plots: Quick plotting

plotsR Documentation

Quick plotting


These functions are intended to be used to quickly generate simple exploratory plots using the package ggplot2.


plot_scatter(data, x, y, ...)

plot_line(data, x, y, ...)

plot_hist(data, x, bin_width = NULL, ...)

plot_qq(data, x, ...)



A data frame.

x, y

x and y aesthetics as the bare (unquoted) name of a column in data.


Additional arguments to be passed to the ggplot2::aes() function.


The width of the bins in a histogram. When NULL (default), it uses the number of bins in bins (defaults to 30). You can also use one of the character strings "Sturges", "scott" or "FD" to use one of the methods to determine the bin width as in grDevices::nclass.*()


A ggplot object.


plot_scatter(mtcars, disp, mpg, color = factor(cyl))
plot_line(Orange, age, circumference, colour = Tree)
plot_hist(iris, Petal.Width, bin_width = "FD")
plot_qq(mtcars, mpg)

verasls/lvmisc documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 8:21 a.m.