Man pages for umd-lib/animalmove
Analysis of animal population-level movement patterns to a data frame from the MCIndex object to a data frame from the PDIndex object
Individuals-ClassThe Individuals class
MCI-methodsComputing the standartizied distance from the mean
MCIndex-classThe MCIndex class
MCIndex-methodsMovement Coordination Index
PCI-methodsComputes Population Dispersion Index for the population
pdi.indexComputes Population Dispersion Index for the population
PDI-methodsExtracts XY coordinates from the Individuals object
PDIndexThe PDIndex class
plot-MCIndex-methodPlots Movement Coordination Index Object
plot.RMIndexHelper method to plot RMIndex
polygon-PDIndex-methodPlots Population Dispersion Index Object
RMI-methodsPlot RMIndex object
RMIndexThe RMIndex class
Subsampling-methodsProvides summary of overlapping time intervals
summary.MCIndexPrints Summary for the Movement Coordination Index This...
summary.pdiPrints Summary for the Population Dispersion Index
summary.PDIndexPrints Summary for the Population Dispersion Index
umd-lib/animalmove documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:24 p.m.