoriesGet categories that contain released ratings according to...
Rating.getRatingGet all candidate ratings from an evaluation by a special...
Rating.getSigGet detailed information about a special interest group
Rating.getSigListGet a list of special interest groups according to rating...
Rating.getSigRatingsGet all ratings (scorecards) by a special interest group
State.getStateGet information about a state
State.getStateIDsGet a list of states and their IDs.
Votes.getBillGet general information on a bill
Votes.getBillActionGet detailed action information on a certain stage of the...
Votes.getBillActionVoteByOfficialGet a single vote according to official and action
Votes.getBillActionVotesGet votes listed by candidate on a certain bill action
Votes.getBillsByCategoryYearStateGet a list of bills according to category, year and state
Votes.getBillsByOfficialCategoryOfficeGet a list of bills according to office, candidate and...
Votes.getBillsByOfficialYearOfficeGet a list of bills according to office (optional), candidate...
Votes.getBillsBySponsorCategoryGet a list of bills according to sponsor(candidate) and...
Votes.getBillsBySponsorYearGet a list of bills according to sponsor(candidate) and year
Votes.getBillsByStateRecentGet a list of recent bills according to the state.
Votes.getBillsByYearStateGet a list of bills according to year and state
Votes.getByOfficialGet all the bills an official has voted on by year
Votes.getCategoriesGet a list of categories that contain released bills...
Votes.getVetoesGet a list of vetoes according to candidate
umatter/pvsR documentation built on Jan. 9, 2021, 4:35 p.m.