Man pages for vimc/dettl
Data Extract, Transform, Test and Load

add_fk_dataAdd tables with foreign key constraints for testing
add_missing_function_fieldsAdd any missing required fields to the config using defaults...
convert_bit64_columnsConvert any bit64 type columns to integers.
db_connectConnect to the database configured via yaml.
db_get_log_tableGet the log table name from configuration for a particular db
dettlCreate an import object using functions defined at specified...
dettl_auto_loadAutomatic load function for append mode imports.
dettl_auto_load_createAutomatic load function for create mode imports.
dettl_configGet db config from path.
dettl_config_read_yamlRead yaml file representing a db config.
dettl_create_log_tableInitialise the database by creating log table if it doesn't...
dettl_db_argsGet the DB args from config.
dettl_locate_configLocate the directory containing the config file.
dettl_newCreate new directory and templated code for new dettl...
dettl_runRun specified stages of an import
dettl_saveSave data
expand_wildcardsExpand any wildcards in source file paths.
get_fk_constraintsGet FK constraints
get_network_dependenciesConstruct list of network dependencies for use in building...
get_non_empty_columnsGet non-empty columns
get_postgres_fkGet FK constraints for postgres connection
get_sqlite_fkGet FK constraints for SQLite connection
git_branchGet the current git branch from path.
git_emailGet the git from git dir
git_hashGet the full hash of the current git HEAD
git_repo_is_cleanCheck if git repo is clean
git_root_directoryLocate the git project root directory
git_userGet the git from git dir
ImportGeneric import object.
ImportLogGenerate log data and manage recording timings for an import
insert_into_returningInsert values into table returning the primary key
load_sourcesRead file fields of the dettl config yaml file.
parse_constraintsParse foreign key constraint data frame into list...
parse_sql_dateParse date into POSIXct UTC from SQL db.
postgres_insert_empty_rowInsert an empty row and returned desired columns.
prepare_example_dbPrepare example db
prepare_test_importPrepare example import inside a git repo
read_function_fieldsRead function fields of the dettl config yaml file.
read_r_configGet dettl config from path for an R import.
read_sql_configGet dettl config from path for a SQL only import.
RImportManage R based data import.
run_extractRun extract step.
run_transformRun transform step.
setup_dettlSetup dettl import in a tempdir.
sql_dialectGet the SQL dialect used for a connection.
SqlImportManage SQL based data import.
sqlite_enable_fkEnable foreign key constraints for SQLite connections
sqlite_execute_queryExecute sql insert query returning added columns desired...
sqlite_insert_empty_rowInsert an empty row and returned desired columns.
test_extractRun tests for the extract step.
test_transformRun tests for transform step.
update_child_tablesUpdate child tables using inserted foreign keys
verify_dataVerify the transformed data adhered to the DB schema.
verify_tableVerify the data adheres to the DB schema.
vimc/dettl documentation built on Oct. 6, 2022, 2:13 p.m.