
## GNU General Public License version 3 , see file LICENCE ============== =====
##    sourcefile of package 'ggsolvencyii'
##    Copyright (C) <2018>  < Marco van Zanden , git@vanzanden.nl >
##    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##    (at your option) any later version.
##    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##    GNU General Public License for more details.
##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## ====================================================================== =====
## sii_x_fillcolors_sf16_eng ============================================ =====
#' sii_x_fillcolors_sf16_eng
#' a colorset, as named list, where each accumulationlevel and each type of risk has it's own color, where ".._other" has the same color as the "motherlevel", i.e. 'market_other' has the same color as 'market' while other 'm_..' risks have a different hue.
#' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made with \code{preparingtables.R} (not included in this package) which can be found on \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii}
#' @format A list with items in the form "\emph{description}"= "#\emph{colorcode}":
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_x_fillcolors_sf16_eng
#' installedtable

## sii_x_edgecolors_sf16_eng ============================================ =====
#' sii_x_edgecolors_sf16_eng
#' a colorset, as named list, where each risk has the edgecolor of the "motherlevel", as defined in the \code{..fillcolors..} variable.
#' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made with \code{preparingtables.R} (not included in this package) which can be found on \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii}
#' @format A list with items in the form "\emph{description}"= "#\emph{colorcode}":

#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_x_edgecolors_sf16_eng
#' installedtable

## sii_x_fillcolors_sf16_nld ============================================ =====
#' sii_x_fillcolors_sf16_nld
#' a colorset, as named list, where each accumulationlevel and each type of risk has it's own color, where ".._other" has the same color as the "motherlevel", i.e. 'market_other' has the same color as 'market' while other 'm_..' risks have a different hue.
#' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made with \code{preparingtables.R} (not included in this package) which can be found on \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii}
#' @format A list with items in the form "\emph{description}"= "#\emph{colorcode}":
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_x_fillcolors_sf16_nld
#' installedtable

## sii_x_edgecolors_sf16_nld ============================================ =====
#' sii_x_edgecolors_sf16_nld
#' a colorset, as named list, where each risk has the edgecolor of the "motherlevel", as defined in the \code{..fillcolors..} variable.
#' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made with \code{preparingtables.R} (not included in this package) which can be found on \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii}
#' @format A list with items in the form "\emph{description}"= "#\emph{colorcode}":

#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_x_edgecolors_sf16_nld
#' installedtable

## sii_structure_sf16_eng =============================================== =====
#' sii_structure_sf16_eng
#' a standard formula structure (as of 2016), with descriptions in English.
#' @docType data
#' @source determined based on specification of EIOPA standard formula Solvency II structure. \cr
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'           \item{description}{string: the name of the component}
#'           \item{level}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component}
#'           \item{childlevel}{string, same format as level, indicating the level of which the components combine into this level }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_structure_sf16_eng
#' installedtable

## sii_structure_sf16_nld =============================================== =====
#' sii_structure_sf16_nld
#' a standard formula structure (as of 2016), with descriptions in Dutch.
#' @docType data
#' @source determined based on specification of EIOPA standard formula Solvency II structure. \cr
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'           \item{description}{string: the name of the component}
#'           \item{level}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component}
#'           \item{childlevel}{string, same format as level, indicating the level of which the components combine into this level }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_structure_sf16_nld
#' installedtable

## sii_levelmax_sf16_995 ================================================ =====
#' sii_levelmax_sf16_995
#' maximum number of items in a level, 99 items for levels 1-3
#' (SCR, BSCR/OR/ADJ, Market/life/... risks) and 5 items for lower level risk
#' (equity/longevity/...) in a standard formula structure.
#' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'           \item{level}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component}
#'           \item{levelmax}{positive integer indicating the total number of components to be shown in a level, consisting of the x-1 largest components and the remaining components combined in one other}
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_levelmax_sf16_995
#' installedtable

## sii_levelmax_sf16_993 ================================================ =====
#' sii_levelmax_sf16_993
#' maximum number of items in a level, 99 items for levels 1-3 (SCR, BSCR/OR/ADJ, Market/life/... risks) and 3 items for lower level risk (equity/longevity/...) in a standard formula structure.
#' @docType data
# '
#' @source
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden} :
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'           \item{level}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component}
#'           \item{levelmax}{positive integer indicating the total number of components to be shown in a level, consisting of the x-1 largest components and the remaining components combined in one other}
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_levelmax_sf16_993
#' installedtable

## sii_plotdetails_sf16 ================================================= =====
#' sii_plotdetails_sf16
#' A table for \code{\link{geom_sii_risksurface}} and \code{\link{geom_sii_riskoutline}} indicating which outlines of each item should be shown, specified per level and/or description. the latter overrule the former. \cr
#' when defining an item (or the \code{squared = TRUE} transformation) 4 lines can be distinguished, a radialline going outwards, a circle segment (clockwise), a radialline going inwards, a circle segment (counterclockwise). These are numbered as outline1 to outline4.
#' @docType data
#' @source determined based on specification of EIOPA standard formula Solvency II structure
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{levelordescription}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component \strong{AND/OR} description(s) from the corresponding structure }
#'            \item{surface}{boolean (logical): the surface }
#'            \item{outline1}{boolean (logical): the radial line }
#'            \item{outline2}{boolean (logical): the outer line  }
#'            \item{outline3}{boolean (logical): the radial line  }
#'            \item{outline4}{boolean (logical): the inner line }
#'            \item{outline11}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline1, but but only for the first plotted component of that level. The components in each  level are plotted clockwise}
#'            \item{outline13}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline3, but but only for the last plotted component of that level. }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_plotdetails_sf16
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex1_data ======================================================= =====
#' sii_z_ex1_data
#' example dataset, in tidyverse format, for the showcase of a limited structure.
#' @docType data
#' @source loosely based on public SFCR report of a medium sized dutch life insurer
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{time}{numerical: a representation of an x value: \cr The x aesthetic could also be a normal numbering, or a longitude}
#'            \item{ratio}{numerical: solvency II ratio, a representation of an y value: \cr y aesthetic could also be a lattitude}
#'            \item{description}{character: component of the structure}
#'            \item{id}{ number: a grouping item}
#'            \item{value}{numerical: positive for risks, negative for diversification effects}
#'            \item{comparewithid}{numerical: a reference to the id of another datapoint }#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex1_data
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex1_structure ================================================== =====
#' sii_z_ex1_structure
#' a adapted (compact) structure, for a life-insurer with only  market and life risk and their subrisks
#' @docType data
#' @source determined based on specification of EIOPA standard formula Solvency II structure
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'           \item{description}{string: the name of the component, or a diversification}
#'           \item{level}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component}
#'           \item{childlevel}{string of the same format as level, indicating the level of which the components make up this item }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex1_structure
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex1_fillcolors ================================================= =====
#' sii_z_ex1_fillcolors
#' a colorset, as named list, where each accumulationlevel and each type of risk has it's own color, where ".._other" has the same color as the "motherlevel", i.e. 'market_other' has the same color as 'market' while other 'm_..' risks have a different hue.
#' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made with \code{preparingtables.R} (not included in this package) which can be found on \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii}
#' @format A list with items in the form "\emph{description}"= "#\emph{colorcode}":
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex1_fillcolors
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex1_edgecolors ================================================= =====
#' sii_z_ex1_edgecolors
#' a colorset, as named list, where each risk has the edgecolor of the "motherlevel", as defined in the \code{..fillcolors..} variable.
#' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made with \code{preparingtables.R} (not included in this package) which can be found on \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii}
#' @format A list with items in the form "\emph{description}"= "#\emph{colorcode}":

#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex1_edgecolors
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex1_levelmax =================================================== =====
#' sii_z_ex1_levelmax
# ' tekst
#' maximum number of items in a level, 99 items for levels 1-3 (SCR, BSCR/OR/ADJ, Market/life/... risks) and 3 items for lower level risk (equity/longevity/...)
# ' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
# ' \describe{
# '           \item{level}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component}
# '           \item{levelmax}{positive integer indicating the total number of components to be shown in a level, consisting of the x-1 largest components and the remaining components combined in one other}
# '          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex1_levelmax
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex1_plotdetails ================================================ =====
#' sii_z_ex1_plotdetails
#' #'
#' A table for \code{\link{geom_sii_risksurface}} and \code{\link{geom_sii_riskoutline}} indicating which outlines of each item should be shown, specified per level and/or description. the latter overrule the former. \cr
#' when defining an item (or the \code{squared = TRUE} transformation) 4 lines can be distinguished, a radialline going outwards, a circle segment (clockwise), a radialline going inwards, a circle segment (counterclockwise). These are numbered as outline1 to outline4.
#' @docType data
#' @source determined based on specification of EIOPA standard formula Solvency II structure
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{levelordescription}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component \strong{AND/OR} description(s) from the corresponding structure }
#'            \item{surface}{boolean (logical): the surface }
#'            \item{outline1}{boolean (logical): the radial line }
#'            \item{outline2}{boolean (logical): the outer line  }
#'            \item{outline3}{boolean (logical): the radial line  }
#'            \item{outline4}{boolean (logical): the inner line }
#'            \item{outline11}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline1, but but only for the first plotted component of that level. The components in each  level are plotted clockwise}
#'            \item{outline13}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline3, but but only for the last plotted component of that level. }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex1_plotdetails
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex1_plotdetails2 =============================================== =====
#' sii_z_ex1_plotdetails2
#' #'
#' A table for \code{\link{geom_sii_risksurface}} and \code{\link{geom_sii_riskoutline}} indicating which outlines of each item should be shown, specified per level and/or description. the latter overrule the former. \cr
#' when defining an item (or the \code{squared = TRUE} transformation) 4 lines can be distinguished, a radialline going outwards, a circle segment (clockwise), a radialline going inwards, a circle segment (counterclockwise). These are numbered as outline1 to outline4.
#' @docType data
#' @source determined based on specification of EIOPA standard formula Solvency II structure
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{levelordescription}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component \strong{AND/OR} description(s) from the corresponding structure }
#'            \item{surface}{boolean (logical): the surface }
#'            \item{outline1}{boolean (logical): the radial line }
#'            \item{outline2}{boolean (logical): the outer line  }
#'            \item{outline3}{boolean (logical): the radial line  }
#'            \item{outline4}{boolean (logical): the inner line }
#'            \item{outline11}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline1, but but only for the first plotted component of that level. The components in each  level are plotted clockwise}
#'            \item{outline13}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline3, but but only for the last plotted component of that level. }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex1_plotdetails2
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex2_data ======================================================= =====
#' sii_z_ex2_data
#' example dataset, in tidyverse format, with only one instance of a limited filled sf structure.
#' @docType data
#' @source loosely based on public SFCR report of a medium sized dutch life insurer
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{time}{numerical: a representation of an x value: \cr The x aesthetic could also be a normal numbering, or a longitude}
#'            \item{ratio}{numerical: solvency II ratio, a representation of an y value: \cr y aesthetic could also be a lattitude}
#'            \item{description}{character: component of the structure}
#'            \item{id}{ number: a grouping item}
#'            \item{value}{numerical: positive for risks, negative for diversification effects}
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex2_data
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex3_data ======================================================= =====
#' sii_z_ex3_data
#' example dataset, in tidyverse format, with all columns of the complete SF16 structure present in the data but with only a few risks filled with non-zero values,
#' @docType data
#' @source loosely based on public SFCR report of a medium sized dutch life insurer
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.

#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{time}{numerical: a representation of an x value: \cr The x aesthetic could also be a normal numbering, or a longitude}
#'            \item{ratio}{numerical: solvency II ratio, a representation of an y value: \cr y aesthetic could also be a lattitude}
#'            \item{description}{character: component of the structure}
#'            \item{id}{ number: a grouping item}
#'            \item{value}{numerical: positive for risks, negative for diversification effects}
#'            \item{comparewithid}{numerical: a reference to the id of another datapoint }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex3_data
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex3_plotdetails ================================================ =====
#' sii_z_ex3_plotdetails
#' #'
#' A table for \code{\link{geom_sii_risksurface}} and \code{\link{geom_sii_riskoutline}} indicating which outlines of each item should be shown, specified per level and/or description. the latter overrule the former. \cr
#' when defining an item (or the \code{squared = TRUE} transformation) 4 lines can be distinguished, a radialline going outwards, a circle segment (clockwise), a radialline going inwards, a circle segment (counterclockwise). These are numbered as outline1 to outline4.
#' @docType data
#' @source determined based on specification of EIOPA standard formula Solvency II structure
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{levelordescription}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component \strong{AND/OR} description(s) from the corresponding structure }
#'            \item{surface}{boolean (logical): the surface }
#'            \item{outline1}{boolean (logical): the radial line }
#'            \item{outline2}{boolean (logical): the outer line  }
#'            \item{outline3}{boolean (logical): the radial line  }
#'            \item{outline4}{boolean (logical): the inner line }
#'            \item{outline11}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline1, but but only for the first plotted component of that level. The components in each  level are plotted clockwise}
#'            \item{outline13}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline3, but but only for the last plotted component of that level. }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex3_plotdetails
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex4_data ======================================================= =====
#' sii_z_ex4_data
#' example dataset, in tidyverse format, with several instances of a filled sf structure,
#' @docType data
#' @source based on public SFCR 2017 reports of a medium sized dutch life insurer in Oosterhout
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{time}{numerical: a representation of an x value: \cr The x aesthetic could also be a normal numbering, or a longitude}
#'            \item{ratio}{numerical: solvency II ratio, a representation of an y value: \cr y aesthetic could also be a lattitude}
#'            \item{description}{character: component of the structure}
#'            \item{id}{ number: a grouping item}
#'            \item{value}{numerical: positive for risks, negative for diversification effects}
#'            \item{comparewithid}{numerical: a reference to the id of another datapoint }#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex4_data
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex4_structure ================================================== =====
#' sii_z_ex4_structure
#' a adapted (compact) structure with no division of market, life, .. risks in subrisks (i.e. equity, longevity,... ). Descriptions are in English
#' @docType data
#' @source determined based on specification of EIOPA standard formula Solvency II structure
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'           \item{description}{string: the name of the component, or a diversification}
#'           \item{level}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component}
#'           \item{childlevel}{string of the same format as level, indicating the level of which the components make up this item }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex4_structure
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex4_levelmax =================================================== =====
#' sii_z_ex4_levelmax
# ' tekst
#' maximum number of items in a level, 99 items for levels 1-3 (SCR, BSCR/OR/ADJ, Market/life/... risks) and 3 items for lower level risk (equity/longevity/...)
# ' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
# ' \describe{
# '           \item{level}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component}
# '           \item{levelmax}{positive integer indicating the total number of components to be shown in a level, consisting of the x-1 largest components and the remaining components combined in one other}
# '          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex4_levelmax
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex6_data ======================================================= =====
#' sii_z_ex6_data
#' example dataset of a internal model of a large Dutch insurer (NN group). Values are fictious
#' @docType data
#' @source the structure is based on public SFCR 2017 report of NN group,
#'   with a possible wrong interpretation of diversification effects towards 'market basis and CPD risk'\cr
#'   #' See \href{https://preview.tinyurl.com/ggsolvencyii-001}{preview.tinyurl.com/ggsolvencyii-001}, page 33 linking to
#'   www.nn-group.com /nn-group /file?uuid=e3e89829 -e7bd -495a -9fed
#'   -4bc54a9349eb&owner =c5df72fd -8a65 -4f75 -956d -5e37307aa50c &contentid =2311 \cr
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden},
#'   from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R} in the same directory.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{time}{numerical: a representation of an x value: \cr The x aesthetic could also be a normal numbering, or a longitude}
#'            \item{ratio}{numerical: solvency II ratio, a representation of an y value: \cr y aesthetic could also be a lattitude}
#'            \item{description}{character: component of the structure}
#'            \item{id}{ number: a grouping item}
#'            \item{value}{numerical: positive for risks, negative for diversification effects}
#'            \item{comparewithid}{numerical: a reference to the id of another datapoint }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex6_data
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex6_data2 ====================================================== =====
#' sii_z_ex6_data2
#' example dataset of a internal model of a large Dutch insurer (NN group). Values are fictious. \cr
#'   To show 'counterparty default risk (CPD)' separate from the two components
#'   'type 1' and 'type 2' the following assumption is made: The (fictious)
#'   diversification towards the higher level from CPD risk is transferred
#'   to a position between CPD and its two components.
#'   A similar approach is used to show 'business risk',
#'   'life risk', 'morbidity risk' and 'non-life risk'
#'   and their (7,4,4 and 4) components
#' @docType data
#' @source the structure is based on public SFCR 2017 report of NN group,
#'   with a possible wrong interpretation of diversification effects towards 'market basis and CPD risk' \cr#'
#'   See \href{https://preview.tinyurl.com/ggsolvencyii-001}{preview.tinyurl.com/ggsolvencyii-001}, page 33 linking to
#'   www.nn-group.com/ nn-group/file? uuid=e3e89829 -e7bd -495a -9fed
#'   -4bc54a9349eb&owner =c5df72fd -8a65 -4f75 -956d -5e37307aa50c &contentid =2311
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden},
#'   from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R} in the same directory.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{time}{numerical: a representation of an x value: \cr The x aesthetic could also be a normal numbering, or a longitude}
#'            \item{ratio}{numerical: solvency II ratio, a representation of an y value: \cr y aesthetic could also be a lattitude}
#'            \item{description}{character: component of the structure}
#'            \item{id}{ number: a grouping item}
#'            \item{value}{numerical: positive for risks, negative for diversification effects}
#'            \item{comparewithid}{numerical: a reference to the id of another datapoint }#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex6_data2
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex6_structure ================================================== =====
#' sii_z_ex6_structure
#' a standard formula structure (as of 2016), with descriptions in English.
#' @docType data
#' @source determined based on specification of EIOPA standard formula Solvency II structure. \cr
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'           \item{description}{string: the name of the component}
#'           \item{level}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component}
#'           \item{childlevel}{string, same format as level, indicating the level of which the components combine into this level }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex6_structure
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex6_fillcolors ================================================= =====
#' sii_z_ex6_fillcolors
#' a colorset, as named list, where each accumulation-level and each type of risk has it's own color, where ".._other" has the same color as the "motherlevel", i.e. 'market_other' has the same color as 'market' while other 'm_..' risks have a different hue.
#' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made with \code{preparingtables.R} (not included in this package) which can be found on \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii}
#' @format A list with items in the form "\emph{description}"= "#\emph{colorcode}":
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex6_fillcolors
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex6_edgecolors ================================================= =====
#' sii_z_ex6_edgecolors
#' a colorset, as named list, where each risk has the edgecolor of the "motherlevel", as defined in the \code{..fillcolors..} variable.
#' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made with \code{preparingtables.R} (not included in this package) which can be found on \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii}
#' @format A list with items in the form "\emph{description}"= "#\emph{colorcode}":

#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex6_edgecolors
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex6_levelmax =================================================== =====
#' sii_z_ex6_levelmax
# ' tekst
#' maximum number of items in a level, 99 items for levels 1-3 (SCR, BSCR/OR/ADJ, Market/life/... risks) and 3 items for lower level risk (equity/longevity/...)
# ' @docType data
#' @source
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
# ' \describe{
# '           \item{level}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component}
# '           \item{levelmax}{positive integer indicating the total number of components to be shown in a level, consisting of the x-1 largest components and the remaining components combined in one other}
# '          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex6_levelmax
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex6_plotdetails ================================================ =====
#' sii_z_ex6_plotdetails
#' #'
#' A table for \code{\link{geom_sii_risksurface}} and \code{\link{geom_sii_riskoutline}} indicating which outlines of each item should be shown, specified per level and/or description. the latter overrule the former. \cr
#' when defining an item (or the \code{squared = TRUE} transformation) 4 lines can be distinguished, a radialline going outwards, a circle segment (clockwise), a radialline going inwards, a circle segment (counterclockwise). These are numbered as outline1 to outline4.
#' @docType data
#' @source determined based on specification of EIOPA standard formula Solvency II structure
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{levelordescription}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component \strong{AND/OR} description(s) from the corresponding structure }
#'            \item{surface}{boolean (logical): the surface }
#'            \item{outline1}{boolean (logical): the radial line }
#'            \item{outline2}{boolean (logical): the outer line  }
#'            \item{outline3}{boolean (logical): the radial line  }
#'            \item{outline4}{boolean (logical): the inner line }
#'            \item{outline11}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline1, but but only for the first plotted component of that level. The components in each  level are plotted clockwise}
#'            \item{outline13}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline3, but but only for the last plotted component of that level. }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex6_plotdetails
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex7_data ======================================================= =====
#' sii_z_ex7_data
#' example dataset, in tidyverse format, with all columns of the complete SF16 structure present in the data but with only a few risks filled with non-zero values,
#' @docType data
#' @source loosely based on public SFCR report of a medium sized dutch life insurer
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.

#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{tijd}{numerical: a representation of an x value: \cr The x aesthetic could also be a normal numbering, or a longitude}
#'            \item{ratio}{numerical: solvency II ratio, a representation of an y value: \cr y aesthetic could also be a lattitude}
#'            \item{description}{character: component of the structure}
#'            \item{id}{ number: a grouping item}
#'            \item{waarde}{numerical: positive for risks, negative for diversification effects}
#'            \item{vergelijkmet}{numerical: a reference to the id of another datapoint }#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex7_data
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex7_plotdetails ================================================ =====
#' sii_z_ex7_plotdetails
#' #'
#' A table for \code{\link{geom_sii_risksurface}} and \code{\link{geom_sii_riskoutline}} indicating which outlines of each item should be shown, specified per level and/or description. the latter overrule the former. \cr
#' when defining an item (or the \code{squared = TRUE} transformation) 4 lines can be distinguished, a radialline going outwards, a circle segment (clockwise), a radialline going inwards, a circle segment (counterclockwise). These are numbered as outline1 to outline4.
#' @docType data
#' @source determined based on specification of EIOPA standard formula Solvency II structure
#'   made from excel-file in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}, from there transfered to R environment with code in \code{preparingtables.R}.
#' @format A data frame with columns:
#' \describe{
#'            \item{levelordescription}{string with format \emph{'level(numeric)' [<point> 'sublevel(numeric)'] ['d']} i.e. 1, 2.01, 3.1d where d indicates a diversification component \strong{AND/OR} description(s) from the corresponding structure }
#'            \item{surface}{boolean (logical): the surface }
#'            \item{outline1}{boolean (logical): the radial line }
#'            \item{outline2}{boolean (logical): the outer line  }
#'            \item{outline3}{boolean (logical): the radial line  }
#'            \item{outline4}{boolean (logical): the inner line }
#'            \item{outline11}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline1, but but only for the first plotted component of that level. The components in each  level are plotted clockwise}
#'            \item{outline13}{NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: boolean (logical): analogue to outline3, but but only for the last plotted component of that level. }
#'          }
#' @examples
#' installedtable <- sii_z_ex7_plotdetails
#' installedtable

## sii_z_ex8_map ======================================================== =====
# ' sii_z_ex8
# ' #'
# ' A map of western Europe, to show a location based geom_sii_risk...() plot
# '
# ' @docType data
# '
# ' @source stamen
# '   made with code in \code{preparingmap.R}, located in \href{https://github.com/vanzanden/ggsolvencyii/tree/master/_data_helperfiles}{github.com/vanzanden}.
# '
# ' @format a ggplot2 object
# '
# ' @examples
# ' installedtable <- sii_z_ex8_map
# ' installedtable

## ====================================================================== =====
vanzanden/ggsolvencyii documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:23 p.m.