Man pages for validmeasures/spatialsampler
An Implementation of the Centric Systematic Area Sampling (CSAS) and Simple Spatial Sampling Method (S3M) sampling approaches in R

calculate_areaFunction to calculate the area size of the resulting hexagon...
calculate_dFunction to calculate the distance 'd' given an area size (in...
calculate_heightCalculate height (distance from north to south) of S3M grid...
calculate_lengthCalculate length (distance from east to west) of S3M grid...
calculate_nFunction to calculate the number of hexagonal grids
countryCentroidA dataframe of country centroids
create_bufferFunction to create a buffer around a SpatialPolygons or...
create_s3m_gridCreate the rectangular S3M grid given a value of d of the...
create_sp_gridFunction to create sampling grids as per CSAS or S3M...
find_utm_hemisphereFind UTM hemisphere based on a longitude and latitude GPS...
find_utm_zoneFind the UTM zone based on a longitude and latitude GPS...
gedaref_villagesA dataset of village names of Gedaref State, Sudan with data...
get_nearest_pointFunction to select nearest community to a given sampling...
get_nnFunction to select nearest community to a given sampling...
get_triA wrapper function to 'gDelaunayTriangulation()' to perform...
get_utmGet the appropriate UTM projection string given a longitude...
map_projectionsA dataset of UTM projections
nearest_pointFunction to select nearest community to a given sampling...
sennar_villagesA dataset of village names of Sennar State, Sudan with data...
spatialsamplerSimple Spatial Sampling Method (S3M)
sudan01A map dataset of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of level 1...
sudan02A map dataset of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of level 2...
vary_densityAdjust triangulation by by dividing a densely populated...
validmeasures/spatialsampler documentation built on Oct. 16, 2021, 3:15 a.m.