as_num | Coerce character to numeric |
calc_acf | Auto-correlation computation |
calc_association | Compute association coefficents |
calc_auc | Area under the curve computation |
calc_combination | Combination/Permutation computation |
calc_correlation | Correlation coefficents computation |
calc_cv | Coefficient of variation computation |
calc_error | Error metrics computation |
calc_kurtosis | Kurtosis computation |
calc_mean | Mean computation |
calc_modality | Modality computation |
calc_mode | Mode computation |
calc_peak_density | Peak density value computation |
calc_perc | Compute a percentage |
calc_skewness | Skewness computation |
count2 | Compute the frequency of counts, giving a group variable |
count_na | Count the number of NA observations |
cut_by_quantile | Convert numeric vector to factor, using quantiles intervals |
dttm_diff | Difference between two dates |
dttm_vars | Create auxiliar variables for a date variable |
expand_grid_unique | All combinations of inputs without repetitions |
format_digit | Format value to complete with zeroes to the left |
format_num | Format numeric value to add marks |
format_p_value | Format p value |
format_scale | Rescale data |
is_blank | Conditional check for a blank value |
is_date | Conditional check for a date variable |
is_datetime | Conditional check for a datetime variable |
is_even | Conditional check for an even value |
is_integer | Conditional check for an integer value |
is_negative | Conditional check for a negative value |
isnot_in | Conditional check if a value is not contained in a vector |
isnot_na | Conditional check if a value is not a NA |
is_odd | Conditional check for an odd value |
is_outlier | Conditional check for an outlier value |
is_positive | Conditional check for a positive value |
is_string | Conditional check for an string value |
is_weekend | Conditional check if a date is a weekend |
is_zero | Conditional check for a value equal to zero |
obj_to_string | Return an object name as a string |
pal_div | Palettes for divergent scale |
pal_qua | Palettes for qualitative scale |
pals_div | List of palettes |
pal_seq | Palettes for sequential scale |
pals_qua | List of palettes |
pals_seq | List of palettes |
pals_two | List of palettes |
pal_two | Palettes with two constrast colors |
pipe | Pipe operator |
plt_flip_y_title | ggplot2: Flip y axis title |
plt_identity_line | ggplot2: Add a identity line to a scatter plot |
plt_no_background | ggplot2: Apply a transparent background. |
plt_no_grid | ggplot2: Removal of grid |
plt_no_labels | ggplot2: Removal of all labels |
plt_no_text | ggplot2: Removal of all text and ticks from both axis |
plt_pinpoint | ggplot2: Add a single point with two lines in a ggplot2 |
plt_regression_line | ggplot2: Add a regression line to a scatter plot |
plt_scale_auto | ggplot2: Add an automatic scale to a plot |
plt_scale_y_mirror | ggplot2: Mirror the y axis on the right side |
plt_theme_map | ggplot2: A clean black and white theme for maps |
plt_theme_x | ggplot2: A black and white theme without major grid lines in... |
plt_theme_xy | ggplot2: A black and white theme without minor grid lines |
plt_theme_y | ggplot2: A black and white theme without major grid lines in... |
plt_water_mark | ggplot2: Application of a watermark |
replace_boolean | Replace a boolean variable |
replace_na | Replace a NA value |
row_number_unique | Create a rank given unique values from a variable |
rpearson | Generate two variables linear correlated |
stat_missing_values | Calculate the percentage of missing values |
stat_normality | Test the normality of a numeric variable |
stat_two_cat | Summary table for comparative analysis between two... |
stat_two_num | Summary table for comparative analysis between two numeric... |
str_clean | Remove punctuation and/or accent from a string |
str_extract_char | Extract a specific character from a string |
str_keep | Keep only a type of characters in a string |
str_select | Select parts of a string, given patterns |
str_to_abb | Convert case of a string, without impacting abbreviations |
summary_cat | Summary of categorical variables |
summary_num | Summary of a numeric variable |
summary_seq | Summary of sequence of values |
summary_xy | Summary of two numeric variables |
vfx_watermark | Watermark example |
vfx_watermark_white | Watermark example |
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