Man pages for vanduttran/dsMOdual
Server Side Functions on XX' Sum of Squares and Cross Products Matrices

dot-cleanupRemove objects from the current workspace
dot-decode.argDecode from base64 and deserialize from json if necessary
dot-encode.argEncode function argument
dot-federateSSCPFederated SSCP
dot-lock.unlockLocks or unlocks bindings in environments
dot-loginWrapper of datashield.login
dot-ls.allList all objects in all environments
dot-partitionMatrixMatrix partition
dot-printTimePrint time
dot-rebuildMatrixMatrix reconstruction
dot-rebuildMatrixDscSymmetric matrix reconstruction
dot-solveSSCPFind X from XX' and X'X
dot-toEuclideanEuclidean distance
federateComDimFederated ComDim
federateHdbscanFederated hdbscan
federateSNFFederated SNF
federateUMAPFederated UMAP
matrix2DscFDBigmemory description of a matrix
testSSCPTest federateSSCP
vanduttran/dsMOdual documentation built on Jan. 19, 2025, 6:36 a.m.