Man pages for vanderleidebastiani/daee
Data Analysis for Ecology and Evolution

add.taxa.phyloAdd species in a phylogenetic tree
add.tip.randomAdd tips at random to the tree
allmodelsLinear Models with all possible combinations of all variables
compact.treeCompact a phylogenetic tree
daee-packageData Analysis for Ecology and Evolution
graphical.node.patternsDefine graphical parameters to plot phylogenetic tree.
ICdetailsExtract details of information criterion
mantel.residualsResiduals from Mantel test
node.treeMakes node labels
organize.listOrganize a list with data.frame/matrix in a single matrix
plotcollapse.phyloPlot phylogenetic tree with nodes collapsed.
PVRPhylogenetic Eigenvector Regression
PVR.adonisPhylogenetic Eigenvector Regression (PVR) and eigenvector...
tree.label.infoShow information about a label in a phylogenetic tree
vanderleidebastiani/daee documentation built on Jan. 22, 2021, 2:41 p.m.