Man pages for urskalbitzer/daginR
Analyses of Monkey Data from Scan and Focal Samples

calc_dsi_topnAverages the DSI over the top n partners
calc_dyadic_ratesCalculation of behavior rates for female dyads
calc_dyadic_rates_mymgCalculate dyadic rates of interactions for several groups and...
calc_effort_ABCalculate focal time for female A while female B was present
calc_ind_NN_togetherFunction to calculate for all individuals, for each month the...
calc_ind_while_NN_presentFunction to calculate for all individuals, for each month the...
calc_LL_SFunction to calculate likelihood of mu and S (for 'get_S")
calc_matrix_correlationCalculates correlation between two (symmetrical) matrices...
calc_ppiCalculates the Partner Preference Index (PPI) based on two...
calc_sna_pars_dyadCalculate various individual social network parameters based...
calc_sna_pars_dyad_mymgCalculate various individual social network parameters based...
create_age_sex_codesRed Colobus: Create age-sex codes based on the link table
create_link_tableRed Colobus: Create table to link all synonyms to an...
determine_presenceDetermine presence of female in group
dyadic_rates_to_dsiFunction calculates DSI from dyadic rates
dyadic_rates_to_dsi_mymgFunction calculates DSI from dyadic rates for several groups...
get_CCs_from_timeperiod_listFunction to calculate the global Clusterin Coefficient (CC)...
get_cluster_info_from_timeperiod_listFunction that uses two algorithms (fast_greedy, infomap) to...
get_communitiesFunction to estimates of clustering in a network using the...
get_CVs_from_timeperiod_listFunction to calculate Coefficients of variation (CV) of...
get_dyadic_observationsFor each dyad within each time period, this function counts...
get_matrix_cors_from_timeperiod_listGet matrix correlations from timeperiod list
get_ppi_from_timeperiod_listGet the Partner Preference Index (PPI) from timeperiod list...
get_presence_rcDetermine presence of adult individuals in the Small Camp Red...
get_S_from_arrayCalculate multiple estimates of Social Differentiation...
get_S_from_matrixCalculate Estimate of Social Different according to Whitehead...
get_S_from_timeperiod_listCalculate multiple estimates of Social Differentiation...
get_simple_ratiosFunction to calculate the simple ratio association index for...
get_strength_from_ratesCalculate individual strength
get_strength_from_rates_mymgCalculate individual strength for multiple years and groups
get_transitivity_from_ratio_matrixCalculates the global clustering coefficient (or...
helloHello, World!
list_to_quantilesUses a named list (or vector of values) to calculate the...
permute_scan_dataPermutation of Nearest Neighbours in Red Colobus scan data:...
prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_dataPrepare Red Colobus scandata for determination of association...
prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data_one_periodPrepare Red Colobus scandata for determination of association...
urskalbitzer/daginR documentation built on Jan. 21, 2020, 1:26 a.m.