Man pages for umich-biostatistics/corrsurv
Two-Sample Tests for Correlated Survival Endpoints

AG_test_statAndersen-Gill test
dtailChoose appropriate tail for two-sided test
format_data_AGFormat observed data for Andersen-Gill method
format_data_GLFormat observed data for Ghosh and Lin method
format_data_ourmethodFormat observed data for TM (Tayob and Murray method)
get_mu_hat_star_tauEstimate and variance for Tayob and Murray
GL_test_statCalculate test statistic for Ghosh and Lin method
pairdataEarly Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study
pairtestPaired Two-Sample Tests for Survival Endpoints
plot.TMPlot a TM object
plot.TM2Plot a TM2 object
RMRL_functionCalculate RMRL
round2Round for print.pairtest
sum_functionHelper function for column sums of upper trianglular matrix
summary.pairtestPrint the summary of a pairtest object
summary.TMPrint the summary of a TM object
summary.TM2Summarize a TM2 object
TMTayob and Murray two-sample recurrent events test
TM2Tau-Restricted Mean Survival
TM2dataRepeated time-to-event data with censoring
TMdataRepeated time-to-event data with two treatment groups
umich-biostatistics/corrsurv documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 2:03 a.m.