Man pages for uribo/jpmesh
Utilities for Japanese Mesh Code

administration_meshExtract administration mesh code
coarse_gatherGather more coarse mesh
converterMesh unit converter
coords_to_meshConvert from coordinate to mesh code
cut_offCutoff mesh of outside the area
eval_jp_boundaryCheck include mesh areas
export_meshExport meshcode to geometry
fine_separateSeparate more fine mesh order
is_meshPredict meshcode format and positions
jpnrectSimple displaed as rectangel for Japan (fortified)
meshcodeVector of meshcode
meshcode_setExport meshcode vectors ranges 80km to 1km.
meshcode_sfConversion to sf objects containing meshcode
mesh_sizeIdentifier to mesh size
mesh_to_coordsGet from mesh code to latitude and longitude
mesh_viewerinteractive meshcode check
neighbor_meshFind out neighborhood meshes collection
rmeshGenerate random sample meshcode
sf_jpmesh1:200,000 Scale Maps Name with Meshcode of Japan.
uribo/jpmesh documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 9:48 a.m.