Man pages for vandomed/stocks
Stock Market Analysis

beta_trailing50Calculate Beta Using Last 50 Daily Gains
calc_metricCalculate Performance Metric
calc_metricsCalculate Performance Metrics
calc_metrics_123Calculate Performance Metrics for Any Combination of...
calc_metrics_2fundsCalculate Performance Metrics for 2-Fund Portfolios with...
calc_metrics_3fundsCalculate Performance Metrics for 3-Fund Portfolios with...
calc_metrics_overtimeCalculate Performance Metrics over Time
contango_hedgedBacktest a Hedged Contango-Based Volatility Trading Strategy
contango_simpleBacktest a Simple Contango-Based Volatility Trading Strategy
convert_gainConvert Gain from One Time Interval to Another
cum_metricCalculate Cumulative Performance Metrics
daily_yearlyConvert Daily Gain to X-year Gain
diffsLagged Differences (Alternate Implementation)
fangTicker Symbols for FANG Stocks (Facebook Apple, Netflix,...
gains_pricesConvert Sequence of Gains to Sequence of Prices
gains_rateCalculate Growth Rate from Sequence of Gains
get_sp500_tickersGet S&P 500 Ticker Symbols as on a Particular Date
highyield_etfsHigh-Yield ETFs from
label_metricConvert Label back to Performance Metric
largest_etfsLargest 100 Market Cap ETFs (as of 3/2/18) and Inception...
load_gainsDownload Historical Gains
load_pricesDownload Historical Prices
mddMaximum Drawdown
metric_choicesPerformance Metric Choices
metric_decimalsGet Number of Decimals for Performance Metric
metric_infoLookup Table for Performance Metrics
metric_labelGet Label for Performance Metric
metric_titleGet Title for Performance Metric
metric_unitsGet Units for Performance Metric
moving_meanMoving Averages
pchangesLagged Proportion Changes
pdiffsLagged Proportion Differences
plot_gainsPlot Gains for One Investment vs. Another
plot_growthPlot Investment Growth
plot_metricsPlot One Performance Metric (Sorted Bar Plot) or One vs....
plot_metrics_123Plot One Performance Metric vs. Another for Any Number of...
plot_metrics_2fundsPlot One Performance Metric vs. Another for 2-Fund Portfolios
plot_metrics_3fundsPlot One Performance Metric vs. Another for 3-Fund Portfolios
plot_metrics_overtimePlot One Performance Metric over Time or One vs. Another over...
prices_gainsConvert Sequence of Prices to Sequence of Gains
prices_rateCalculate Growth Rate From a Vector of Prices
ratiosRatios of Subsequent Elements in a Vector
rolling_metricCalculate Moving-Window Performance Metrics
rrrRisk-Return Ratio
sector_spdr_etfsSector SPDR ETFs
sharpeSharpe Ratio
sortinoSortino Ratio
sp500_datesLookup Table for Wikipedia S&P 500 Pages
stocksStock Market Analysis
targetallBacktest a Fixed-Allocation Trading Strategy
targetbeta_twofundsBacktest a Two-Fund Strategy that Targets a Certain Beta
ticker_datesGet Yahoo! Finance Start/End Dates for Tickers
title_metricConvert Title back to Performance Metric
vanguard_etfsVanguard ETF's
vanguard_fundsVanguard Mutual Funds
vanguard_productsVanguard Products
vandomed/stocks documentation built on July 22, 2020, 3:25 a.m.