pigeons: Pigeon seed consumption data

pigeonsR Documentation

Pigeon seed consumption data


Data set used for the dietary analysis of two feral pigeon (Columba livia) populations. There are six seed types, and their distance relationships are given in matrix dfood.




diet.barcelona - a data frame containing the seed consumption (in grams) of pigeons taken from the population in Barcelona.

diet.moia - a data frame containing the seed consumption (in grams) of pigeons taken from the population in Moia.

dfood - a distance matrix (object of class dist) containing the relationships between the six seed types. Distances were calculated from data describing the nutritional content and dimensions of each seed type.


De Caceres, M., Sol, D., Lapiedra, O. and P. Legendre. (2011) A framework for estimating niche metrics using the resemblance between qualitative resources. Oikos 120: 1341-1350.



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